Thueves stole much more than just a flag, but do they know it? UEAIt LUIIU R. it is Ia nuhta con- tinually have to pick up candy wrappers, pop cans and dog poop off my lawn, but now some young people have decid- ed that stealing the Canadian flag off the side of my bouse is good fun. On September 14, my wile awoke in the middle of the nigbt as two or three young people were outside our bedroom win- dow yelling -get the flag." By the trne she got to the wiidow they were rollerblading away Sure enougb the next moming our flag was gone. 1 remnember putting that flag up two years ago and having people honk their bonis and wave in appreciation as they drove by Every time my wife toward our bouse we sec the red maple leaf waving in the breeze. Our hearis f111 with pride and we know we live in the best country in the world. To the young people who stole my flag 1 hope you enjoy it as rnuch as my wife and t did and 1 hope you realize just what it stands for. Maybe if one of you looks at that flag and feels the pride we do ini Canada, this whole crummy experience will be worth it. The nexi time one of our brave men and women in the armed forces pays the ultimate sacrifice maybe you will look up frorn your video games and sec your stolen flag and say t get it now 1 highly doubt it. but maybe. t do not blame you for your drunken act of vandalism, 1 oia Uc t fiïidt l. \îti dlje momn andi -dad - you raised a buncb of drunken punks, wbo obviously have no respect for themselves or anything cIsc. My guess is the apple didn't faîl far from the tree. By the way you owe me $80. Whien 1 finished puuîing up my new flag today, t stood back on the sidewalk and smiled as it gently llapped in the wind. Despite my bliss, t could not help but wonder how long it would be hefore the nexi drunk- en teen rips it off my bouse at 2:30 in the morning because their parents failed to rnstill in them a respect for other peoples property and the appreciation for what our lag stands for. CHARLES REDHEAD MCCLENAHAN CRESCENT Reasonirig for tax hikes doen't add, up. DEAR EDORP As a longterni taxpayer in Milton, 1 wish to comment on the letter front Ward 4 Counilor Wendy Schau in luit Friday>s Chmpion. This lktercontains lawed logic, as wolows: 1. touncillr Schau stipu- lats that three miultgatlug ciivumstanes moisng the dmys in Strieving ffl tax ev- mmti fauta thnew nçet owners ta hStunte cf op t aa thre-yea ptom omest uSy what? VA=redid " tcame front?Thtecxpla*tixm we we givsn btowui contiil, even before a spade lut the ground was that al deveiop- ment costs would be borne by the developer and ftusibr, duat existn homeowners would not be burdened with any additional tae relating to the new devekopminex/asu 2. councilor Scha oS on ta hlgllghtunexpec"e tum sdue a> chago sa he i Development Charges Act- Wheewas tdotbisdowmec by tow ond a isepon- ag process tdm woud'bme km= eendisse cotingenCies andddwthey woul have po We hav aheady heen sub- jectcd ta a slnimut tux bila ince the tipsulo. 1 for ane catot aceep buaglung and nepdutodm vulld teamn>for haies ax« hike s tting Witlz pasi tht bock tq dis nnl M 8.d su *Iyoùdm ont- aide bod% uScks of paslug di bu* And the bits w wdsmksep CM& co.*t idg i htbu ote- db id of bq*. im J. a miatîon xtracted from ps issues of t Choeepion and other pubbca&ms in order tuo'pro"id a wbkdowlinto- MIltom1pm«L Expkmtoey commntoit l sometimes prSvied to place the situa- tion in contexi. June 1910 A big crowd attended thse civic openmng of Victoria Park Tomorrow evening Carey Bros. will he present with a new lot of moving pictures and the band will render a fine pro- gramme. A silver collection will be taken, the money to be expended on a. most desirable object, the purchase of seats for the park. On, Monday a cadet corps was orpia nizd aconnection wifth Grace ChvrchMikcon, Mis. McQuillan hav- ing made tht suggestion. Tht pur- POUe Ofte opsm oohaeaul the boys$ dM tn et een tages of 10 and 21 yeais wlcfled in phys- ical culture aind also trained in a number of the branches of miitary A weme sexsn toany boy of any Sunday Sceol in Mikon to and truurer, Ltwue Duuner. is UtebL ad,, ecewy s. 'F~eene; 2nd ienut. u4 GM- CWbIICht CLe *WIbinLSgL T Eden- 2nd SV WH Pes iance Se John 23 - 4 suwo&-d C . k j« "âa I*ý_ op.Pl Milton Capt. johnston, Esquesmng îownship on the 44th anniversary of the Feniant Raid. Those present were H.A. Reed, Wm. Leslie, G. Black, A. Appleyard and W Godfrey Cake and coffee were served during the evening and alter singing 'AuId 1Lang Syne,' 'God Save the Kng,' then three cheers for capt. Johnston and "Hels a jolly Good Fellow,' the meeting dISPersd. Niagara Synod Last week was srongly in favour of a minimum supend of $1,000 a year for clerg- men. At Tornto synod on Tuesday it was stated that most of thte eW received $900and a house as a mini- muni 2M that it was flot enoughi. A commttce was appointai to deal with the augmentation of clerical sUpèndi. Tht option con tht entcota day section of theScott àfas aheld by ýPrvat parties, not b! the G.T.KL as lui been reported. Thereame 32 acres and tde price la $6,M0. There is a large bo* o f tdm fOuest of dais clSe- gr* ainud aomi as hard as rock it Je lms ibut luff a mik l-fonttS - kitas. Tht puospoedw e n en hx s> sh a hugebrikand tera ot i womuia shm me, cruywboe as tde bbut m Cmada, à= , W Im do't«, assMd Councillors should hold public meetings froni TOO on page A6 any upcommng major decisions bemng considereti Befrerasmgtaesthre holdbe cncrtbefore any votes on these decisions are taken m ed effort to find any and ail mnefficiencies in how council. q0 ~ ~ 1Laapofei Milton is run. This council seems to completely ignore the < < p< , yb> Isuggest that every four months, each council- wishes of taxpayers. aof âss.a t ido n , Hcbem$« Yilhe *j*l lot shoulti bave regular town hall meetings to AGOSTINO GAUOTO ýptêubW eswan tht hinus of uect.cO inform their constituents and bave discussions on MILTON * * ARE FOR.H ROAj AHEAI Next Course: October 13, 149 20, 21 Sat & Sun 2 weekends 9:3Oam to 4:l5pm November 10, 11, 17, 18 Sat & Sun 2 weekends 9:3Oam to 4:i5pm 905.875.0480 YOUNG DRIVERS MTO approveîi begnne, dnwe, edîa,, .,,