A14 - The Canadian Champion, Frîday November 30, 2007 Be cautious of holiday scammers 'Tu, tih e xîtil ( iri- iittî I i i (il C îîî1 , - l i 11)111 11,11. ii the laton Regionral Police Service wants to remnind resîdents to use taut- tion when providîng personal informa- tion and to guard against phone and e- mail solicitations. Phishing" e-mails have become fairly common, with erroneous sources sending e-mails claiming to be financial institutions or security companies that require your personal information due t0 some false security issue or simlar excuse. Now, another tactic is being used, called vishing or voice phising, which bas a new twist. Police say that now criminals are using the phone as well as the Internet to try to trick consumers into revealing personal information. Vishers send out an e-mail to thou- sands of people that looks like its fromn a reputable organization, 'iuch as a credit card company, on-line retailer, bank or govemment agency. 11-1.11.om Ispcto open 1Eouss Ths s nl apai. ls I Ir o l.y I 'I I IUGT N OM IlTE EIN PGSECIO ,hoca ingrv pnHueI ac ýbtns M015 - FeMmOUn, Hallon MsOD, $424900, Kisa CeuRer 0Il BoaeCui, $M2,000, Dera TuS Royal Lepage Meadowtasule, 905-878-8101 8528 Weinigto Rd. #50, $5413030, Sephanie Kimmerer Remax Real Istate Cetre, 905-878-7777 MO0 Woodward Ave., $36890, Bni Lafleche Royai Lepahi Madowtowne, 905-878-8101 1026 Laidiaw Drive, $464.900, Jesse Brnes 1239 Turner Drive, $34900, Cayio acenbrook 11144 Amos Drive, $69.900, Deb Tufi 235 #75 Brosse S., $194900, Ida Maiesen 10065 TerriS ide Rd., $789.000, Sepianie Kimmerer 721 Laurier Ave., $369900, Gladyi Crantord 130 - 14 Rosbers S., $349,900, Norm Hilsoo Rema Ral Ette Cent, 905-878-7777 YOi ein T Rsr Futre. Weqoi, pieuse cali et *78-2341 vo. 224 171:fl ý Flite e11l i 10 15 il ( l I i 'i i r c Iii iil \\ [1 [" i i l .1 1 I il darit asl0 y ou tii punchltri persounal informationî, 'uch as y'ouî credit card number, social mnsurance numiber or on-hune banking password. Ater you do that, you might be dis- connected, but the criminals have your information. Police say that security experts have seen another variation of vîshing, where the perpetrators leave a voice- mail message or make phone calîs directing unsuspecting people to the bogus phone number. With Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and other lnternet-hased tele- phone technology criminals can now make calîs inexpensively and can mask their identity and their location and even make t look like they're calling from a legitimate company on your cal display There are several things you should keep in mind as you try to determine if you're heing contacted by a legitimate company or a vsher. If its the former, they know who theyre contacting and wll address you hy name. Vshers, on the other hand, don't îypically know who you are. If a banik suspectsx raudttlctoî actisi tyon your clehit or credit tard ori accounut they Il îocver contact voit lw c- mail. If voit do teccixe such aitu mal delete ît and don't i cxpond. JIÀK"Àqà I I 4 d ' Twas weeks before Chri stmnas, And ail through the store The shelves were just bristling, S With products galore S But out by the register, S'Twas quiet as could be. You'll know in an instant " Advertising's the key!" S So with a great plan Your goods will be gone, Depend on your sales rep From The Canadian Champion! Cail Your Canadian Champion Sales Rep Today: 905.878.2341 To Plan Your Holiday Advertising i soilr caseso~ l vourbik. l,01con- actîx îty. on rnay Ihe asked xcrifiication questions 550 the batik can ensure theyre speaking with the righî person. But you will not be asked to verbally provic(e any PIN or banking password or enter your PIN or password on your telephone keypad. The bank will also neyer ask you for your Social Insurance Number. If at any time youre not comfortable with the questions asked, dont respond and tell the caler youre discontinuing the caîl to verify its legitimate from an independent source. No reputable organization wilI take issue with that. Itfs wise not to use the phone num- ber provided in any e-mail or telephone message you receive. Von eau validate that the caîl is legitimate by contacting your bank usong the phone number on the back of your card, on your state- ment or a published number youve looked up yourself. If you think youve provided person- aI informnation to a vîsher, tontact the organization învolved rîght away Il youtve provided your bankîng or credît tard infiormaticon.,cntact your batikor inancitl instituitîio imioediatcly anti iloi\Il atîxixe saision \vs-at ii (lo. Voti cati alsîî cal] IlalîîîoRegiional Police as (905) 825-4/77 ori Phionc Butsters National ( aIl (,entre ai 1-888- 4Q5-8501 or vîxît xxxv xs,.phIiinehusters.cir. Frmore informoation on fraucl, sisit the Canadian Bankers Assoiciaticon at v;'Àwcha.calfraud. Residents can offer thpir comments on Townine closure Notices about proposai will soon be delivered in newspaper The Town îs ntiatong a semporary road clostire proeess for a portion of Nassagaweya-Esquesing Townitte due to a safety issue that woll be ereated by Dufferin Aggregates'quarry expansion. Town councol aushorized staff to stars the process - which will include an opportunisy for the publie to com- ment - at ils meeting Monday night. If's Town staf fs position that the townline should be temporarily closed - possibly for a few decades - at a point about one kîlometre south of No. 15 Sideroad as Dufferin bas received approval to extraet aggregate on bîoth sides of the road. Once the rock is removed, the townline will become a peninsula in the quarry, which raises a safety concern for the Town. The losure is being reeommended as a tempnrary one so that the Town eau make a decosion in the future about how the road eau bc used. Most of the section s aetually already off-limii.s to vehi- cles travelling on the townline as Dufferin erected a barri- cade, sînce îî was havng problems ,vith abandoned vehi- cles being clcmped on nts prîoperîv. I)cfîerîn lias agreecf ii pav ail cîthîs assocîated wvih the formial closcire îrocess and to constrits a proper tcîrn- ,îrcîsnd ,îî the mourus lînit iof tise closed section. Niotices wiltl siion bc put in local newspapers tii gmve resîclents a chance to ciomment on the closure. Foli owîng that, a bvlats acthorizing the eloscîre bilch presented to counicil for apiorox aI. The mnalter ,vill also have to bc dealt ,vith by Townr of Halton Htlls as the area falîs under mtss trisdlieuon as well. 7- --e " 7 0 IV 7'£7 WVJIV II e/D wfIiEl L! LU3OQDi=EcIQ? CI CIO GENERAL REPAIRS -a scol ae S l 1 ~Reading 1 Wring 1 pelirng 1 Math r Study SkiIs 1 Homework 5Support Decem'ber Special , si- 984 SAVE $50O7FR on your child's Dynamic Diagnostic LEARNING Assessment. Calil nowv to book! mniton@PoxfordIearning.com 917 NIPISSING RD 1 905.693-9978 1i WWWV.OXFORDLEARNING.COM GET A FRESH START. Get SOLUTIONS now foir: Credit Card Probiems ot o Job or toved ans Repossessions Major Cash Flow Problems Wage Garnishments Evctons Peristent Bill Coliectors Jdgements, Law Sots Stodent Loan Denqient Taxes Foreclotores Divorce Relted Fnanciol Problemi p Bankrupicey can be aî'oided. catius No charge for initial consultaion! PqADDON + .B Appointmen Onie. iYOR KE IC.875-08 il1 225 Main Street East (Main & Martin St.) Mlon A better solution! 1 r