The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 9, 2007 - B3 Christmas Unifr ýe Ty w starts soon Local residcnts cani sia-tchinug the lholiday season soonicr ihan Iater wiih the Uteîd \\'a\, of vI ilion's C hristmas House Taut-\i ss cwekena(l. The il îh annual cvent ssiii taLa' place next Iridas andl Sattiaan Nosý 17. Six unique homies in the Milton aiea iliat arce alillenttin age, size and sty le will lbe decoratcd lor ithe hlolidlay season andl available for touring. Fach home incorporates the creativa' expertise of local intel ior, exierior and floral designers anal olfers inspil ational and affordahle ( hrîstrmas decoraiing icleas ihat residents cati use nri heir o\vn home decor. This year the touî l'eatures a Mattamy 'Green Initinative' home deca- rated to mark the United W'sVs 25th anniversary in seîvîng the people of Milton. There wîIl also he a henitage home designed in clbration of the town's 150th anniversary. The house tour starts nexi Friday night wîth buses departing hetween 4:30 and 7 p.m. Vvîne and appetizers will be catered by Allisons of Milton at Springridge Farm, where ticket holders wîll also have an opportunîîy to get a head start on their Chbristmas shopping. On Saturday ithere will be a self- directed tour hetveen 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and late afternoon bus tours deparning between 3.45 and 530 p.mi., with food and beverages provided by R. Chef at Van Dongens Nursery. Tihe Harrop Resaurant and Gallery wîll also be offerîng lunch that day, with a portion of the proceeds goîng to the Uitoed Wav of Milton. Actîs ilies for laîheî s andcchildi ci wîll be avaîlable on Saturday as well ai the Milton (îlst Resource Centre. Catli (905) 876-1 244, cxi. 10 bv Mondav tee rescrse a space. Sl-dîrectec taour tickets cost $25 and are heing sald in Milton at A Counstry Mile, ILes Flecîrs Kathleen, Brancier's, Cafe Deda anal the United Way of Miltons office at 1 Chris Hadfield Way and at Nesters in Campbellville. Bus tour tickets can also be purchased at the United Way office at a cost of $70 for the Friday night tour and $60 for the Saturday tour. For more information about the Christmas House Tour and tickets eall (905) 875-2550 or visît wwwmilton.unitedwayca. Buins wthu ad0 rti in slk win i. -o ko Wa inâil2le- ouIIoes, 200 ILO TIGU Il Ilm -07 lRYR 0 ECAIlÀ "" - ' IDOG X . Il,,,,, 2004 JEIBERTY I t- iilenn 120 OOOGE MM w w atSte e eý -Minge. 81 ONTARIO ST. N., MILTON rMA&ftiNU umlCNAAWDEoALES UOUM L -zif lait#Ba0don1arhU207 SIiRsaednegoMamhop, eeSdale fo denals On sleceeaeh cesSeedealr frededaeht ntode t ateen 99,a202 ad 2 der2ehdode aymhtsmase we e 2 147 7w l al lOe89, ~~OInte traema arywihanon hfafled dmode ea #Cash pian adapaynens pluppiabt axes dmn and iensete 1 04NISNSETA1. -04lAM l 202AM20 S I44 EE Ili MI >UUUsmTM N 2003 DODGE CARAVAN SXI WINTER BEUERS AS IS 1991 FOR415ot PICK-up 77' 1994 BOUGE SPMII 8777tt 1988 je CHE s777tt 1 1 2007 P.T. CRUISFR 1 màFrl7ý,l