1nre Uanadian Uflampion, trîday, Uctober b, 2uu/i - A23 A LIME FOR REFLECI ION. i.~J GRAHAM PAIN[ / CANADIAN CHAMPION EXTRA-CURRICULAR STICKVVORK: Dwayne Stark of the Milton Fyers gets corraIied by the stick of Mississauga Shooters' Frank Piette during the finals of the Master Gioss Division durîng the Chudieigh's Pall Harvest Hockey Ciassic (oid-stars tournament) Sunday at Mlton Sports Centre. Stark would have the last augh, however, as he scored the overtime wnner in a 3-2 Fyers' victory. Other 2007 champs inciuded the Oid Wings (Ffth Wheel Division), Mssssauga aid Bucks (Robert Lee Insurance Division), Burlngton Stîngers (Done Right Roofing Division), Sports Uniited (Goodyear Division) and Vînnys (Gali nger Motors Divsion). No Enroilment, No Hidden Fees! imited Time Offer Main Street Supersioro Women's club (Located Inside Loblaws Supersiore) 820 Main Street East ~ (905) 8163483 goodlifefitness.com ,ç MANAGEP *C tPANIES P RO0U DLY CANAD IAN ESTABLISHED 1979 'Wlren joininq os our first visl, pou wili be rqired t o p S4 + gst bsd or pour firet 2 moths of the POP membersltip option purchosod, duriog pour firrr club vsit. Your seiected momberslrip bi-weeklypapoment wilinicre ot REGULfO PRICE ofer 8 weeks. One cub prise ONLY. Offet expires Ocober 3lst, 2007. Otier restrictions mrp oppi, sue clsb for detoils. As you gather to give thanks, let us thank you for allowing us to be your good neighbour agents. We appreciate your business. 485 Main Street E. Milton Anita Cuaia IKE A GOOD NEIGHBOUR STATE FAR' Proî idisit Insuraise und Pîimsicii Serviîs Canadan HeadOffibce. Aurora, Pelano -siateimmca Ie Don MacRue RMIS TIIERE." Bring a smile to our community. Smile Cookies are coming. Gec ready co do something good for our communicy, with Tim Horcons Soile Cookies. With every special chocolace chrp Smile Cookie you boy for jus $1.00 ecch, enire proceeds witt be donaced co Communiry Living North Halton. d0i07.etherWith ouMaking GoodThings Happen. IMýý -- -- lu 1 - - - -À