R EM E M B E RI1N G The Canadian Champion, H AL TON 'S F A1-LLEN CO0M R ADE S Friday, November 9, 2007 - C3 ~: Pi)C( U5Tv'iU Ui, 5 EAil'EN!RE MAN ON A MISSION: Veterar rartn Webb af B' ririgton vwas me driving farce aehina estaclisrang France's unoBeacr. entre ri 200 Taday he vwancs tireless y ta encourage Haitan student, <a fondraise ta purchase cammernarative bricks in remary cf 264 Ha tar Sa arers vwna made the ultimate ýacrifce durng the SecaadVVrrd War F- ESA' K( 5TVANN /I ECIRL TOTHE CHAMPIaN Father of Juno Beach Centre stili flot finished By Lt. Garth Webb D-DAY VETERAN On frite 6, 1944, the xrîîer eft tîns artiele latîdec mn lune Beach xxtliscînte 18,000 ethers as the 3rd Canadian Disvisien siarieci the invasioîn rot Franîce xxîîîthe Americans anrd the Brtish. The sîgnîlîcaînce rfîthuis date antî te bat- îles that foleiix'r inade each D-DaN, veteraît aurnmatiealls a berri. It receni vears a ituinher rof Serenrd \Verlrl \ar seteransliasve creaieri a ineineri- ai lsnewn as the Jutîr Beach Centre in Normands'- ai Corurseulles-sur-Mer. Ih tells the sirnrv rf Canalas partiipaticn in tue Secrond Vsrld NViar andrlhrnx îîitîfluence(] Canadas reseiepmeîîi as a natîron. This museuni utc Indes tue I taliiaî Caîîîpaîgîî as weii as al ihe C anarlian baties in 1 Q39-45. Due trn înrîiciis gis etitri junî Beach, iliese trem ihe Italtaît Campnatgn calieci îlremsels es the D-Das Drncgers.- A temperars exhihit fror disînias ai the Centre ti 2008 ix currettis eiîîg îreinared. The It DivisirnN. xhr traîneri in the LIK as naivs id, tratltiirnalis miadthe cldlexianti iotris istigtislieti units - srn xx hue the 2îîc Disvisirnîgt bltsteri ai Dieppîe antîhe 3i i Dtstsî,iii t tm inv îsasiontr iaiinig.xxr ssCiecx 1ý\aiCr'thaiî,ît isDuiIetio i a ci Io itils ant ilienlî,is e\tr ls ' ites ihli tltttiC atriifatix oerail x,î s i iatye st:ale otcr ,ifiig eticiatîio inii mlariot [ie miet' xxwc x IIet t ut tiîîîg clIrse t Io a5\Car si1r an \ itiluit tattachait particiatlioni et nlili'r'lîteo ls SîMoit' ain i () <oo aitiaiitant' "r cd miiI ýitIs rtnîî,it 1lite inities Ilii(:'mt" <ii ' Illxsiin the exîniit ai th etle lr et istînr" te ste andt ieriiirr. Oit cccii i ucce r tei tissiicr' rtrip xxix eticsl ted tt<le (rtini, disrîct andc Lit r ile tî Cassinot. Ontiihe liettstrine ofilptm l.tnnel. cnt <lie 'sCairt tis r Seirtii iilýilticlet-s if Caata),t ilklieci n riei.thte das ater C.hrtminas i cI43, ix ihe iellrnîîg înscrîp- t1011"If 1 shirudie t'n01 reigu soif le thii lorex et tCanada.-î t aving nea k xxith hi ni aie 1,400 of bis connrtdcs, xhich iak-es Ortona tlie xxmboi ef C anadas effort andi sacrifice in the Italiait Campaign. This wiii aise he highlighîted i the e\hihit aitue juno Beac h C entre. l'hie Ortetta action.s xx ere on teriblhe. but hikeis typircîi, Italian terrain for battie engagements. Note the sitniiaritN, of units n Ortena that arc activ e iodav in Aigbanistan.bo, -a iThe Patricias (I rint xx Patricia's L,înadian iî t Infantrxnf tiiltite chavvfs ss xxhile sufierfîtg (nMcasE iticsatt Villa Regatti on Dec. (, 1943. The LiVallex' was thelt iontfo nmore i si Divisien activit ts. i hese hatties wcre in Max. xxhile xxe wereliing up te go ie actien en ilune f), 1944. The Lin Vales exents heîxxe-en Mas l6 and 23 establisheci the lst C anadian Dix isien as the egriai te anx eftihefermnatiens n i aies oe tlai. The i si Disvisien xxas leined i inMaxyxx ith ire 5th Disisien r learing thre Itri S Ioe i restilt nin sittess xx itthre l'nies ai C assîno. OSur hig day \v as lune (ùn, 1944 but in liais iltc C ariadiais, as alxxays s xxth the AnierianBits sandiitihers, especiaiiy the Bles, xx ,ere Ieading nu) te the lîheratien oe' Rene lin lune 5, 1944. Prenai atien is rndcrxx as fer a tempo-i rayexhîhît at the June Beach ('entre sh xx ng the xx'rid the alieti sîrat- Àt 5rHs"the