Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Nov 2007, p. 7

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Intersection at Yates and March a mi fnrrçnoi DEAR EDITOR: Just menîioning the iutersec- tion ai Yaîes Drive and Marcb Crossing causes many residents i the area îo roll their eyes. Wby? Because wc bave seen many near misses of vehicles driving down Yaîes rom Thompson Road wiib cars com- ing oui of March. Lasi weekend j was no dîfferent. Lets go back in ime to ibis pasi summer around tbe dinner bour. Local resîdenîs were broughi oui of ibeir homes with tIse sound of screecbing tires, loud îbumps and a big bang. WIsaî bad bappened was a car travelling nortb on Yates toward Bennett Avenue - ai wbaî wit- nesses describe as over the speed unmit - narrowly missed a vebicle comîng oui on Marcb into the intersection. Tbis car swerved îo miss the other, losi conîrol and jumped the curb on the opposite side of the road and smasbed mb oa house. Luckily there was no one hurt. The car sustatuecl some damage and the bas wîndow of the home was damnaged. As ibose of us wbo live in the arca kiiow, kids ire walking up and down the sidewalk heading to thei r friends' homes or to the local parks ai ibis trne of day, and îbank God no one was ihere when this bappened. Now we go back 10 ibis pasi Saîurday and the almost exact saine situtiton happCiied aîgaiu. A car travelling îp Yanes lrom Thompson beadîug toward Bennett narrowly missed a car comning oui lrom March, losi conîrol and îumped the curb on tbe opposite side, biîîing the very same bouse in almosi ibe identîcal spot. Enougb îs euough. 'm not a person who favours puîîing stop sîgns ai every intersection or reducing speed wben there is no justification, but someîbing bas to change before anoîher home is bit or, God forbîd, someone is injured or killed. The speed limit on Yaîes is 50 km/h. During lasi [als eleciion campaign, I spoke witb many people about communiîy safeîy and wbaî we as cîtîzens could do to make our sîreets saler. Many of you lavoured reducing the speed limit on streets. \Vould a 40km/h speed limit have saved ibis homeowner lrom yei anoiher insitraut e dlaim and tîme away' [rom theîî ie to repair the damnage to their horne that someotte else caused? Mayhe. Il the speed liii tw,îs reduced it migbî be cause for t[îe driv er t10 make sure ihey slo1w down. \\ho ,reallv kuows? \\ocld a stop) sigu have done the trick? Again, wbo kuows? Il dnivers know there is a stop) sign approacbîug ai that intersection, would îhey reduce ibeir speed heloic îhey corne to Match? Possîbly People need to open their cyes and realîze our resîdential and îown roads are not speed- ways. Its frusîratîng to live in an area such as this, wiîb such amazîng neighbours and people living in the subdivision, and have to deal wiîh ibis. The only îbiug we bave left is to turu to the Town ol Milton and see wbat can be done. lor years nowresîdents have complained about speeding on our streets. To the Town's credit, tbey bave donc some studies about excess speed on Yaîes and have concluded it doesn't war- rant a stop sign at ibis particular intersection. My message, wbîcb 1 plan on delîverîng with the help ol local residents, is sîmply ibis. Keduce tne 5f and/or put a foi ibis intersection. is siiTply condor tour and cudor already happenci T he salcîy of the area, tiheir h childreii aicimi ihan worrvinga ss II bc inlcorive, addiiional stop)si \Vhatis more 501.1? DEAR EDITOR: 1 would like to take ibis opporîuuîîy tb îhauk everyone wbo was involved in the Paws for Tbought event tIsai was bell September 29 in sup- port of the Oakville and District and Upper Credit burnane societies. The eveni, beld ai St. Paul's United Cburcb, raised almosi $2000 for the shelters, and we were able to find a home for Dave the beagle. None of ibis would bave been possible witbout tIse generosity of our sponsors and volunteers. 