- I The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Octobor 23, 2007 RE-5 IIA~ lEfAIifREAL LT~ I I IÉNC., BROKERAGE I J Ecen on the B v ry duilest fail day, Frosch lives. îLook~ Ask sotte around and loial eeallor youllscato sand shadcs of greens and brtimns, violets, greyu, golvis and bltes. Cîlour is also part of out an- guage. Fcm if Ls iii dispute ibat it affects osît moocis and hotu me feci--ted mîîh atager, green mîîb envy, yellom maith feai. For hese reasons, colosîr is also the decorators inosi pomerful tool. No other desgn lemeni bas the quîck impact or dramaîîc effeci of colour if sîsu mani to add appeai and saisein10 oue bome, there s no fater and ofîco cheaper way iban bN usîng colour Whcîher is a quîck, relatively încxpensîsc pick- me-up paint job, nem mtndom coseoingu, mapaper borders, nem carpets, floors or other iteinor/exîcoior home improvemenîs, colour can ransfîîrm any room. Before gesîîng sîarîed, constder mbat you ant to achieve. Do you mani to make a room or wîndom lok larger or smaller, a ceiîng hgher or lomer? Do you mant the amosphere to bc ltveiy or restfui0 Businesses, espectally restaurants, ofien use colours such as bnighî, maemn orange t0 enhance appetîtes. Manufacturers often use red to dram attention 10 packagng. Hosptais use resîfiai colours lîke bine green to soothe people. Selecting colours: Juss as colours in clothîng move i and oui of fashion, so do colours in inscrior decoratton. [he pasi decade sas a swing back 10 brîghî, dark colours, încludîng ver popular greens and reds ihat reînînd- cd us of rîch spîces. lis anyones guess whaî ihe Seat îrcnd iii be, but the ncsîîral classîcs ii almayss remaîn. Whiethrers a qWick rnslatvdy h8exfa5wplchMetupahsjob, uew uow a rt%ý'WaIqý r bonfrr, new cspts,ji.oei or odaer col~ cm n f4m oeoeM Choosîng colour ctmihnations for ytîur home îsnt that easy. t requires communient. Whaiever yîuu do, you may have tivelicemîh isfur a while. Ai-o, if you have plans to seli youîr bosse, souu ani to con- sîder colours that wiii also appeal lis prospective bsîs' crs. When people icw a home. îhcc lîke to inmagne hom ihei own mals or furnîshîngs in ,our home may make it dftculi Colours also look differcnî in combînaton mth other colours and in different types of lîghsîng. A red may appear coid under a fluorescent lîghî, but much warmer in a moomt wîh lots of natural lghî. A deep blue may look bnight and intense in a mli lii area. Chances are we Ire going to sel! your home. Why Not Cali Us FîrWt butî culd and glooîny in a dark roomn Beige may seem dulI and boring, but add a lttle yellom, green or orange and îî coînes alîve. The amouns of colocîr alstu affects bom you sec it An al red intensîr is toit stimulating foîr mosi homes. Red is besi used as an accent to add draina and intrigue. But beware of hîgh-conîrasi situations. Used n large areas of white or grecs, fuir example, recl can also bhe îyng o the cyes, c olours affecit our cmoions and perceptions. Red bas been knoîo iiscnd thc hcarî raie up. Orange andc pcach arc assîîciated with comlîrî aîud sccunîs Purpic, îhruîugh iLs assoition siih religioîn, s ofîco assocîaîcd with mournitîg.Rcscarch suygests that blue sot onfly bas a calnnîng affect on people, but may actuals itîmer lood pressure. h is assîcated with puis' and clcanlîncss anti is ai ihe top of the popu- tanst chari for moisi adulîs,reen is considercd the Most peaceful colour Some decorating tricks . Warm coiîîurs lîke rcds, pinks,. cellosus and oranges iii gencralsy make a ruoiocel uarmet. smalier and fricodiier. . Cool colours lkc greens and blues crease a cooling, caing affect. t bey scc sus push back the mails of a room and make small spaces appcar bigger. - Lîghî, cool colours cao make a smali room ilook larger and bnighîer - Dark, warmn colours cao turn a large, cold roomn into some thîng more tnstiîng. . * Neutrai shades make a rîomr more flexible for any type of furnîsure. . Raîse a ceilsng by painting it a