w ~Beat the winter blues with Iovely warm hues 'iD t> e- z 2 z 'J By Max Broadview (NC)-CBC daytime hosts Steven Sabados and Chris Hyndman have tips to beat the seasonal blues with some decorat- ing boosts that embrace the latest trends - and you may flot need to spend a dime. The decor duo from Steven and Chris say the first step is b look through what you already have with fresh eyes and think about arrangeng things in your home a lit- tie differently I. Embrace Colour: seek saturatcd jewel tones in amber, plum or peacock blue. Pull out ail of your objects in one colour and group them. For example, take an amethyst-coloured glass vase and pack it fuil of deep purple tulips. Seli your home quicker and for the right price (NC)-lf youre thinking of putting Bs' doing the inspection prior b listing, antI hauk up the sellers asking prttu. your home on the market, avoid aIl the ihe seller is made aware ol the homes cern [or both parties a pre listing irisp hassles that the uncertainty of your homes dition and cati cîther prîce t aucorclingît' lion helps to sircamline thc prercess condition could potentially cause hy gel or make the neccssary repairs in order b erffcrîng a more ulear tut undersianding ling a pre-lîsîîng home inspection. make the boitte more appualing ici liecien ibe home. A pi c listing boitte lituput item ~ put etl lites ut s \l e c t tilt et titi k 'Il 'i i 5% .e il e I luI I lormcd îîrtor to the home betng lîsted lor [tii bos ut s, et takus aIl iltu gtiuss ss eerk itesputiterir hclp sdI s rot beurre tan sale. This type of home inspection bene[tîs ouI tîf ihe homes cemndition and tan tel1 letOflel cînline ai ~tniurtspee ~d s% turc 5 t ail parties învolved - sellers and buyers. veto upfrernî wbaî repairs mas bu ncccled tan alser [md an tîffitu nuar serti IF~~1KATHERINE BARNE~ I~iE/AA ~ PERFORMANCE BROKER I~IffVI ~m~o~L~NCoe mise bungaloft 3 (or 4) bedi ing onto greenspace. r~ level features walk n c soaker tub, Iaundry on & gas fireplace n tamiI~ kitctoen. Less than one $579900 D~~T $437, MAT[AMT I ONTO CORNER GREENSPACE Maietm'jîuîî Quincy M a t t a m y Citer medel 1880 butit, Arrow sg t wtit deetit cii Woad model, gtiagt tcaied lette 2315 sq if tscaîpmîîi dettltp- immaculate mut Large fuit room, 9 if. ceîlings, back- pîrch wtt dîeilî dite titis tiaîiîlîty iîîeneid kîichîî wîit staînhîns nul faster bedroom on ground applaices & evirsetet tredge. Upgitdid tîgled titi te maîfi letîl Upgîaded boset & 4 pc. ensuite with dark Oak taîtwîîd huis e tmdy item & tallway epetaîre ai wtt upgîadid main floor. Vaulted ceiîrng dark Oîk raîleîg & niant Gai tiieplaci e iamîly item wiit stite maille Mode- 'id 3 tideton plan, previdîn a neacitue matier ritîhai wtt aigu Cie aid flirt r room open b large eat-în saS-ce cleneis aid tenedi tîttrttm Twî miii ipacînen tedreime te secînd year oîd energy star home lever & iecîed titi tendis îîîm teeîgy Siar cetiiied terni wtt 9 titi ced- etc te mile teer Gatage accent tien Ceuse Stipe n pas r-- 1~1*1* I *t "I MORTGAGE I ALLIANCE PURCHASE REFJNAN~E (VINSTRL1CTJON Firsi or Second Morigage Lines of Credif kein'n'niiaL Re,/ iii .'~it J rnple.' i I "ici. Sue 'menue' et. knî.ei rît lie nue i 'eemme'rteuL$(e'tt r' t lu 1,1/i r, We can make it happen! Charbonmeau lue iijr il i p iii ('ail me for FREF CY)NSULTA TION Jacques (Jack) Meflgagn Agent 416-605-2387 (Milton) RIGHT BROKER - RIGHT MORTGAGE I I I 2. Pick Patterns: checks and tartans are huge this season. For that waa-m country classic feel, go for a tartan with rich colours. The key is to build the look - for example, a Royal Stewart plaid' could be great with a big wooden bowl of Macintosh apples or red candles. 3. Group Finishes: warm metallics are this seasons rage. Bring out the bronze, brass or gold accessories, [rames and bowls and group them together on a sim- ple tray. Jusi as in fashion, we are seeing designers mixîng and matchîng with silver and gold, 50 give il a try 4. Display the handmade homespun: employ vintage with a vengeance. Bring ouI that handmade quilî and display it on