26 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday October 23, 2007 aElbdlIH o&IffceIol MI eIealIp __e T Geneal HGeneal Hlp engrl Hep IGgsn ral oralHel c ic HIp elIMHeIohnj __el U)I>TIONAL INCOME 1,NOW HIRINASITT @$14/IIr, OakviIIe, Shipper/Recelver, days. Must have forklift expeience. @$14/hr, Bulington, Cert. Forklift Operator. .$Il/hr, Burington, Order pickcing, long term. .$10/hr, Oakvile, Light labour, Day shifts. * $ I/hr, Gurlington, Production Assis- tant, long term. Drop by or cail us at 905.637.3575 and ask for Lisa. 895 Brant St. #6 (Brant anci Farview) nir randstad vvvxndtdc Snow Clearing MPrne LE nDERetdanddae riesotc Loatr mues 1:9542-14 InEmalid clkat@cllar.,contc Grf eatep pruity i orI aimL itio,,o oiteonleaplicatione hepcat www.espnleo ? ahd ýaHlton spetator rpriesn otiv icnt you Mil ssiuaenc eqrdsue Fomor OuroBor I lgttn Cln te saviaoklFe ui ima, ar an Fisatodil-sc r boras rom $10/hr.hl SCTH AL TN TAT Auscrap atelal i Rccing canysA oreuispl loherson f iitis apitionW alon with trceenefilpacag and aHlton r eploymen. HEPApl inPERSoONL Iat Doinion Ni gecyaI Allys: For4OrAppleb ino, Buriengto Noapyqot Pjo ne -il rsuplê to : Type of Work- Door-to-door newspaper delivery. For Milton- Tucsdays and Fridays. For Oakville- Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. S'eu Need- Reliable vehicle (the larger the better). At east 6 available hours, between 6AM-6PM, on delivery days. Strong sense of conamitmnent and responsibility. We offer- As many routes as you cao bandie. Ali required delivery materials. Training and on-going communications and support. a to$7e xtra cm er anh Must have railable vehkle. 7 Days a week. For complte dotails on tho route naarest you, - eseCam S5-3S-W7or mlmply foN out the anime appikatiosa ore at wma dmpec.oeanid a Handhton Spectatosr opramastattv wIlcontact you. We're Here... .and flow thaf Laîdlaw has become part of Firat Studen we're the leadîsg provîder ai ofudant transportation in North America -wth lots af apeningo for sfeady, part-ima School Bus Drivers. Dscavar the adantages ot aur FREE, fiendly prafessional TRAINING and slart yaur new CAR EER, As part of thv Finrs! Studenft Canada feam, yau'ii get ail the attention and support yau deserve. " pratessianal voperience flot requîred " generaus bonus tor "B" dus rivers* " oppartunities fr charter mark & mare " a great way ta supplement yor income " bet selection of routes ant ehcle sizes " great nehicie maintenance program " a carîng. suppartine wark enironmenl " slrong laces on SAFETY " must enoy driing & workng wlh chiidren " dont setie for 2nd or 3rd best Joîn First Student Canada For more inf & bo appiy, cail btoree: First*pStudent Canada (formaly Laidlaw) INDUSTRY Leader in Bakery Mis Requires a Laboratory Technîcîan (Bakîng) "*Raquiradto 0conducf baka faofîng & avalualion of j praparat bakary misas and ingradianlo. - *Osking topariasca would ba an assai. " Knowiadga in qualifa conîrol procadurasi laborafory procadrto wouid ha an ossat. " Ful ima position *Permanent Affrsoon shift Sand or faa resumas 10. Horizon Milling (A Cargili Fooda Affiliat) 4370 Harvastar Road HORIZSON MiL L N G Buningon, Ontario, L7L 4X2 Fax: 905-681-2755 Afls: Humas Rsourcas Wa fhank al applicoofo for Mheir itareat, osly thoot otiac te for an interview wil ha cotactat Staft lmmediateiy Must MIl 25 Positions $25/hr. Piece work guaranteed by contract. Fus lob. Great Pay. No Experience Required Cali Pat 416.849.0026 BALLROOM DANCE INSTRUCTORS 5 maies & 5 females Nattai îmdiatalyi "No taporianca sac. VIill train! "Must ha parsonabla Hamilton 905-522-3237 Oakville 905-815-3237 (Cali: M-F 12-5pm1 www.tredastaire.ca IWE CAN HELPI ICall IJOB CONNECT at1heidaj 905-878-4956 (Oak) 905-845-9430 Est 8160 Hfave ytu bard the osas? eLaoffW dnosha m a clasafiede rDaela's Place ~Now hiring:I Fuit or Uart-tîmeU IHairstylistl 905-878-1530 @ Sheridan Colle ge. Oakville TRAFALGAR FOOD COURT SHORT ORDER COOK Experiertoed preterred but willng te train Mon-Thur, lam:30pm, Frlday lOam-5:30pm We provida good tartiag wagelbanefftslmeals, uniforr & a happyatamosphere. Apply le person to LaIts or Mary-Lou Mon-Fni, 9-5, at Sheridan Collage, 1430 Trafalgar, Oakitlle Tel: 905-8444532 Luoo rtng o rkvdul erstRed le nd wbt ctildren and adufts aih developmental diabilities le the Halton ragion. Provide parental relief or tesch new chilis. Success- fui candidates ai be hired by 10e tamily. Frore formaiong post wwwaeiesevcaniesomasecý oaxly by Fax 10905-849-6958 Chemical Company in Matsissauga has 'anr opening for a Reporting to producton manager you will manage ashift and meet production reqiremeats by ensur- îag proper quantrly and quality prodacto are met. Mr 3 years esperience prelerably in chemical manufacfuning. Worlaag knowedge of ISQ and Oc- cupational Heaftfr & Safety Act Pleasemrefae R10 Fax 905-823-9290 