The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - A17 No public areas available for A1V use in rural Milton lu order foi a bylaw to comce to council. a report bias i.o bc writteu. The first opportuutity for the report to bc preseuteci was at the October 9 Commuuity Services Standing Committee. It was passed aud went to towu council ycster- day for approval. "Town staff will advîse the police wben tbe report is approved and that will enable them to begin enforcement, for example, towiug parked vehicles away" saîd Mowbray. Staff Sgt. Delaney said people are usiug the roads and pri- vate property because there are no local public areas available for ATVs. "Oue ol the rustrauung ceînts of ibis sport is tbat there are limited areas ihat are available for tbese vebicles b bbc used iu Halton," she said. "Aury mature persou who is interested ti complyug wtb regulations can sec that a feuce, eveu il it has becu destroyed by otbers, is intended to keep people out. Police bave had uumerous problems in the receut past with propet ty damnage and trespassing by persous seeiug auy opeu field, quarry' or park as an opportuuity to go ATViug. This is absolutely uot the case and everyone is remiuded to comply witb legislatiou as it relates to tbese vebîcles." ATVs are regulated lix'the Off-Road \'ehicles Act thougb tbere's also poteutial for euforcemeut uuder tbe Trespass to Property Act, the Occupters Liabilitv Act and the lusurance Act. Some of tbe most comnmon legislatiou for AIX 's are: a Au ATV must bave a permit aud tusurauce to bc oper- ated ou a roadway. Tbis includes sîmply ciossîug a road aud ridiug ou tbe sboulder of the road. Tbe operator must bc the bolder of a drivers liceuse aud tbe veblicle licence plaie mnust bc dlean aud visible. - Both driver aud passeuger mnust \wear au approved bel- met regardless ofl wether îbev are ou the roadw ay or i)oi ThIe driver of ai) ATV must stop for police or a laudown- T HE ALTURED NATIVE lCOUPTR CULTURE BOUTIQUE Tafloos & 2 for 1 Piorcings URBAN - PUNK@ METALe ROCK Herbai Accessones &0 Medicinal Vapourizers - in~ Milton Crossroads 1220 Steeles Ave E. 90547"1,83 couvicted of any otieuce for whicb ithe drivrcis 5sul')lct. (Parents ueed to uote tbis.) e All ATVs must be iusured aud drivers must bc able to produce prool of- iusurauce ai a)y' lime uuless iiev are tbe owuier of the property - No persou under tbe age of 12 cau operate ai) ATV except ou tbe owuer's property. - Tbe operator of au ATV cau becbarged witb careless drîviug even wbeu it is uot operated ou a bigbway e 'Risks Williugly Assumned' section 20 - Wbere no tee is paîd for entry aud tbe drve r/passeunge r of the AINV duesu't live on tbe property they are assumed to bave willîugly assumed Ailrisks. Staff Sgt. Delauey saîd parents ueed to be fully aware of les LEA! ERS 7i HTH 24 .FRt Class Leading Inerior Space. Olass Leading 1 22 ___________ HP, AM/FM/CD. Standard Driver, Front Fassenger andi Side Curiain Iimpact Air Bags , Auto. Powoer ndow/Locks . 4ï E fF-2008 3NiSSAN 6 LEA S ENTRA $1 Wel Equ pped C sd i L,,ks, AD CRemoid Keyless Enti THE 2008 NISSAN l 4 À&LA 25S LEl S[>AN 2d Weii Equipped w/Push Button ias Fuel Econorny, Besti n slass power, Fower Locka! r Windows, Heated Outside Mirrors and av sîiableé Xtronic' OCui iechologY. MURANOSAN With Suniroof but aduis as wcell t.nimitting the ollei)ccs with AI Vs. Altbougb ATV owners iu Nassagaweya are limiîed as to wbere they cau operate tbeir vebicles, tbere are options, saîd Staff Sgt. Delauey "lu short, tbere are no public areas witbin Nassagaweya ibat are available for ATVing. Riders are limited to tbeir own property or tbe property of others wbo îbey bave writen permission from" she saîd. "Persons interested in findîng areas for ATVîng sbould consider contacting tbe Ontario Federation of Al-Terrain Vebîcle Clubs at" For more information or to report an ATV incident, con- tact Halton Regional Police at (905) 878-5511. R.. MAONTH kSE &,000 MR DOWN EIHDr RDNG UDED O MONTH ^SE 4,000 KM/YR 1l50 DOWN EIGHTIFDI INCLUDED .ASE 4,000 KM/YR 5950 DOWN :EIGHT/PDI INCLUDED You I Choose 1267mekUý NISSAN CANADA HEAD OFFICE DEMOS LEASE~ ArdM. MONTS LEASE 24,000 tKMIYR ony82000 DOWN NO FREIGHT, AIR, FUEL TAX