- I The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 9, 2007 Bi ARTS Stepping back in time with a season of classics Choristers' 2007/08 program begins next Saturday at Knox The Milton Choristers are ready to burst out into song with a hrand uew season of entertainment, featuning a historical joumney with choral favourites from the past and the present. The season will begin with Choral Classies Saturday, Nov. 17 at 7 p.m. at Knox Presbyterian Church. This commemoration of the Town of Miltons lSOîb anutversary wll include inspiring and memorable works such as te Battle Hymu of the Republie and the Hallelujait Chorus fromn Handel's Messiait. A special presentation by the Milton Historical Society will depiet a visual chronological evolution of Milton, paired with a reading by localpoet Jenuy Panda. Te Miton Historical Society will also pro- mote ils newest book, Milton Streets, with copies available for sale, signed by authors Jim Dilîs and John Challinor Il. Classics of the Romantic Era will take place ou March 29 at 7 p.m. ai Grace Anglican Church. Preseniing Fatires Requiem anEd Schtiherts Mass in G. wiih local talent showcasing the solos in these master \xscrks, tItis concerti wîll cap)iure thc ssice speciruin ofcfeotilon cf- ihat periocl in lime sih exîreine dvnamics. The season will ssiap cip \wiih Elasic RockJue 14 ai 8 p.m. ai Mfilîcu District High School where concert-goers cat i clive their mEsical mcm- oc lfom thce 5s through tb ihe SOs 'shile ithe\, gel c -acqcLiai iiited ss îh thcirEdancing shocs, Back by popular clemaud, the Chorîsters wîll bc accompanied by ihe Festival C. iyBg Baud from Stratford, Ont. Artîstîc Directoi Sonia van de Hoef is back foi- her sixih season with the Chorisiers. Shes also ciiector cf music ai Knox Presb-yoerîan Church, is founder and direetor cf the Adoramus Children's Choir and is a ehorister and soloîsi cf the profes- sîcual ensemble Arcadv. After a receni highly eompetitis'e selee- tion proeess, the Canadian Chamber Choir (CCC) selected van de Hoef as the CCC Conducting Fellow for a reeently-eompleted October tour in Ontario, which ineluded FILE PHOTO BY ORAHAM PAINE / CAFIADIAN CHAMPION SOULFUL SOUNDS: The Milon Chorisiers eagerly await a newv season, wvhich wvilI oclude a wide varîety cf classios. performances in Londlon, Hamilton, Oakville and Elmnira. The feflowship is intended îo provide intensive exposure for a working conductor to hone her skiffs through study, rehearsal and performance in the field wvith a professional ensemble cf 17 singers "My experience with the Canadian Chamber Choir has taken my musical pas- sion to a whcle new level," said van de Hoef. "The Milton Choristers are nE)w experienc- ing being in front of a transformed conduc- tor and 1 am thrilled to he passing mv renewed exciiement on to îhem.- Accomplishied planîsi, composer and arranger Norman Reintammi returns for his second season as accompanîst. Born i Hlamil ton, Reintamm studîed in Toronto as well as London, England. He has guest conducted wîîh manv Canadian orchestras, served as assistant conductor for the National Ballet cf Canada and was recently appointed principal con- dnctor for the Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra in Scarborough. Subscrîption series savings are in effect util November 17 and will include a com- phimentarv ticket to the Classics of the Roînantic Era concert iin March f'or the firsi 50 series' purchasers. Senies tickets eau he purchased on-lhue at wwwmiltonchoris- ters.com. The season brochure is available on the aforementîoned website and more informa- tion on the concert series eau be obtaiued hy esee PARTNERSHIP on page B20