Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Sep 2007, p. 29

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September il1, 2007 - A29 IAskThe irofessionals If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: I \sI< The Profes4~onaI<' 875 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3 or Fax to: 878-4943 BARROW FAMILY j CHIROPRACTIC i 180 Ontario St. S. Milton (905) 878-4994 EAi.îB.". Fax: (905) 875-4485 Fm"i: drabarrow@& CHIROPRACTIC HELPS CHILD DEVELOPMENT Did you know that 65 % of neural development occwrs in a child's firsi year of 111e?! Did you also kaow that approximately 80% of ail eblidren bave an upper neck houe risaigned? Do you know these 2 questions are related?... L-etme teliyou! The irst vears ota ciid*s life are xii s tai to their future. Ail input coming int or leasing the brain impacts them n sontie isas. 80% of chiidren arc born %vith a misaignmnent in the upper portion ot their cervical spîne îneck regoni Sxîponîaticaiiî. the clinicai pîcture of thix can range from central motor inîpatrment and deveiopnîent to the iowered rexîtance to infections. especcally tb car. noxe and throat infections. If a chid does nîît properfi receixc infornmation [rom the ens ronmient. (hetr dexeioprnent t- inîpaired. realîtyisi distorted and dimînixheci and the chid trosup ssîtb.a distorted sien xof tbemxeisex and their nvorid. A thiiiipractor*s oie is tii examine the spitte and cnsiirc that eath of i's parts i,, ntosing properix. If nîsi. inierterence tii the nerosiu 55 stent can occur and thc hotu nl nîti bi able to funicîîîn and heai at an optintal lcxci A chiriipractiir hix been îraitîcd lu perlorm a peciic. cicntitic adcIuxtmcnt realigning the hunes (il the xpine. takîîîg intericrence otf thc nerîltux sîxiten. thiix aloning a chîld (or aduiti tii receixe thc prîlper xoviatoxenxuurx stimlation for îptînîai de% eiîîpimn Il ionu have questiion> regarditte ilur child'x dceeipvienî. pleaxe do not hcitatelo entaitlixus t draharron Çaa-s iipatico.ta orcalil Electrolysis Col e of Canada Ine. tASER & COSMII- rt CENTRF Judift E. Fie, Directer Dermal Therapy 55e ail \%ant lis look sonneger in relation tii(our indîsîîlnal lîtesiex and careerx. Youngér loiine xkin ix noîs attaitiable ss 1h lexx insve and non-xnrgical xaNsx lirejnsenate the xkin. Whateser one's budeet or tunie comiitnient. a iixiietlc prîttedure Can lb- cntomizeat 1 onexs need olr choicex. Frexh Knîiss ictie and a multitude 0f îev and or proxen technologiîes are asaîlable tieiihaiice and improse the terne. texture aîîd re]utnatiiin ic desîre. Dermal means auestfiig peitainifng tir ihe skini Dies thieskin e eet comfxrt. protiection, cteainîg ir! repaîT' What ix Dermal Therapv' Ir isthei- aneg îj. proîtectiontrand irespîesi bilis fir the însirail gîxîsi hi-alth andf appeaanîc uij the skiru We addrexx thexe îsuex. bs uine- the latexî rexearch as ailable. nmicroxcopic six ual aîdx and i s ariefi oft uttîne edee technîîýiîxîn a prîfst xîîîai linicai xettinn XxA,,netstciio% cexare itisn2îng iO the non-phsxician reahnlit i ii iiiipsrtant thbtt lie altli antd xatetx tandardx aie upheld. Thcrapot s ite%%thxkin uîideriiaeniticatin ornicroxscope. aliiisinL~ theni to detctt certain >kîî aiinorssalitiex. îr underinu phNi scal conditionx:.Te xkîn xxthe largeexterean utilte hixfs-andi pert uirnix nianssi ia uiit iin, nè-&e>ýart lfor healttitandi atîraclîs ciexx tne kiniIiLtiht]Nx nillixi. -otit ai lextblch\xnature. but the xun. agc. andien\ii irinieitîai factoirixliui take their toit. The Dertitixtir esîxbo las ruothle -k i. al, ixt i îîa-truc xKin liax xeseral lxriiiiîl> ix nit îxceaxi iillitxiii lx aler adiii xxxi thrixîi ei at and k pexd iikix trengthiiiavnd rexilitne t 1, inipexaîlse thai ilie iierapixi tie xxticieiitxl\ i-inetl iv xkîî a>. ex 