Email carears@blachford.ca BACMLY CONSTRUCTION s currentfy seakmng a competent JUNIOR PROJECT MANAGER Succestul applicant must have valid drisera litante. Fax, mailt or email resumne 10: Bachly Construction 27 Nixon Rd., Bolton, ON. L7E 1J7 Fat 905-951-3101 Email: empIoymenl@bachly.com Attn: Darren Murphy as ooking ror rachnnciana. Muai nove aaperieiîuoini Troubla Shooting, indutrial lactrosica aoch as PLC Drves & Circuit board repaira & composant lavai troublaahooting. CoMpetitive Salaqy + Beneft .Ji*atnumail areume: abm art@dnev.cmo An aggressive engineering company iv looking for an Electrical Hardware Design Engineer/Technologist Tha position raquiras a parsos wifh o minimum of S yaars aspariasca workisg in tha tollowîsg fialds: ganarai alactrical dasign, dasign paiellayouts, CAO 10 do lacîrical ochamalico. documeatsion and manuals. ausign parts for prolaclo. Please emnail resumes to: designengineer@sympatico.ca PRODUCTONASMLR Hayward Pool Producto Canada, lnc. a laading manufacturer rot owimming pool accaaaory aquîpmant hao opasingo for produclîo workars- wagao startisg at $1 /Hour 8:30am-5:0 m. Please apply le ponton or contact: Derek 905-829-2880 Est 231 2880 Plymouth Drive, OsItaille (Winston ChurchlliVOEW) clFtndang a great job was _y0 Jitatopen lEý üUlâ cms Phone 905-878-2341iore mai classified @ toncaoainihampion.coni lass A iarad Accoustosîs 0of- LiCensed ice- south Oakvilla. Mechanic praparatios with tomae office Admis. - - cit Proves parsonal fao s z z etp, preferreit. Es- 905-78-530. cal/Lotos, a muat. Annoal position for 0578 right candidate. Pleasa apply 10: cajobapp@aol.com or M OÏCI,-Heip fax: 905-849-6046. M PUTZER HORNBY NURSERY LTD. 7314 Sixth Lino Hornby la currently seeklng a fuil time RECEPTION CLERK Responsible for answerîng telephone, order entry, invoicing, maintaining inventory and general office work. Muat be fluent in English with excellent commu- nication akilis, Windows, apreadaheet software. Minimum 2-3 years experience. Fax resume 10: 905-878-9745 or Email to: putzernursery@prmum.ca We thank ail applicanta, howaver only thoae chosan for an Interview wiliIb. contacted. Accounting Technician Chartered Accountants firm, located n Milton, seeking an accounting technician. Experience with Caseware/Caseview and Taxprep a requirement. Minimum of two years working experionce in*public practioe with a strong knowledge of audit/review engagements. ornai! resume ta: turnbull thomipson cas@on.aibn.com or fax: 905-876-2463 SThe Kirkwood Group Data Analyst TKG is a competitive wire, beer and spirit Sales and Marketing Agency seeking bright and motivated candidates. Attention f0 detail is eatremely important with a proves ability to work with nombers and statistical analysis, collecting, Ioading, etracting, reporting and scriptisg solutions to salve unique data transformations and manipulations wilh Liquor Board dsta. Qualifications include MS Acceso 2003 MOS Cartified or 5+ years workîng esparierca wilh advanca MS Accessanad MS Excel fonctions ard processas. Fuli-Time Finance Assistant Lookiog for someona with 2 or more yaars axparienca in a financîilsattiog. Must ba accurata, efficient and hava above avraga computer skills, with axtensive krowladga ut Excal. Job ailircluda daiy martenanca of opreadohasis, month end raportirg, bankîrg, A/R. couriaro ard mail, & assioting the finance marager us raquirad. Please send your resuma by October 31 by fax, attention: Sam 905-849-4347 or email: sstephenson@thkirkwoodgroup.com Glenn Graydon Wright LLP is a progres- sive CA firmn offering competitîve compen- sation, flexible work hours and a casual atmoaphere in a faut paced environment. Located in Oakville for almout 50 years, we are presently seekîng designated or non-designated accountants with ex- perience in a Public Accounting Firm f0 propane year-end files, tînancial state- ments as meil as corporate and personal income fax returno. These individuals wîli loin our existing team of approsimattly 20. Knowledge of Casemare, Tas Prep asd upreaduheef software is reqoîred. Fat or emnail rasumnes 10: Glenn Graydon Wright LLP Attention A. Falco Fax: 905845-6064, Email: afalco@ggw.net BOOKKEEPER I RECEPTIONIST - CA FIRM Tno-Gaftai & Carusi. an Oakvîlia Charfarad Accounlant tîrm is saaking a parsonabia, rasponoibia and self moivatad indîviduai for tht bookkttping/racapfîonso position. Tha job inciodas baokkaapîng ard othar adminstrative fonctions such as collation of client matarial and filing. Oickan/OuickBooks/Parsonal Incomae Tax Ratoon knowltdga is an asset. Two or more years of office taparienca in bookkatping or recaption orsa combisation wootd ha praferabla. A compatitîve salary la provided. Tht work anvirosment la profeasional and opscale. Plosma email your rasumae and covar ltter, in confi.dence, to: rguastIl @cogaco.ca 1 --i r- 1 r- q