Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Sep 2007, p. 27

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September il, 2007 - A27 ."l-p irofessionals If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: 875 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3 or Fax to: 878-4943 Dr. Mlrkoss BSc DDS towne 905a876al I M n-t BSc.,DD.S. Snacks We're constantly amrazed by the number of young people who have decay. Aside from the fact that, i they are hoflc est, they'ff admit that they dont bnash or floss as much as they should. their eatîng habits promote cavittes. Most people know that the bacteniain their mouth uses sugar ta praduce acid which, in tuma causes the cavitios. Unfortunately, moat people also consume an awfuf lit more sugar than an heafthy for their teeth (or body in genc oral. In fact, the average Canadian consumes 147 Ibs of sugar per year. A lot of that is în the forai of sugary snacks or drinks. What you may not know es that certain ktnds of sweets do more damage than others. Chewy or gooey snacks,- such as Fruit Rol-upa or even crackers, wîf f stick 10 the teeth for a longer ttme and therefore cause more damage. Its also important 10 conander the number of imes a day you snack. Each exposure 10 a sugary snack causes an ackl aflack iasting about 20 minutes. So i you want somethirtg sweet. eat it wth a meaf. i.e. dessert. Recause the saliva flow is hîgher duning a meal. it alan hepa wash away the sugar faster. Whats tho best way ta fimit sugary snacks? Donit buy hiem. If hiey arent ere, you cant eat thora. lnstead have snacks such as canrots, cheese cubes or grapes handy to help promote healthy choices. IIIPARTNERS IN PLANNING 15 FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD. H R 1 F s inii(M0) 876-0120 Fax: (MO) 876-2934 420 Main Street East, Suite 203, Lou Mullgan Milton, Ontario LOT I99M CR, Ctu, EC Question: Wbat is incarne spfittag for sentorsretirees al about? Answer: Inctime spfatting puntcufarks for seniors has become a hot topta n Canada as our popalation r' aging and faoking l'or uays ta ninimize the tan barden. Lasi montb nie deait with famifs income splitting ideas. Lets look a somte options fo eirtres Beginning bhis Nfear (200)î on are abfe to alîalt lN rur spînuse or coin- mon-la% panner up liai501' i of pension irconie bati s efigible foir the pen- stan incoe tuta-crdît, Tis nicans bharif :Riripensumion ime s $tif.IXXI >ou car claini $3O.fffXf and noar sponse cana faini $lO.fXt) This can renaît n a consistent tax sasîngs thrniaebina retitemeni. The litnofaeltiile iîom aorwis fased ons Naur are fit cao tiacde pen- sinannaitien. RRSP. aid RRIF's Sincra fris afectiswuar ponue ,s t.,s triifere iarneua finraalfef te Joiit efetiiin Inn SpfiîPenisîin frninie nihia h tînant se frfed a 1th frînî fTis aloicatioîn Aiflatfect the ireatineni rt incîrne tas a îthcfd ai souarce and the pensioin dedactî ion asa thee ouf afsîi fe split ietweennina and s Our ponase ffd Agc Secuanîs inn('àaarfaQaclicu Pension flan fiasrient, hie a ditter- cnt rnte spittire stratePs Afso the-'cee redît* pînna ided foii fia orniid- ale -irainte enInn', Carfe transîerred ithe fiomre patner, Ilf in are teceis ing peniain ticrnme in 2M)" and tatane leur,laie the tîme tanoinrk anal the noaflnbe iîte sina aitOsciai spoueniae l iaItas reîams tio mai\fie pas iL emtrutas illin dinni' foii tîd ul lia thee r nîîae pîitiides ,appytiltOuri nnaid I a\luLiai fenedit caatIPatiner,-nlPlantni neMilion iris'- i i 1 A u' . r-. - .'