'i t xher pflis xiOfto îrx ýi ith inftluencteli lieilth andi xielh hi-ithe kin The kixtiece ix tter, a l)erniat Thiapi îiC tt i, txeoiii!ein te ilndu-trsa' 'i taer [il proîxi ittInIx xietîx xi xiii ite it ktiti eigeenid r-titcxxiitaiite xxto nclàCT 'ii i 'iiuN - î 1 a> i[lite xxeet t-or elctt c '1e 1'tex1tili1it iirrx l ,er\i Le- The xxi ttlitetr\i, ,ii x andt iti ii i iterlîiietirie PlTtii, I l euhttic îhîtî ti :w1lttît . ýle1ttcan ail e\ etlentrex(tiiîî 1001 xxilt iliture uxt 159 Main -SI. E..,1.Unit 9. Nijtonl Niedical At ts Building. Side Entrancc 905-864-0000 Efayne Tanner & Associates 1 c. Elayne M. Tanner BA., BSWM.S.WR.SW., OlP SOC. ADM. Counselling & Psychotherapy Milton (905) 854-0801 Elayne M. Tanner Q.: 1 know that everyone feeLs nervouis sometimes but wheu 1 have Eu, go out Eu any social or work related event 1 get so amuonsd fearful that now 1 prefer Eu stay home. A.:Wbcn vour anxicty ix thîx evîreme. yîîu nîay bas-c shat ix knittn as stctil anxîcîx disorder. Soiai ansieiy dîxîîrder cas es a perxitn feeling intense fear ofi being in situations where uadtnt knov, peotple tir lcci udged. Yî nitai fear heing etnbarrascd o ti îced and bumîlîated. Vitu mas funuf vîurxclf xbaking,. biiixhing. seating. feeling nauseonx. citnlused. tense and ctaitimy. Tbese are jasi sîîme ofi the xx tpitmx. Sotie people thînk that social anxiefî distîrder ix a braîn chernical, bîtîlogical issue site tthers tbînk t if a learned bhaviour Altbough no one ix sure. ibere ix research tbat suggesixs women get if more than men; uttu arc motre ikeix iii base ibis dîsorder if sîîmeînc in vîtar famiy bad tf and tl ttu xuffered negatîve experencex sncb as hullsîng ax a tbild. Tbe hîggext prîîblcm ahitut iis dîsorder is tbati icausesx itt iimti unr fle mitre and more untîl sain are alraîd ti gît tut ai ail Thîx uot'couurse. cati muin ittur ite, ýosîrcbîvlîne aîd uxur career. Tbe one bhing tbat rexîartberx are certaini about regarding xiuial aiiielî dîxtîrder ix bhat il rexpttndx iii a embinatîion if îîedîcatîîxn an-J ciLtnie bebas utîntibrapiIbhe hcst rexuIts xeertîtolx lushen tbese tuot are nsd oetf iutier. Cîînîîîîse bebhas tîur Iberapi statex thiatsunr titin ibîugbis. an-J tthie xtuatîîxî. deternuine bhou wîu Ihase an-J usiii teatb wtît cbatne tbe usa\ îxu tbînk xii ibaiî\ou catilunitin in a usas bat ix xalîite t ti( r sîxu and ti tue mkeep xxxii indtti ii itr honîte. - - Il l-, i Pi N Gix 0 [i i l i Y 0 .)1tR S i i F [1DR. RON STROHAN Kv-I OBTOMTRI ST Wakefield Professional Centre 100 WAKEFIELD RD or onSohn MILTONONTARIO- L9T 2L8 optometfsn PHONE: 905-878-5882 - FAX: 905-878 7158 A penny for your thoughts... Amieu cons-ersanion \4 itb a sixîitor to m\ office named 'PensN Pentux I1can't. e e li. 1 need tien% gasses. Ms eesxare fine. i el base to make an appointment wtb îou sometime. Dr *No itx sNotur esex sbîhcbcanttxe,.it bas notbing teoonttb tbe oiassex -- PennNi --1 i s juxt [eing svanie' Yex. ionare rngbt 1 lusitbougbt I ould iblane it on tbe -lasses. i \% iii nec-J to took an appointient to bas e mx e es examînedi- Hotm\iohmstitixsdou e hiarne on an aspect otber tban our-Iseixe \itt If bappenx nitre offenrtbati %tu tbink. Beinît attixaitabte niean- adrnrtîng %siec ttati our \salue, anti " et ais a\i ti u oeitibut nmore offetnttiVision i,, for lit uixsx uon i- i log x ue eet or cexHcaltiîh e ,ýontrixttine t actoxr us icb \ou it vîle irateiltifxr lu 'i11 oR \ 1510'-. WORTH \-\\'t -'. OCITOBLR IiS \ISION N f)TH COlAC CL \isSA [ B Ni LEA E VERYTI\li ' ifl SEL SPENN YPFfT iiIN 0fR PUCKET TO RE\lI'D t tifRSEI F OF THE S ALL E OF FYESIGCI AND HEAI TC iixoine\ tatntlbus. Take car- tsi %iur-eli e$àfI INTERIORS "Where we maile yo e f eta home" *Carpet *Vînyl - Ceramîcs e Hardwoodl Paint - Walîcovenngs Siiowvnnmn RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Geraldine 845 Mile St. E. Mibu l o87S.4280 Hesketh When choosîng a ftoor for your home, wbether tl be one area or througbout, take yoar tîme and aiwags look ut tbe big pîcture. Doîng tl n increments is ok and budget wse i s ohxxousiy a lot better. Howexer, we uit tend to rush out att enciied; slow down a ltte and tbînk about how yoar choîce wit impact the vent of yoav enîstîsg areas. Here are some of ihe scesaeios you may encounter. Lets suy the kiuches s ok bat the floor lookn tred. Weii firstiy bow oid s the kitcben? Puttung down nînyt is a selectabie chouce to spnace ut up. Fantastxc, but if yoa're planning on a sew ktchen us 2 years, chances are your new ktchen wont ft to the same plan as tbe enîstung pans o itus adntsabie to botd off. Cboosing carnet for ose aveu us patte an easy chore, but what about the estive bouse? You sboutd hune costunuuty as tl bas to worf< wtb formai. casual, design, cotour So theres a ponsibility that ut s mach barder f0 decide, and that un wby you need an expert . atste down any questions yon have if xstîng a store ortif youre usung a designer; tbey can take tbe headache away Depending os your lapout, two carnet types may be nsed: Pattern or Cul Pute, herber or Freizé. Generatty patterns are ased to a tesser degree, but tbey certatiy do ook good on siaircases, bai watch ouitarbere the patterns ment the rails. Sitting rooms and famuty rooms cas lobk reaiiy good witb a designer carpet. however il may prove 100 mach titrougit as esture bouse. Tfat is wby bard surface floors breakt the monotony and design cas be added for statement, On the quteter nide, if budget is an issue or itou dont want wood or arinnte. sisal, berbers and textures are a good way lv go. Tbey lok very clean and cas be qute reasosabiy pnced, Ove tvxng lv watcb out for is veramîcs. Il s becomxsg uery poptutar 10 tube watts vul and eopand you, living space If itou are doung any ceramîrs and mxght enpand. matie sure yvu purchase entra ncase somethxng goes wrosg. or for yvuî own peace of mnd. Rxppxng out ceramiex due lv a gap when a watti remvved s major worfs wben il cOutd hvu been uvîded for a fex eatra dollars, Dave Peers, State Farm Agent 917 Nipissing Road. Milton. ON L9T 5E3 905-876-1667 - dave.peers.qg7i-4siatefarm.comn Our bours are. Mon. - Fri. 9-5. Sai. 10-2 Eîenxlng and Weebend uppvîniments always wecnme. WNhen bumpers meet antiers N D- ý Stu. mc Agrm Viltun peuple geî radi te alk acrnsa pxblic madthntcsusualis look hoib was lursi te seci uns metur %sebicles are cîîmusg fslirunaietvhbsis suivecase tub hanintals ivtlaing certain larger unes Tuofe nithebmresait is a muonsss mttiiare a tîxliioîvnith a tirt muse or elk. Tic animal isuaIls contes val seconu-bexti n ibis ripe oficluxe escouxoter, but thc nil on sebicles avd tbrir occunpants taniaise bc xvhxianttul. Luth rear aboxut liS?) people dic anti avouer x 55 arr: injure-J iv animal vbhi dle coxllisioin, te Natioinal salet Cîxunicîl att bosut 500.0itO uscb crashes cause about SI bitllion ivn-amage annuallîs tec murante lIfrmationInsuitute estîmaiers VIhile animal sehîcle coulisions tan bappen uns îîmv ofiseur, alth ie lxi due-ca ria rescPliai- maints btcause ammmv c- Lxviiimaîîvg xexx nd un- inting se,-)n v eex are mile uactix e uv-Jmute tîkeIs ix ruant beoen-J ibeir vinoalterritur ',, ixutprxxttt iris la- bev t uuv-JxxkceplJeet mx.xseuanxlet ffhizhuausandl ussus tronts ehixîles Dee, îhi-îles lias c xixr ais ctex miuticheinuranct r- xxxu;xt l' ttiiti.ii Mlx s tus iýýtei-t- iextîi etvxlrvxeut- uprt(ai am, ttxlxiIiie i-itt1txrxut i, dz, --utinxxa, i txxîît ~ -1 dltxl.xi t :h. u tth,-ti x lx tl ib 1cii.i- -i-nx-- n r tu titivit rt 1- ut i n i-rt- ittixix 'u J- i- lxcxlu lix-!hr%

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