lighser colour than she walls: lomer îs by painting i a darker colour, or hy addîng a darker border where the mati ineets the ceiling. . Shorsen a long hallmay by painting the end malts a darker, warmer colour . Use colour on furnishings to add brighsness and drama. Pastel fumîishîngs look smaller in a room, while deep. bnght lurnishings looîk bîgger - Camouflage ecesores, such as sld radiators, by painting îhem the same colour as the walis. - lis to hase a natural, complîuseniary flow of colout front one roont 10 another if your hasing trouble deciding on colours, gîve me a cal as I have a lîst of insenocr decorators and designers shai mlI corne inso cour home and provide voit wîîh a colour consultation for a nominal fee. BevetIv 0ioch is an award woonning salet assoc îateîuuah R/ma,( Realt Fute Centre toc. in Stilton. Real Esiati' ques- tios absuti luairug oi self iog, ii itfeasjfoifutie uieic tes aie attuavsuiictuuioed antd enouiragcufi Coosidering a rouie? Cati hie vouîrlce Mariet Evaluatiox ioulayv Emait cour Realt Rote questions ix beveri.r@frosch.ea Beverîi Fraseh Os a Sales Representatise with RE/AX Real Estate Centre iec. 905-878-7777 bEVERLY FROSCH' ~ Sain Ropro»ntalve 905878-7777 bovoiiyofToce www.frosch.ca STOP RENTING Located in a mature eighbor- hood in a ve ry pruate etting, ths end unit tomn home has a newer furae and air conditissier. Features inclode double duor enitry wth new glass ousets, recently finhed basemeot mittu extra washruum. Dot miss thisone!0 Cali me directly for your personat tour 905-691 -1738. RVMWtý5itC EN T RFiE TERESA MILLS-HALL 4 bina, 2 et. ou quiet eut kit. Wtthw/e te hock- Ieoes , 00anubueis. Poefefr a yong couple wti a owing amiiy.BUtIlut home - il te se. liUUSOf WSm OR PBOPUIY m0OR M THE RflEE cALL mE FR mA FREE [VALUATION RON FURIK* Sales Rep REIMAX 878-7777 REIMAX HALL 0F FAME Ths trex tedîsus home is otuat d in siabiished Milusn eighhxurhssd and i clsue luobShppin Tansi Parkiarid and Schuxîs This tlux eSd- usum iI aaItallbathîoosumu mta manr lîsr laundry fsus s uatin rîn tysu. The 5îîîg rsumouttuloosk te ltvin 00om witawalksuu t test kyau 9 217,900. uontmis t uppuoriy, Calt Ron Tday 005-078-7777 S This 150 bedrsxmn esîculuox style Issu- tome s stuated ixi .Lj Burliglai aiDundas aid Upper Middle TOO NEW F0OR PHOTO Ruad. Open style con- ept ktchen, wit a a ly fiiheî basemex tandîfour hattîoosum Aokn $289,900 Caît Rot Today 905-878-7777 MOE GREAT STARTER HtOUSE MILOUR* iv dih wva k tich.ewLardge cnfral Broker lvigm Threx cosy bedi i s..syries 800 doors & ieita lbaseoard thlm maifloor aundrv /mash- 878-7777 vu & dryvi. broadlousi rxplaced in 2004, nxw pi ' vacy fenciîg. gas heat w/central ar. lot66' 124. Al vîidosvs updaied. Domîtomn location. close 10 RV naIt & library $268,500. iCÊN MTAE Calil and ask for Moe C EN4. 16-346-lRRf-'icu - 05-Ri7-777ficus (È DIANE Fact 1I... vue catO doliuuo uul WOLSTENHOLME .-ýe Reilen001, ta l iimaketoluuhuutMiltonuî u mll uttil .î as îl sO'endtlisou îuuu îu bue hliuues suu u isti ILlIlIlUllîlIl îluo I.Ïo 55 Itdustrial Drive Mlon. Ontario L9T 3B3 905-878-2341 ext 212 dianew@ mi toncanadiancttampio.com F'act 2... t bus uîîe.uuu uit unu cuî diiî huilo as llilo .000 or uhbîi-o 50touc o h Fact 3... Ai acuisit uîl x lS44 per thiuisisl.. utc.iuipri uuuîuue aiuàu :ui tîsi i, i us ucli Fact 4... \tuîefuig i ie Icubti' Reotr uî ou uoseb ch cld. y ' uit hutse huuufs corswoued i itlifiTd ll\in fo iurmuatuin susrces îîýetuîl in msakti- bus tng dc,osuuo Fact 5... T75';utotutui detc, proeî i tobuse I sers îtefusered Fact 6... lil \ou5 55.ti tlihul itse u,iue i e- I e i i îlii inufuou. reu,lfi mo dmustuîuuuîs îusors recoe i hosclt mie. i can hello sou pull together a prou ,raîitat us iusuels hesitueorcuise busincss te or teie. ('ail Vour Canadian Champion Sales Representative Diane Wolstenholme at 905-878-2341 ext. 212 878m7777 22 Ontario St. S., Milton, ON Selling your honte Say It Wilth Colour FLYERS... BUT HERE ARE THE FACTSI 1