. ". n.ý S,5 a u Taylor Nursery ~~ 7429 I-fth LUne, Milton (rgbî ai tecasi end of Main S.) 905-876-4100 Phil Lawton Can 1Jstil plant treen and shrubs ina the fal! or do I have to wait until npring? Nom is an exceeffent time la pfant Icees and sitruirs shen tbey stif f bave a chance ta gel esîabfisbed belare minier... .and teyf f pet a bcad stan on nent springi At Tayfor Nursery, oir trees and shrnbs are guaaanted la tver-winter tbcîr firsi yeari No matter mitat lime ail ear yîru pflani, tl ff fimpianling insrnctions carcflffy. Here are sarte suggestiorns frîîm Landscape Ontario. Preparing the Hole-DithIe brife atIefasî f2 cm.lin ail sîdes fipper than te rt bau].Ciard drainage sý essentiaf If yîru arc pi anlrng in cf ay soifs. make tire haie even bîggcr and raîse te feve ofi the pi anîrnp area 5-8i cm. abase the sarrounding grade.Pilan tan fi arinund tbe riant bau oîîth a giard soif min Ibat inciades 2517( peat mnss andi 251- manure. Bulled & Burap-Ans lice. sitrah oiii egreen \aithit is ciarbaif orapped inta flap andi sîrînL oîr \aire basket. must ire pianîcai fufis arappea i l]iarîrunai tbe bail arih rard surfmis tir hree-qaarters faIt, tirer uater tinrupiti Titer attIre altring rirpearr te antre basket fiiiips, and frîf ac ak tbe bnrlap. Pash il dion tesîdes and lfil be rest ofithebeobrife lbIsilf Fibre Pots,---cas e the prîtinn' Drnt dîstaîf te rnuits These pots arc inade toir a\aasin te srîî andi plant rints atîll casifs penetrate îbem Break ofi the fptrîtni o\4arn toir aucet eland make tibreccula, np the sîdesrî thlie piltsat haffýaN r frraitire butlim np tirthe rap edge Then plant and fitiff holre rtb gord surf nus, Plastic Pots-Water thinniighfs iefare remîrs une cprît Trsritt tappnin n sîdes andi fsitîîm tri finrsen te sur f and rian)t hait in carefaffinimake lai cals lin lpprîsîle sies if ibe prittI peefthe hin\esropen (lentis trisisen ans urîiasded rts bieurreplanting, Whlen You Are Done Vicier tituiraiaehfs aiinL a roýirai îîaatîîng transplant terirzer. Matuch tri retard aeedafnad rmairn rnrsîare \ilit halsîr m1Uataes trrti surincr itear and au inter cîîid XDRUG MT Open to midnight 7 das aweelî Carnage Square, 265 iain St.E. D» 905-878-4492 ROSS Question: Si, doto sans 1 have amthma. %Chat s athnaanti h, dol nu-d 2 diPerent palIers' Ansueeîl : -Îài.iiiiar 'an.rimionr îaera'.ifinc c iaar-re Liagica R Uace i iaanMatfn.a the r are hirrle-ire ni.a en,itie nu1aieau a rara'- ,u' f ia n rfair se ' h ii, rira ire fituait ii r air oerrer and car lia-e Oa aa li ia, ii sfean iiflhai nrrar ai-r i caîcpiani riclraae coAaae heeiq.ri anncrci frihîadheq iirhtrr. The 1- -1,as pc iiairafrclranecati,Ruedeireaic..iaaare *caaaiiaail'ranca- l.acarraaîîraueL'dec a , nrairrrnieaa.aîr hcrnlaaaeuîe n iaeueai rd.eai naltthrii %aanipini R"c\ di, ihl.ahicjUarioinla ationa:n 'ire a-a , ropa.aace- îrfe aa i lI, u e iar lrheRrni aaîrakiair ileaa