Cl 2 - The Canadian Champion, Frday, November 30, 2007 Luxury car is frugal on gas consumption irom taiiEc.ehLtt on page Ut 1 rîrdirc!. occ(tl os ,a 24 iru noet îI)giiit/t'lct'rcrrie flor Ih i Ilo 15L Ilt) lbh iîi'e iest8.?uoL10kî ii i ihet cis ,îandl te21J00 cn îthe ghwa>y fiogilo' l1ias c i l rtIr 'ptci dauiirrri ffind îthe (o as ir sic. 'ped autiaicat In îth roirw star. îtheoîrrtLI Z wrll bc e availalît wî a rece-(Nl clre a,tiiirritt roalMkrrg tla i c lir 'i crilt id i(,ZC sstgrortiOi androtll ct'ilrrg (clip clstarottc ciOiuttsiocîcli loe lottaust i t oîlint- allte anieitirs Tht ntsc N4,iroiises Ie satoît svîrlcl llatilirmanid suspelisiitistitip as îthe aicru Acra îthesabot tir was pwpdl pd conroltl sde impactairbags AM/FM/CD/MOS A - eat bak ear eal exi Skk #D8002 9Pmhasie Fnaîcmq up te 60 nf and Drive!. aff EcpXLTFWM 2 4, fl A/C w, pdl spd c r A ltlt eai AM/FMCOMP3 b iay gas bor wheels lght age ex- Stk #S8089 -À MUET MMWGO OItMRAMOCU TYOIM VISIT FULA TODAY rmce pies trerght, global 1 brarrdrrrgaees & Lcence fee, Lia ted tme o08er.See idealer or detai FORD LINCOLN '1 655 MAIN STRaE EAST-. MILTON vwvww.galingx rdCam SMMS mLEAG m* * I- mFTR cC F150 SmuwtiXLI 4û pw 4 o 3r 8 9,799 ll, ie( low pkg, AM/FM/CD/MP3S en Plus boxliner pkg, chrorme siep bar. 18' thorde Nhàeels. 6100 6VWR kg, silcer e t SAk #F80o38 ie r) i )poc'lDs'ivironin Cerroar s loacrr oas îlot sainotacc ut deant ýi( crsr tlartllrrg liai c)litC \lottissIroitieraitrîo sp uocrtstlaî \'sullyîontheuw 1Malilookiils mrie sulo siaroical ilîri ît'e leorts'ris occl ovîr ît C liens loîwiic logorrtgratd bite1>l ri lo te iotw "'lanîi> " oc'bar grilîtle.otretîrrpl ilert ,re roe lss ilbio 12loîwtie sieoîtth xt rîor, suoît cebvocus croi s sîoall ant Icrtt lrkt ri oteloradîrlor tbcillorellet irs. lntusriofî s r'lnoietrdt is ka nîght antI das' ioo1ro'tiooerito tr îthe rtvrcru~s oodtl. I int'alo lort t, a N'alibutî hai likts ru bc pue îhrîoegh ils patts and I drd cen Calîuoras Pacîit cCorast Hîghway whis endltss twists and lurus and hreaîhtakîng stenery. Wîîh ihe longer and wider wheeibase on California superhrghways that are up tu six lanes wîde with surfaces varymng from bil- liard table to pothole ctîy, the Malibu soaked up everything ît tamne atross. Ihere are s0 mauy tars ou the road there driven by people of a wîde range of abilîîv and attention spans that agility 15 a must. Being able to change a lane suddenly' to avord some jerk cuîîîug across four lanes of traffîc lu gel 10 an ouramp îs a necessîty, and tht Malîbu was up 10 tht challenge. Tht intenter of tht Malîbu, especialiy tht LTZ wîîh is wood trm accenis, is a ver>' pleasant place 10 be and a whoie loi more envilong that tht reniaI car look of tht previ ous rnodeL. Tht instrument panel (TP) gîves a ouint oI ris Lurupeato henitage due te' its Opel DNA, but is nul as "Euro" as tht IP in tht SalurtitAsîra I1cîre eduring îlot same totut. Tht ertsctbhas a ptrous iranrel bct Mie Itoplicetlail îtewin lock foer longp ltgptd driv'trs raondît romore pîrrti i100tht Liter)l ilpuis5îtesctidirectlybthîud îteB- lillît liitnsofsel it s rsaboeut as goceclas rt etis.Bcit il scecitsu svll back. et imeans tlrippiig suîr hut rro iss îlot B-pillair. Cdcllv is iwlssarclgetiilino bct non cecî ltne- tlîîîg I al-sie rîcectonc10tht Saturn Acura, whith lots tht icîttcal cabîn la> oui. Bcut01onîtewhole, I detîîoîtely preferred tht B-pîllar beîwetthlose Calîfornia tramets aîod me. 1 alsce brils Idrus thîloty'brtd îhat is15a "înîld' hvbrîd in ihat il catiît nîn on baîter' power alotc But (NI figurts that in urban use, tht hyhrid is gouci lot an îîp tu 20 per cent îîopros'eîoenî in ioilage betacîse il turtîsitstîf off wheîî sopped. A "full" hvhrîd tites gel 50 per cent antI bctter fuel conoy but is about $5,000- $8000 more experosis e. Ont bas to decîde if lie/stie wîll save nocre than thte1urchase prîte oser tht littc of bis/ier fulîl hs'hrid. Tuteonîs' clffertioce I ccrul id ncl0i trnis ot rîdctand htidlii betîwttn îte s hrîd antI ile o~'sck ot uccr cs'lîîer LS was getiog cstd ii otnrgînt stppiiip ai test andclcoîoong backho firîlo itelotbrakt was rtltastcl As lwaî s.a dis svîh îte tri t cral roed t est, S()I vrl book tIlt car cirbli eut y tranocîgel sorntieserîous sct i 0e. Buti or busc, ihe Malilou lis gcrnc? frot oa flllcwer io ,a leader iii îlot notAsize sedan.i TIre 2008 Malîbu is a giant step forward for Chevrolet, brîngîng it from just another player in thre mîd-sîze sedan segment to one of the leaders by offerîng more standard content at competitîve prîtes. Pinhue Fînmng tp o 36 nwft ~Pîwctîne Fkmng up to 36 of àL-l LI 1 1 tkairiT 1 G GETi ÉI) e L P-ti k À à 1 w ow