1 would like to îbank Rens Pet Depot, Pet Valu, Multi Menu Foods, Giovannis Pizza andl tbe Champion for sponsoring this wouderful event, as well as tIse Milion businesses that donaîed items for our silent auction. I would also like to take ibis îbank the studeuts of Bshop Reî Sebool and Holy Rosary Sebool [e work in helpîug to organize the ev As you kuow, the animal sheltei need of donations, If you would hi port the shelters over the comiug i purchase mucb-needed items frorn partiîipating pet supply store -i Pet Depot, Pet Valu, Global Pet Foi Multi-Menu Foods - and tbey wil t0 the shelters. Or you eau go 10 sw for more information ou bow you Many tbanks for anoîber succe CATHY PRENTEF PAWS FI The Canadian Champion, Frday, November 9, 2007-A7 Papers exnAýpose untruthfulness 'Turne Capsules' are geins of infor- mation extracted from past issues of the Champion and other publications in order to provide. a window int Miltons past. Explanatory comment is sometîmes provided to place the situa- tion in cont ex. September 1910 On Saturday the Daily Globe fol- Iowed the Champions examnple in exposing the untruthfulness of Toronto Saîurday Night's attack on PL. Robertson Co. of the screw fac- tory h may înterest the instigators of the attack toIsear tsai it and the defence bave proved a flrst class advertisemnenî and bave brougisî in several large orders for screws. Workmen are engaged this week in laying thse new cernent walk froin the corner of Martin Street to the town bail. peed to -(0km/ms William Griffin was killed on the ýur-vway stop ai C.PR. on Saturday evening, a little .lc) do iîothing west of Lewis's brick works. He was îîing ibis bebav- walking on the îrack from D. -sng whai bas Robertson & Sons limekilns îo d1 Milton. Thse 5 p.m. flyer had just fite people ii passeil westward and bail crossed the horns an our passenger train from Godenicb ai ore iniporiaii Christie's siding. ht was tIse Godenich hot if people train ibat killed the man. The engine nieuccîl by ain driver saw hum on the track and gît. whistled repeatedly. Griffin bad plen- impo)<rtaunt o ty of tixne 10 sîep off, but îook no notice. He may have tbought ibat thse MIKE CLUETT whistling was being done by the VATES DRIVE train which bail passed hum. His boy was badly mutilateil. He was J about 20 years of age, was the son of ought " a policeman ai Cork, Irelanil, and opporîuuîîy to came to Canada three montbs ago. ]ing Secondary He bad worked as a farni labourer at or ail ibeir biard Alex Siorey's 5th line Trafalgar, for eut. iwo months and left on Thursday ýrs are always in evening 10 work ai ihe limekilns. He .ke t0 belp sup- was industious andl bai no bail montb.s you can habits. Mr. Storey esteemeil hlm t your favourite highly. Therewas no inquest. including Rens a.0. 1ls, Ruffins and Il [mnd ibeir way ' e au belp. >ssful year. R, ORGANIZER :OR THOUGHT To Berin (Kitchener) belongs thse distinction of being the first place in Canada to be lighted by Niagara power conveyed over pubhicly owned bies, the power in ibis case bemng carried 10 tthe town by thse mhiton ~ capsules CF Provincial Hydro-Electric line and distributed over municipal lines. The first illumination under the new sys- tem took place Monday Toronto uses Niagara power for liglsting and elec- tric railway operation, but in this case the power cornes over privately owned fines. "The Milton screw factory is com- mng in for a lot of gratuitous advertis- ing from the onslaught, of Toronto Saturday Nighî upon the patent held by Mr. Robertson, head of thai insti- tution. Saturday Night bas done good work ti exposing several sviindles ini Ontario lately, but we [ail to see so far where the stockholders in the screw factory are being swindled, as thse fac- tory is turning out a good article and is being kept busy filling orders." - Oakville Record. A gang of men with teama and thse countys Waterous steam road roller have been at work macadamizing and roling Martin Street, which is part of ihe county roads system. (The town boundaiy was approxi- maiely Woodward Ave.) They did first class work froin the corner of Main Street to thse bridge andl the intention ia ro continue on to the base line. For the last couple of days some of thse teainsiers bave quit work on accounit of a difficulty between thein and the contractor. It is to be hoped that this will soon be adjusted and that the road will be hinished to the base ine before the snow flues. The band will play on the stand beside thse îown bal îomorrow evening, weather permiiting. Thtis material ta assîNbed on behalf of the Milton Historical Society by jim Difl, who cari be reached atjdills@idi- rect.coin. 2 '5 l~}wjbnston churchili Dr. Kate Bazdlo' &Associates www.wcdental .ca tiWY. 401 Argentia Rd. Usa" * o. r 905-858-2345 P 2955 Argentia Rd., Unit Dl, Mississauga Thanks for support of Paws for Th( 1 -ý -Tr- -- . 9

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