Generai Help IGeneraiINeip~ Generai Heip Heami Care- t! Medicai o ,. ,' ~,, - Attention Long ai- We reî c P/TRAIC 2 days pur meek i if you have receîv requiremesis and e an interview, yiieas ta: z i -905-634-71 Be a pan af aur IN-PAPER JOB FAIR neppleeieni and lut an put yeer employaient oppueeemdeu inSu the honda of hueseholds te Burliegîon, Oakville, Milieu ami Flambereegh. Why eut give us yoer eempaey'e profile aleeg wilh Chu addressfax iefornaaiieephene namber onde tînt of job appeenniiien yee have te offer. Yuerad colt lie ptaced mn uer spectal section with editortal content te assaut peuple wlth lips oeil articles on hew te gel the job Chat lu right fer them! COMPANY NAME & LOGO Company PROFILE: (iNCLUDiNG. Conpuny Prsducb Senices, tuais n ihu Connunîiy, Conpuny teoulis uic.) Veer Campany Praflie Hem! Ee~IoyseenlOPPORflhMTIS Your Campany Opporienifies Hem! COMPAIIO ADORES5 PIIONE NUMBER E-MAIL * FAX CONTACT NAME REVIEW ~~1 Prefer retired person for seamnal work. uh if 5. I Mid April 50 Nonember. I repaira muas. 1~eforaa~reamefuJj aymu~Uç~m ~ HeaNh Care/ Medicaf Term Gare Staffi luire a mordinator n the Haiton area ed ail the traîuîug are înterested n e fax your resome 344 Alto: KiM Sniff Oui a Great Deal in the Classifieds. Shoppers mith a nose for bargains head straight for tht Ciassifiedo. lu the Classiliedu, you cao track domu deals on everything from cars fa canine companions. ifs easy to place an ad or find the items you mani, and ils used by hundreds of area shoppers every day. Find a greal deal, use tise Classîfîeds today. ~tjc Za~b~ ~D~nîpion CLASSiFiEDS 905-878-2341 FORKLIFT OPERATOR Hayward, a ieading manufacturer 0f swimming pool accessory equîpment han an opening for a fuli-time Fnrkiift Dperator. Hours: 8:3Oam-5:OO pm. Wagea stars as $1 2hr. Please fau or email renume to Sergia Campions Fax: 905-829-sool or Applyîupersouhetweeu 9:OOam & 3:OOpm 288OPiymouih Drive, Oakviiis (Winsion Churchiii/QEW) f~Z~ZD - - pieu Commissions Plus insurance Benefifa Plus Chrisimas Bonus 1~roforaîEdU~rading Cali 416-2744425 Paints ParI-Time Saies Associato Looking for a customer fscused profeasionai 50 join sur team. Responsihie for assisting customers and raceiving/praceusing orders. Encollent communication akilis and the abiiity fa lift ep ta 5libs s required. Paint knnwledge cnnsidered an assai. Musi be abie fa wnrk flenible fours inciading weekends. inferested applicaufs please nubm't your resume lu: Dawn Duff~ Store Manager 214 Gusiph Stress, Gsorgstown E-malt: or Fax: 905-8734975 0 "DATELINE DRURY" To stars off with, we wouid 0sf like ta say thaf Soumil Narayan wîii bu eno ing his tenure here with us as ose 0f Dru rys student writers, sud we moolil like ta thank hêm for ail 0f his hard work. B ut we are aiso very happy to mef- corne our newesf writer, Laura Finlan, who wil i be workisg with us to finish - - fheyear. Mavîng on, there fias been pienty going on as Dru ry 00W fhat exams have finished, and a new semester has begun. Firof of ail, fhere have been van- 000 fundraisers taking place as the ochool over the ast week fa raise money Deborah Manalo Kelly Antaya for relief in Haiti. Dur ver y own Global Council has planned severai initia- tives to raise money for t h e jr newesf proleof, "Hearto for Haîfi", the firsf ai Shese fundraisers taking p lace lasf week. Ail proceedo from Hearto For Haiti wiii go fowards building a nem school n Haîti Dur Centre Sfudents aiso heid the r own fundraiser, "Centre Students Support Haîtil" day ast Friday n the Drury Cale, wîth ail sales profit goîng 50 Heartu For Haiti Thank YOO 10 ail students who have and currentiy are participating n this great nem prolecf' There s also an ongoing foudraîser that s sakiug place to heip raîse money for thîs year's prom. if began mith a number of commîtted students that rau 'Sweets for your Smeetie', where they soid Vaientînes Day themed cookies, cupcakes and candy. and there wili be more events to foliow Speakiug 0f whîch, Drorys Semi-Formai dance s ont around the corner! if miii be lakîng place 0sf thîs Thursday, aud if s bound ta be a great nîghti Lest week students ut Drory mure havîng fan ceiebratîng she Olympîco. A number 0f osodunts parsicipased in a Drury-ssyle simulation ut she Winter Olympîco mîth games such as curling, hockey bobsleddîng, and more, rîght here ut sur ochooli Du the topîc aI sports Drurys mrestlers have heen on top 0f the competîtion! They had a busy meek compet- ing n the Lourdes tournamens and the provincial championuhîpo lu the Lourdes tournament Duncan Moffat. Zack Brady, aud Jeif Sinclair ail came home mîth gold medais n their respective weîght classes mhîle Blair Noriand returned mîth sîlver, aud Cors Barser mîth the bronze At the p rovîncia i championohîpo Arie Moldoan aud Reed Nicholson both piaced n fourih n their meîght categories, mhîle Luke Campbefi aud James Ponton piaced f îfth Congratulations 50 our mrestiers and good iuck as GHAC Thîs has heen a great stars f0 our final semester 0f thîs year Aud on a tuai note we wouid 055 like to send aur heut mîshes out 50 ail cil our Canadian Dlympîc ashletes Go Canada1 E.C. DNWRY MISE SCIGOL $850- ~125t ~dyBmw~ in~ RecognllionPlogswna NoExpesfmvca Naeeied O~s~ Teah*~f'emalefsd GREAT JOBS Production associates needed n the MILTON area. $12 plus Ail shifts avaitabie 11CR Fax: 9D5-876-409D Tel: 9D5-B76-4665 310 Main St E. Ste. 205, Milton ~zzI~ I. Requîred Applicanis muai have a Clean Drivers Abstract Pleasa oeil Nlck: NB-S 75-4925 a "The business that considers itself immune to the necessity for advertising sooner or later finds itself immune to business." Derby Brown