RE-12 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 23, 2007 How a high efficiency furnace saves you money tci, thinking bM cen Cosi ma), bc top n i inci but ss be t o comnes to furnace efficiency, the question shoulcl be, 'bow high eau you go?' Qune of the most important functions of a furnace is ils efficieucy," says Dean Murray of Reliauce Home Comfort. CC he higher the ratîug, the more efficieudly the system per- forms and the greater your energy AIl furuaces are given au AFUE ratîng -Aunuaf Fuel Utlization Efficîeuey - a system that tells you how much euergy is being eouverted into heat by your furuace. If you have a 60% AFIJE ratnug, that meaus only 60% of the fuel used by your furnace actually heats your bouse, while the other 40% escapes as exhaust. CCNewer furnaces have been desîgned much more effi- cîently 50 that heat stays inside the bouse," adds Murray "CThe igh efficeeuy furuaces nul only result in better home heating, they genrerate saviugs on both euergy and (O s t lît id figurcesf01 that ba ing a hîgh e'IîîiîecI(' lurnace will save you energy." Wbîle a varîety of factors eau affect energy efficiency, the following chari estimates the difference in beatîng costs with a 60% eflicîency furnace versus a 92% efficîency fur- nace. These figures are approximations and cosîs (as well as subsequent savîngs) will vary depending on the bouse and ils leatures such as windows and insulaton. Condensîng gas furnaces, with seasonal efficiencies of 90 to 97%, are the mnosi energy-efficient models avaîlable. The only furnaces that qualify foi Energy Star labF-lng are high effîciency condensing gas furnaces, whicb release additional heat to the home wîth a unique beat excbange surface. You can fiud more information ai refiancehomecom- or by calling 1-866-235-8743. - News Canada Heating bill, 60% efficiency furnac e Heating bill, 92% eficiency f urnace Annual heating savings Annual electrical savings Total annual1 saving s Savings per month $1,182 $1,856 $795 $1,212 -$387 $300 $644 $300 $687 $944 $57.25 $78.67 " Local Realtors know the Milton area market and what features and the benefits best promote your home. " We work, live and invest in Milton and support the local community, charities and schools. Choose an agent that: - Devotes full time resources to you. You may flot want someone that treats real estate as a hobby Iooking after your largest investment. - lnvests in promoting your home with high end advertising, Personally branded websites and I - Provides "Staging" consultations and Full Virtual Tours created by professional photographiers. PAGCIE Get maximum heat 1 MALTY with these furnace Mwoecom maintenance tips SRegular maintenance of your lurnace will gîve N'ou peace son. Here are a few belpful tips lrom Reliance H-ome Coinlort ( for good furnace mainîe:i'.oicc: -Have a licensed professional perform an annual mainte- nanee check on your furnace and venting system. * Remove any obstructions sur- rounding your furnace t0 ensure ihere is good airflow to the unit. *Clean or replace your fumnace filter annually to improve air quality for hose with astbma or allergies. *Reduce wear and îear on your furnace by nstalling a pro- grammable ther- mostat 10 regulate beat throughout the day -News Canada led country home in FIO Ett S d NAL CUANCFSý îred in this 4bdrm, 3.5 Due bi% I'I8î fleeWI gs, oak hardwood and n kitchen finished in the .... lii a nnk er includes a dressing MMMDIYOU .....>LluIIjFINJuIYO ing a soaker tub and ______________________________ le v e f in c lu d e s 3 la rg eM i t n li bcBestHoprstn NEIL OLIVER, Pubisher IAN OLIVER, Group Pobisher Adeertîsing Manager Woody MoNalh Reat Estate Rep. Dane Wot teeiolee Pubi ehed by Tie Catadan Champion. 555 lred,,steaI Crsse Milhtee Ont. L9T SEt 878-2341 Fax: (905) 876-2364 A(ýetsn saccpir e cod it ion Se t hee 5 tsif àtypoqaiseal e i t otionSof the idjertisig taeeocCupes se thce er es itom togeti h e aotte aie a llaceilee e e f o t Ceu MI. e cliâst5t foi bdteo ethe baae the as dvprsemiert w.î h,50 fotsd teppc aberate The o hie l 'ee Ce e i t10 dse 0lfs a ridmt e u t eefisegin nthe t lI tif f pogaphicâ CCCo tditnillI eqr s p s i l tir, %CeotpeIe Gorm 's e . ii, nos us od clist igil rfirielut e da;i .. "I*t , iltt e inio tOC (ý1 'n (li ,CCC. e Mil' n O t !,t oi,i i 0crl REC0G N ipî OR XELN EB OCAB Audited THE CANADIAN CHAMPION ISA PROUD MEDCA CPONSOu1"ý0R: M GALA .~A-I~d. ýN'NlÇ6 y4 BONUS Real Estate Ads are at