B16 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, September 7, 2007 Comparing Us Fun lt's Also Profiutable There's over a $1 0,000 spread in car insurance rates for this car. You can bet 1 didn't pick the company that cost the most. 1 went to InsuranceHotline.com and found the insurance company that had the best rate for me. Most drivers, right now, are payrng $100's, even $1.000s of dolars more than necessary for their car insurance. A number of drivers betieve if theyre paying more, theyre getting more. They're flot. Att insurance companies sett the exact same insurance potîcy. word for word. Ifs ike buying a can of pop at the variety store for $1 or paying $4~ for it at a sports event. Same pop, different price. Same insurance poticy, dîfferent prîce. Look at this rate comparîson pubtrshed by the government of Onario. There are $1,000s of dottars dfference between what insurance companies charge for the same poticy. Same poticy. different prîces. The government posts these charts as warnîngs. They are teffing you thaf if you dont shop and compare you are in danger of grossty overpayîng. InsuraneHoftUne.com finds this rat for divers! $500 $450M $3500 $3000 $2500 $1.500 $1,000 $Su0 *rn. InsuranceHottine.com instantty compares over 30 insurance company rates for your car, home or life insurance and quotes you the Lowest rate. If youre atready paYi ng the best rate, this service wiLttCo nfirm1 t for you. So be happy. If youre flot, you've just found yourse[f a bunch of free money. How much fun is that?!?! Chart Source: Government of Ontario, www.fsco.gov.on.ca. a!î d -- 3 . 'u,4, ulr r ' cDýd upNe n Nt r Companies AXA Insurance- AXA-Pacfic AtistaÏe C i -n-ë Arrericarr Home-Asrac Reiair i sr.rarc e Comrpan-y 44.5 r rsur-nce Comrrpanry cUMiS i3erreraoInlsurarce certsDrecInsrance Chubb r esura-nce Company Co-operators Geceral coachmaenIrrsrrrarce- Dominionrof Canada Echelon GeneralI r srane Er-onomricai Mutucait - Etie I esr.rarrece opany Farreers' M-alr rsoranrre- Fede-rated Inuac Federatri nuac d o re u tratInrsurarrce Guararriee Company NG Irsrance com parry inrosaay GeeratIisurarce Lt oyd's MotorsInrac Nordic InC ace Optirmr Poico isuac PerebrAje rsanc PerhsotIrue Cmpny Pror s.rraeoeco-pro- Prrmmrrm Insranctre Company Rec Ge-erat -Inso rnce Royat & Surr Alirance S&àýY nsürance company Scottroh & York ins-uac Seorrty Narrorai -Ins ac Stare Farm MoIrai TO GerreraL r rsurroece TD Home anrd-Auto Inuac T adero Dieerainsrourorue Trafalgar I eor.rarrce Compan-y UrrirrrrdýAssrrr--e-Corrpay Waterloro r esrre Comrpany Wararresa Mrrloat Inuac Western Assuranre Company_ To r 6 Fr e & ë osur o y Zerrh iosurare Company iKlYi IK6VI IL8Vi iM6Yi iN6A) INSWI iP3EI IP7K) 2714. 2547 4390 5528 3616 3896 2915 2810 4714 254 6 4390 5530 3615 3897 2914 _2811 3141 2625 4047 3603 j3199 l3011 3015 2843 2528 2348 3719 3997 30l9 3048 2602 283 292b 2472 5106 4420 3685 4145 2895 2942 3203 3051 5494 srsr 3982 4819 3646 3626 2295 2237 3431 4472 3002 3489 2559 2611 2395- -- 21-63 3567- 4304 2648 2572 1918 1846 2080- 2026 2 696 -3660 ----246 2750 41628 2246 2195 3343 -3029- 2714 21 2328 22 2812 -2690 3692 -336j5 -- 2385 291 334 370 2270 1870 3554 3125-- 263-7 2920 -2521 2566 2131 1780 2994 2886 2463- 2744 2187 2006 2060 2001 3143- 37067 -- 290Ï 4 2 8306 2319 2088 6078 481-0- 8393 10639 67714 8265- 4606 -4807 1953 1783 2751l 73 21 2347 1973 -15-96 2669 2544 4504 3906 3268 3500- 2914 2965 :3244 -2761 -389-3- 4728 336 -2-58 35-11 3571 3394 3048 S 421-8 50650- 33-21 4633 -3798- 3703 195ý3 1783 2751 2703 21 16 2347 1973 19 2484 2040 3297 4569 2888 30Ï23 29 2067 2638 2362 4001 4308 3352 3172 2697 2769 3005 2608 4088 3839 3453 3299 3009 2627 4998 4094 -6447 783-8- 5698 Ï449 4675 4922 3147 3274 -4214 - 5017 3282 -3732 3451- 3612 22Y3 221-6 3466 -3732- 2-491 31-29 -25ý92- 24 2511 -2123- 3538 3880- -2858 31068 269 622 -2149 22 58 38 2604 3139 _2394 2415 2947 2485 3513 5-352 3831 3483 3214 2-392 3911 3207 486 632 419 4081 3---477 3411 2400 -- 2179 3045 3659_ 3118 2956 2258- 2180 131 15 06 1808 1667 1634 -1416 141-6 3930 3633 5476 5357 4203 4587 _3921 -3146 2917 2862 4801 4648 3684 4123 3035 3222 2920 2263 _3997 4566 2956 3505 31365 -- 2948 2511 244 2 3610 4317 2883 3209 2942 3037 1 813- -19 26- 3 141 -2687 -2332- 2173 2 516 2165 2140 2182 --.3547 3628 2818 -2908 1901 --2365 2517 2405 4475 3599 3086 3391 2752 2725 2651 2527 4468 3868 3241 3464 2896 2936 3312 2981 4767 5119 3U54 4485 3811 3894 2427 2343 4021 3775 3104 3327 3052 2765 25 U251 3721 3807 2801 3279 2909 -296 2678 2751 3834_ 5199 2913i 4189 3296 _2904 2661 -2320 __4252__ 3880 3312 3624 2864_ 2790 2594 2147 3650 3369 2887 3290 2426 235 1763 1792 2468 3109 2028 2189 -20600 218é4 1992 1816 2742 27Y5 2140 2509 1993 1767 2855 2750 421 1 4600- 3689 ---Ï529 --3370 ---2874 2464... . 2019 3559 3942 2652 - 2915 - -2541 2223 2557 2129 3669 3983 3058 3029 2778. 2837 4972 4871 6760 7302 5472 6311 5670 5320 Dare ta Compare. It costs you nothing ta do a quick anline quote, but can cost you dearly if you don't. Insurac sHottseI.om Dar s s Coma. Insurance brokers interested in participating. go to InsuranceHottine.comn and ctick on the top bar entitLed brokers.