more Germans in liais the itwerrin Nerîtandyl-so <the 39,000 D-Dax' Dedgers feught cot nnuoun i andi in sasage bat- îles in îhe italiain ( ampatgn helere and alter Jriiîe Beach mnarieris al hierees. (Cassine sxas eleareci ont anri [our sirritaiteets hamîles ieek a lheass' teli rein the allieti armies. ledax the ceineters ire- servs exthre nemeorv et'IFreneh, British, emnineonxxealîh anti ,\merican sers icenien xxh li rieri te liherate Reine etxx eeîî Noe ember 1943 andi June 1 944. Tlhc Spetiai 'Sersvire Foirce, the I st Disisionn and later the 5îh Divisien cen- trîhutec trn the hatiies fonr Cassine. Halteti tesideitiGai lii Xcbblias tniade i lus itîssioti laie iii litfroi ensut ite te intid tertJugtsthe litetei effetîs atîci sacri fices tiade bs' Catiadiati sîîldie s oit ti îî 6, 1944ý Atite agi' ef 2-5.lieivnas aiieiinet ef te 18,000-stiîîig .3id lLaiatitDixisit i lit latideul mii Jutie Beac h ditiiîîg te 1-DaY itra- eit f Micre. \X'bb seas a liiutcitaitt iii i iaigc îof ci leat of giuititets ef the i ut ield Regntetiî ef titi Res cil Catiadiati Ai tiliets. lie' latîitri n ithiîi 90 miltutes of te firt s seiliets rh i sct iiasitt Latct iii li.t,, ebbh, îîlîuîg n ti fe pa tîtet Lise Ciempet -widtti of a D-Da 'xvs ciiian speýait-eatlcrl aiteffoti ti peîî te jutiînBearch -Cettîr'iii C mut sculli'x sut-Met, Lt <mi e 59 iit 2003. Titi' rentrei seints ris bîmîl a ntuimiiti te lte tîtei' iîrîi 5,000 Crîtitdiatt seldici s tOlerI cliii tig dite cit te D-Das r tîtîripcîigtt atîi lito li 4-2,000 C raiîrîîs in lie) died ipiiig the' Ser ttîr \Xeîici Vîîîî Remembering Halton's sacrifice one brick at a time As presidctît and director of the juno Beach Cenitre, Burlingîon D-Dav veteran Gartt Webb has been an active promoter of ptojects t0 rcmctnber everv Canadian soldier whio sactificed his or her lIfe duîing the Second World Waî To that endi, Wbb has becn devoting his ettctgy local-y te priinotitig thc Haltoîî juîîr Beach Memorial Brick Campai gn, a pnîjcct iîîîcndcd te taise awarcticss andfunds to pur- chase a mcnorial brick for eacb of the 264 Halton men and women killed seî'ving Canada betwecn 1939 andr 1945. The bricks - actually plaques with the names of veterans inscribed on thcmn - are displayed on kiosks located on the grounds of the centre, whicb was opened onjune 6, 2.003 at Courseulles-sut-Meri France. Oit the prop- mîies courtyard there are 17 kîosks contain- ing sone 11,000 bricks already purchased by and fot Canaciatt veteratis. Wcbb's goal is to sec the brick pure hasing pî'ogram expand across the countty and ulti- matcl v result in a brick pure hased for each of the mote thon 42,000 Canaclians killed wtile scn'ing in the Second World Wat Additional commeniorative plaques tan be purctascd for $250 cach, while an extra donation of $25 will sec thc brick donor reccive a replica wooden brick with the juno Beach logo to recognize the purchase of a vet- cran or donor brick and to confirm thai a "brick" is being installed in the centre in bis/ber naine. (The replica wooden brick is otilY available to those purchasing a brick.) Webb aIse j 1oiîîed foi-ces with edueators fient Halton's publie and Catholie sehool boardls te produce a tcaching unit t0 be used te educate todays yîîuth about Canada's, Second World War and te boost fundraising efforts te purchase one or more of the comn- memorativejuno Beach Cetntre bricks. Foi more information about the juno Beach Centre, the Commemorative Resource Guide for Canadian Teachers and Students or the brick campai gn, visit wwwjunobeach.org. The Minister of Canadian Heritage bas designôted the juno Beach landing site as of national historie signîficance to Canada. Aw v 'APHyEBAKLL JOHN:RB1~ HARRY BRAIN -IER BERT j -BUKNH CÇ-LI:FýFOR.D C-ARTERý LE SLI E. CLNE DOUGLASDREVE THMAS,:GRAà,HAM A RTH U R'COE C, I J A :, L'A 1