ToPlc An Ad al 90588-34 e Eral clsiîdhlosac.cmaFx956286 CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Frîday 8:30 arn 5:30 p.m. AD SUBMIS5ION: Bp mail or in person at Burlington Pot, 5040 Mainwap, Unit fil, Bunlington ON L7L 7G5. DEADUNES: Mondap t1 uer. fut Tuesdup publication, Wedeesdap t11 a.m. for Thursdap publication. Special Feature deudlines may oaty. PAYMENT: Vir wiii accept cash, cheque, Ieterac Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Business uccnunts map be upeneti with un approurd credît application anaîlabîr from pour Sales Consultant. CH-ECK VOUR AD TH-E FIRST F rCruainiq iis laecl DAY T APEARSto esureiirs acpa. The Canadian Champion will non be responsible for anp error appeurno after the firmo dap of publication. If an errer appears le pour adi, contact peur Sales Consultant vvithin 24 hour of pubication - Thursdap publication rnoms munt be repecteti before 5:30 p.m. 905-878-5947 THIS IS a rare chance lu ncn a cnmplely renuat ed, nemi-detached hume un a lange corner lot in West Oak Trais. 4 bed and 4 bath, mune in recdy. Great lucatinor fnamilies and commuions. Vîsît PrupertyGnys.cor 011007753 fnr detaîls. $$MONEYS$ CONSOLI- DATE Pebis Mutgages tu, 95% Nn incume, Bad credit OK! 8etter Option Mort- gag'e # 1 0 96 9 1 80 0 -2 82 -1 1 69 w ,morngageontariu co>m SAVE Up lu $400 un yonr car lnneance. Clean drin- log record? Cail Grey Pnc- e r tînd ay ant 1-877-603-5050 to unon-nb- ligatn quOte Additional discounts anaiiabie MAPLE CROSSING Con- do ion suie (Cambridge modeil, 2-bedroom, 2 bath, handwood, nec back- ?splash, many npgrades, 9 05 -6 99 -89 88 , 905-691-6771 GEORGETOWN 2 and 3- bedrnomo toun honses ion nen. $1,250/mont h pinus and $1,450/mnnth pins. Reten ences and credît ch eck reqnîned. 1-yean Lea se. Cootact Elizabeth Doril, Johoson Associaies fRleai1 EntaI ant 905-877-5165. 2 AND 3 be dnoom apant- ments anailable on George- town. Walk lu Main Street and GO Transit. Silvercreek Towers. 905-873.8080. ACTON 1-BEDROOM. Anailable Nouember lti $840/mnnth ntîlîtîes înciud- ed. 200 Churchill llnad, South. Coul 519-85340087. ACTON APARTMENTS. 1, 2 and 3 bednoom apant- monts anaîlable. Cleun, quiet bnilding cilS unlties îniclnded. 40 Maria Street, 519-853-4374. ccc niai- entrances ferat l aud om, frean 1 Beroe Strheloupatmen nMilaon. Sp uit sig1 or c d(oupl sut artein ouf Sep aa etrance. Fruidge an a1111toneflea ahpnd hyd incued.Frt s eur *vaSuabes baryd on $750/mo.i Cad iltn 95622 bavmoer essagef oarkn for 2fu r s. infrmt at eai d Seaaeetcha rrestgandcom e h DOWNTOWN MILTON Miliside Towers 82 Miliside Drive. A8racfive quiet building. Spacious brigbt dlean 1 &2 bednoomn units -witb laundry facîlity and social room on site. Regular nesident aerets Open 7 days & eveninas Cail 905-876-1249 'ACTN BACHELOR apant- meon. S575/month In- cludes utîilînies, cabie, phninternet and park- ing. February lt. Cali 519-853-5835. DOWNTOWN GEORGE- TOWN 2-bedroum base- men alpanimoent. Febrnary t ni. 5800/muniS inclusive. No dugn sOdults only Ref- erences. 905-8777461. ERINLEA APARTMENTS, celi maînlaîoed dlean build- ing in Enîn. Avaîlable Febru- ury ltt t -edroum S775/muolh and 2-bed- roum 5875/month. Free p ar ki n g. C aî1l 5 19 -7 66 -3 8 34 or 416-666-0667 GEORGETOWN l-BED- ROOM aparîmenti n quiet building. Anaîlable immedi- ately. $775/monlh. acrons rirn SuperSînre. Nu pel/smukiog, refererc- e s pi1euas e .Coau1 416-888-5720. GEORGETOWN 2-BED- ROOM apaniument. Close lu GO. No pets. Separate romrance. 5880/mnh plus gan and caler. hîrsidasI. Anaîlable immedi- alely. Cali 905-877-4416. [#9 J L JM àL ift au LARGE 2-BEDROOM in umail qniet building. Fînsi ['ne. Milnon, 51100/mu. plus hydru. Immediate. 416-839-5706. LARGE, UNFINISHED 1- bedrunm. 4-piece bath. kîtchen (nec fiîdge/stone lînîngnuum. 1-parking space, sepanale entrance, dryr, accens in casher. Utîlîties înicluded. pins 1/2 cable charge. Onîtable inn une persun. nun-soker. nu pets 'On bus uine. FirstAlast requîred. Immedi- aie. CaIl alter 6:OOnm 905,877-6189. LOVELY SPACIOUS 1 bSedrnnm anartment, ce n nnally Incaind, 8-rn Stnne cabre, Wurkîng nale pie fe rye d, reterences 5950/mo. ail incinsive 905-878.6069 aller Spm. RURAL MILTON- Newi4 renuuated 1-bedroom base- ment apaniment suit single persun, ai utîlîties, tîrst! ast. 5975/mo. Credit checki and reterences. Cali Kenîn 4 18-990-716i . MILTON ColD iCn lennial Forent. 2 bedroums. 2 baths. 5 appliances, underground parking. 