clhriarair.aeaRa-a1nIrîalredflau- n.ea- calraarlnaaoliarcaraarccthrear adai aa.aiîai caia a fra hc Su ao i-ade u a a 1c caclrurr ua 5ejaaa accaa-.e QIar afîeeaaeru arc aau liraenr., c e iralac eol lie 'a rc' Taie a raand! laeaacaaaC aae -!tet, 'hLr I cnisaaasccr. crou i ""'r ahercii-era -i,aiun a5' 1,e; uSaýk"i a(ca Cra ail 11., 1 a'11~1 uca- t r r a a a lla-c s 11:ara W7ccrsalc'reOr' a r -a. c, -Oc '- ci aa ii ai.usacccdi'c-a c O' hm ie-caaOiacesrrced h.ic- naacaeccaccuicca -ecsaccicae lradr a i csaaarle "aaec c' cae! r' c More questions about asthma and the medicationo uaed to treai ii? Jusn ask Your Heath watch Pharmacia:.' Lindsay Juken, RMT Cathieena MCTaviSI, RMT V Y Bnbby StrnlI, C.R. Jîfa uti Milton Medical Building Rynaae (Honnn)B.Sc., RMT 8.5e., RMT Milton Therapenlie Massage wonld f ike la take tris opportunity ta weicome anc nemest Regrslered Massage Tirerapisl. Lindsey Jakes. RMT. Lrndsey brîngra ta anc cluate a weaitit of knowledge and exerence. Lrndsey trained ta become a Massage Therapisî aI Suîterland-Chan Sciroof and Teaciig Cf taie. Lindsey iras been a Regrslercd Massage Tirerapist for te pasî 6 years and bas spent Ihîs lime eslabfising iterseif bere in Milton. Lrndsey specialites ta therapenlie and rehabîfîtaîjon treatmenîs as mci f as Soredisit and pre/prîsi natal massage.Site also iras spectafia'ed training ta CranioSacral Titerapy. CrantaSacrai Tirerapy is a getlfe method of detecîran and correction taI encourages te bmdys owna nalural heafing mîcianîsi.Tire craniosacrad so'sîerrncrînsîsî,s of tire menmbranes and cerebrinspinaf fard ltai saronids and prînlecîs te brara and spinal caîrd. Il entends franm tirefaînes of te skuif. face and mnîrth it osiraittrie p tire crantnm. daman tatire sacram. on taiurne arca. CranrurSacraf Tirerapv streagîheas tire uîdy's abriîlitolaite better care of itsel1 Il ireipratoalales-te a range of pain and dsfrnctrrnns incladrng. beadacte.s and migraine. cbrrnîc neck aad bock pain and stress and tension refaîed pnaaibfms, Cail 905-878-0800 Nono Offering Refexolog* & Craniosacral Therapy 75 Main St., Ste. 10 Mlon Modical Baildings CI* Hum: M«L-fv -8*SM. 10-2 e CWoSmd uiay ~ AAMor tgage #MAIc hii'Lects Johan AMP 878-7213 6%5 %SîSîiliRd- HOW MUCH HOME COULO VOUR RENT BUY? h - e s au-1a0 l'C ast c-a- z I-a aT ' lc e alea e ai, r0r NoaoCaIrtat a CaraTa a-on ,Sa-es- j r a--c,ne rlii nCalr(rIa-Ohrf connes In raimnaa-aisur( rThe a-uia,ç ic5 sa-- tra - tc-, i e aý c, c.a e rusa ra, -onr 7o T br "" . is e as-a me'..' a caa a a -a 1 eýcane ' htýO nafr re S air a o- a ie r nta a C -oa fOc T Te oc "a n ae-'ae n SO f '2 i r rai Oa-g S150hirO cs Dr " 'alai i3 Sîc 2351 crF'ig or , Si tiO irasac, -irS a-Su c DuDec a" -OicaolaS283 47a mon.çagîsh'a-a 'Ou- C' asia -01igage a, Dac : aca r pa-ýes air rîîra raser 0 TIa ljDýat.a-oaa a FcOan -Oe. aaaaccuec a- Y-c 2 r9rR'a-.."'e_ tr eoca arru a. cacl ,a O, , I Oaracca, a.-ýP - sccacaa ýrc-c-cae-1cga l CI- a e nT" - cr F- c en _ei i cca. r ' n's - _. ' - g - - c - - c eu-c ' 3- T " -1- a a é p--' a-rcai.acaaaTra ic maeau- ae- ana-c' incc-aaOa';rýcaeiýc acricc'ic a v c'a a D- a D>o ,- S- c e clP -e- r -ec 'O-aie tarao-g-a -ie atf-eilsiv 1

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