A6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 30, 2007 OPINION More than just the book may be under revie& With ail (lue respiect, we tbinl< the Halion ( aibolic District Scbool Board has a backward approacbi to veuîung x4ich books are acceptable for ots elementar-y scbool bibraries. lu a move that bas garnered global attention, the scbool hoard recently decided to pull 'Tbe Golden (ompl.ass' - and two otber tities from tbe same fantasy trnlogy - off lemien- tary scbool library sbelves following a complaint about tbe Bnitisb autbors openly-atbeist views. First publisbed in 1995, Tbe Golden C ompass is an award-wininig book tbat is listed as recomimended reading for Grades 5 and 6 bx' Burlîngton's publlic library and was namned tbe best cilcrens book of- tîe pasi 70 y ears by a worldwide audience (il reaclers. Wbile tbe bcock is not yet bannecl. o wll not lbe ou displav aithie Catbolic boards; sebool libraries util a cominittecelbas com-pleted a review of its content. 'souldnt t bave made more sense for tbe boarcd to reviewv ibis book irst belore r-naking it available to scboolcildretf Since the boards scbools are permitted to purcbase ibrarý, mnaterials independently. uts not clear bow mnany copies of ibe book were in circulation at Halton C aîbolic scbools. or for bow long. Wiîb mnauy of autbor Pbîlip Pullmans most-olten-quoted controversial remarks ba\ing been made in interviews tbaî took place betweeu 2001-03, it would seem iberes more ai work bere tban a concerned citizens discovery tif offensive literature. lu tbe United States tbe Catbolic League bias acccised Pulîmans rilogy of aîîackîng Cbnistianity and promoting aîbeism to cbildren. Tbe same religîous group is actively encouraging parents to boycott a Hollywood adaptation of Tbe Golden Compass star-ring Nicole Kîdman wben it opens next înontb. Is it purely coincidental tbat tbe board would receive a complaînt about Pulmans books at precîsely tIhe same time tbat tbis protesi soutb of tbe border ts reacbîng its climax? \Ve dont tink su. Is it possible tbat Pullmans cbaracter and controversial statements are tbe real subjects of tbis revîew - not tbe content oflubs books? \vVe ceriainly bope not. Readers Write E-mail yotu lttera to mrtonod@haltonsýearch oem Politicians should have been included DEAR EDITOR: 1 tbougbit tbe Miltrn Sauta Clatus Parade was verv stcicessitl Kuicos tir tbe organizing coinurîttice However, I believe tbe decision to bar politicians froin tbe parade was unfortunate. Pîlitîctans are a key pari of our ccnnrunity and uts important tbat tbey be tnvolved, be seen and cl approacbable. 1 recommend tbat if ibe irrgantztng cornuriteewants 10 steainline tihe nunrbei of ecries îîi tbe parade, îbey sîrîulcl stai t bh creatiig somec guide- fiues as 10 wbat's au acceptable float. A s ebiclc \wiib a single seasons greetings banner or garland across tbe sîde sbotildn ibe allowe;dn ibe parade. \\ itb tregard t tIre politiciatis. per- baps ibey could bave been askecl to worlr togetber on a single float, tir whtcb ail tbe politicians were piesent. DAVID WOLDER MILTON STUN GUN Th,eiewfîlrmh:jcere Many local seniors could use visîtfrom Santa Claus, too 1 know Milton is a veryr generous towný. Wbenever anybody bas a cause, Miltoniairs are tbe first ones there belping ouît or making donations. So 1 was surprised to receive a cati for îrelp last week from Ibur Cbucbmacb of Home lnstead Senior Gare, whicb organizes tbe local Be a Santa 10 a Senior program. The initiative ensures tbat seniors in the Haltoîr area wbo may not have a lot of visi- tors or family receive gifts at Christrmas lime. Al local residents have to do is take a paper orîrament bearîîrg a local seniors 'wisb list' off one of tbe Chrnstmnas trees located at stores tbroughout town, buy thre specffied gift and return it unwrapped 10 any tree loca- tion along with the ornament. Chuclunach told me that very few orna- ments have been picked up, and thre day the presents are supposed to be wrapped by vol- unteers is quickly approacbitrg (December 8). Maybe people aient totally i the Cbristmas spirit yeî becatîse tbere hasu't been mucb snow, or maybe people just arent noticing tire trees. Regardless of wbaî tbe reason is, 'mt encouraging residents 10 please slow down for a second the next ime they're rusbitrg tbrougbi a store and grab an ornament. Tbese seniors arent asking for-- înucb. Some just want a CD, wbilc others would like a blanket or a sweater. They're ahl very basic requests, but they'll definitely make a big difference to those seniors corne Christmas momning. As someone who took part in the program last year, 1 can tel you that itfs 50 rewarding to know tbe gift 1 purchased would've put a srmile on a seniors face on a day wben every- S body sbould lie sm-iling and feeling loved. \ And l'Il definitelv be pai tici- patiug again titis '<car. \Vbile I may trot personally knos wbo lin buying presenîs foi., For still j looking lorward 10 scouring r , local stores for tbe perlect gift xv. tbat ltfilîs everything on a eýseniors simple aird eudearing Cbristmas risIr lîst. Omnaments are available ai Zellers, Royal LePage Meadowtowne Realty. Wal-Mart and A Country Mile. There's only one week left, so don't forget to add a special senior to your Christmas shopping list - for ail their generation has given to us, if's dhe least we can do. Haltr Hai(ra wncm Jingle Bell 0urd UNIPTDWAY OF MILTON TVA UCTION 1101YYMICA GAL Awrds MILTON S ANTA C LAUS5 PARADE zbr anabiau Qijampion M !rr' ormiri/f ,pap(- Srice 1860 555 Industnial Dr. Milton, Ont, L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Ctassified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 vww.rniltoncanadiançhamlpion.com Publisher Hp-il Oliver Editor in Chief 'nIDavs Managing Editor Karrr, i. 'i Advertising Director Production Manager Circulation Manager uh Hlai Office Manager Brrr , -Pare The Canadian Champion, publiihed every Tuesday and Friday, i a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. - Groîjp Publisher an Oliver. tyWapa r a t poa ri, rclrheaarrrrsrng bacr rraprr( iy ih ronmu er , tqtrrr' .a'rr rasaale alrrarr frr signa Dr e a fr ar the applcar.r rarr The pubierer reraarrrre rghr ic arrrrradaarirrentrr Cr rarrir CCAB Audited i- rra r ,'r'att rxceiirriici. try ôOcna ~Ontriro (orrmarrry eý7 Newspapers Asocratior C N A (andir orýonnnrry N.., Npapers Asociarior Sbrarr Nerorjapers Sv%____i Amerrca UUNNED GUNNER Rcmp