51500/mu. plus utîlîties. Prelerut Ca.. 905-864-8592. GERETOWN 3-BED- ROOM detached latin- S1.550/month plus. lieue, waik lu schuuls/shuppîog. Pnînate yard No smu k ing/pets. Cail Dune 905t8730902. GEORGETOWN 2-BED-1 o hu f ROOM cilS separate en- M trarce. Fînîshed basemen., hardcood. Close lu mail. MILTON TOWNHOUSE 3- Laundry. Firsidlasi moothfs. bedrnom.r ag. e 905-703-1872. carpet. nec kîtchen fluors. anaîluble Feb.1, Fîrst/LasI Cali Dune 905-878-5444. GEORGETOWN DOWN- TOWNr. t anda 2 b)edroom Ii~ apaniments annîlable. Nec- IW.ntod ly renonaîrd. Parking. lanoi- dry. lieut îocluded. Slarlîng A NICE soacînun ruum rn ai 5875/murîth. Cail Jeni- large quiet honne on Milton, fer, 905-873-0438 un lent cunnenient location. onare 647-89-1831. kîtchen! bath/ parking/ __________________ satellite TO. Suils mature maile. 5495/mo. ai GEORGETOWN NEWLY inclusive, cînelens internet rnoated lange 2 hedrunm anaîlable. 905-875-1518, plus office basemeni apuri- 416-402-8004. ment, t parking, lauodry. 51200/mo includes MILTON- ONE roumn utllties. neferences. Close avnale in brard nec 4- lu ail amenîties. No smok- bedroom Sonne, Derry/ ing. Anaîlable February lt. Otriro area. 5500/mo. ail- Laul 289-891-9157 inclusive. 647-220-4609. MILTON- BEDROOM w/separate TV ruom, share kitchen/ laundry S500/mu. Fîrst/ last. Anaîlable Feb I ni. 905.691 3018. ROOM FOR rent. preter mature curkîng persue, shared kîtchen, canhruom & lanndry. 905-876-3608. ROOM TO Rent ion dlean, quiet female preiterred. Close lu mail and Go nia- tin. incides Turkine, nOlîties, cable, laundry. Caîl Cale 905-878-4977 ROOMMATES WANTED fon a 3 bedîoî r Milton home. Large tamîlyroom w/lîrepla ce, g ame ruum, Near GO/ 401 S700/mo. incindes nhilîhes/ internet Fîrst/ last, reterences. 289-878-7911 TIRED 0F eueniegs spent alune in front ut the TV' Mîsty fiir nrodcn can change yur île. wwc. mîstyrîuernnros com 416-777-6302 Intrducing Milton'1 Foot i Nail Care in[ecomfmet o oronhome Regîotened Foot Cane Nurse For more information 905-876-1577 Ceil 416-200-7772 MaBst &as 100% nyo$a peWîlleldooinsne Onu tonds 38 cisar yadsi Stene. HFT TuBies RSpalnr SetOnce. Bent oaty il NI 8Antiqu005 uC thecurgu c CLork0Ca Oc1w r YOUR BEST SOURCE FOR LOCAL JOBS $$$ AAA WANTED $$$ WE pay TOP $ fan aid GOLO and sîlver JEWELLERY, rings. cttaias dental: GOLO & Silver coins. watcbe, WE BIjY GOLO & SILVER IN ANY FORMIl Baying Medala, badges, soadn, any MILITARY items ANY Nation!! SelI ta estabtished lecal dealer. TOP $$ paîdl EMEDALS 760 Brant Sf. #7, Burliniglon 905-634-3848 The Hlamilton Spectator a divison of Metroland Media Group Ltd, la curoently see king part-alerte Classlfied Sales Advlsors Join aur Classffied Sales Team and become an important part of aur advertising bustnessventume Sales Initiatives Includea robuat line-upof prnnandonllne produc, which resulits in gmatearnlng potential' CLASSIFIED INSIDE SALES In the position of part-tIme Classified Sales Adsdsor. we are looking for motivated, sales mlnded candidates wth a proven track record in sales tojoin our team. The focus of tiis posWton Weit be to exceed sales expecfttionsand customer servlce byr "*Otbound sourcing and generating new bsiness for pnt and onlne cassfied advertisîng prnducts and features " Prcessing incoming requests foradvertng eqireerents ina timely and professionai manner " Managing and assisting advertisers vith ad copyand design " Supporting cienteie bp maintaining reguiar contact andi meeting ail of their Classifleti adver-sng requireents, boh inpnnt and onlhne. Theminimuem reqnîrementsnof this position inciude a peoen track record ofachieving and eceed- ing measurable sales goais superior cnstomee service skîiis, a high level af attention tu detadl and the ability to multi-task in a fast-paced, deadine driven eneieonment. This wii be complemented bp pour computer keowietiqe of the Microsofti Office suite of products. Enceptionai communica- tin skilis, buth witer and verbal are reqnireti as weii as pour ability to eneet the foiiowing core competencies ofthis position -a Driefor resilts,Action oriented and Customer focsed. Tis is pont opportnnity l oin a successfui, innovutîne and fun team of sales peofessionais and no sonisforaileaderin the media industry. Ifyou wonid like tojin our teampeasefowardpoe The Hamilton Spectator Human Resources Department 44 Feid Street, Hamilton, ON LEIN 3G3 Fax: 905-526-0211 Ema il specîobs@& THEH1AMILTON ~ fk er1n SPECTATOR ___ n i non FINANCE ti Seil your vehicle the FAST way - use FinanceBusters! .1-888-357-2678 www. FinanceBusters. com 1 myhaltonads @Lu