The Canadîso Champion, Friday, November 9, 2007 - B9 Pantry donations helpful cornes to the local food hank, the Salvation Armys food bins have resulted in a shortcoming when it cornes to collection. Along with the obvious prohlem of boxed food items occasionally being crushed hy their canned couniterparts - thus rendering them useless - a single bin creates clutter with things like toiletries being mixed in with food. Enter Brent and Brian Collier. <'v AO CHECK FF OUT Team Canadas Becky Kellar shows her Olympic hockey gold medal from the 2006 Torno games to Riley Turenne (centre), 6, and Carly Bradshaw, 6. Kellar was sgning autographs at the third annual Vounteer Fair held recently at the Mlton Sports Centre. Book donations sought by union for Salvation Army gift hampers Giving children hooks is like givlng them a world of adven- tures at their fingertips. The memhers of CUPE Local 4366, the workers of the Milton Puhlic Lihrar)y want to ensure every chîld wakes up Chnistmas morning with a hook under the tree in addition to toys. The lihrary workers are once agaîn collecting new children-s hooks for the Salvation Arr-ny's Christmas hampers, and are asking for the publiés help in donating hooks. Donations can he dropped iii c us 115casuui icd a i SIuLtIt[I illiii I(i Salvation Armys donation dilemma - in the form of a pantry with desig- nated areas for specific items. The upgrade will ensure hetter protection and handling of ail dona- tions. The Colliers have built three pantries, free of charge, for the Salvation Army that will be situated ai Wal-Mart, A&P and the new Loblaw Superstore. DAIS IDS, TEENS a ADVIN $639.50 plus royalties for a 8 hr day. Non union jobs! Pay $50000 to $100000 buyout. NEW FACES ARE A MUSTI Looking to find people who* want to have fun & make money in mov'es, commercial, *TV shows & photographmc work. *4 off at mhe Miton Public Linrary on Bnruce Street. Theres a colic- I.~ (~e Test $00) tion hox ai the main level infor- " If n« acce-ted,ne mation desk. re fUr ~ À W- doloe) * I Human Resources and Ressources humanes et * Social Developmenit Canada Développement social Canada - I r ~. r ~ii I '~ .e'- i I i I I~ 9 1 - lý 19