>L~aîîabiaîî (~Vbamptoîî munity Newspaper Sinoe 1860 ~4dA Named Canada's Top Communuty Newspaper www miltoncanadianchamnion com REAL ESTATE Seo what's on the market inside N E W S Regional transit system considered SPORTS ~ Mustang Jrs. a going to finals s e ... ., le *ei Attempted murder suspect to remain at psychiatric facility A Mdton man charged woth attempt ed murder tn connectton with the stab- bing of his wife has been released on his own recognizance but won't have an>' contact with the public. Luis-Fernando Manrique, 40, has been ordered to remain ai thc rnedium securit>' psychiatric factiity at St. Joseph's Heaithcare Hamilton pending the outcome of his case. Terming it a "release" is merel>' a for- malit>' 50 he isn't sent back to Maplehurst Correctional Complex fol- iowing his recent 60-day assessment at St. Joseph's, Manriques lawyer, Paul Stern, toid t.he Champion after the brief appearance. The hearing was held last Tuesday at Ontarto Court of Justice iii Milton. Manrique, clean-shaven and weanng a brown jacket and coliared shirt, was ied handcuffed into the prisoner's box b>' escort officers. He searched the courtrooni, siiently acknowiedging a woman who appeared to be a family member. Proceedings were transiated to hini b>' a Spanish interpreter. Other ternis of Manrique's so-called reiease inciude t.hat he have no contact with either the victini or his two chu- dren and that he be of good behaviour and amenabie to treatment at the hospi- tai. If he breaches an>' of the conditions he can be returned to custody As prevîously reported, the 35-year- oid victini was stabbed repeatedi>' September 16 at a Huffman Crescent home in what police alleged was a domestic dispute. Manrique's case wiii return to a Buriington court March 24 for a pre- triai. GRAHAM PAINt I CANADIAN CHAMPION WHICH WAY TO THE BEACH?: Milton Heights Racng Club coach Daniel Karisson-Amador enjoys the brîght sunshîne and spring-Iike temperatures before heading back onto the siopes wîth a group of young skîers at Glen Eden Ski and Snowboard Centre over the weekend. t was one of the clubs many themed ski days - thîs one dubbed Beach Club ~ SAVE NOW BEFORE SPRINI ,BBB Ta United Way surpasses hefty goal Whopping $641 ,829 raised in 2009 campaign You dîd it! The United Way of Milton has announced a record amount collected for its recently-concluded 2009 campaign. The grand total os $641829, which surpass- es its goal of $630.000- no small feat during these uncertain times, said United Way of Milton president Lesie>' Mansfîeld. "Exceedîng our 2009 target in this difficuit economic time was a great accomplishment by ail of our Milton residents, businesses and empioyees," she said. its a particulari>' noteworthy achievement gîven that the amount coiiected iast year feil short of its goal - also $630,000 - by three per cent, wîth a final tait>' of $610,000. The success of this year's campaign, iaunched last September, is a testament to resi- dents who recogmze the importance of contin- uing the work of the more than two dozen local agencies and organîzations whose programs are funded by the United Way, Mansfield said. She also praised United Way staff and vol- unteers, led for the second year b>' campaign chair Wendy Schau. As is the case every year, a large portion of donations were froni local businesses and employee groups. Payroll designations were also essential, coming in largel>' [rom people who work outside Milton but who designate their donations to the local Unîted Way One-time and monthi>' piedges were also important to meeting the goal, as were fundraising events inciudîng the Mayors Golf Toumament, the new curiing bonspiel and the annual Chnstmas house tour. i ARRIVES ~w a-lu- y**iu U.E IwWMWUFUMIU 19,988 '~ERa~EWCLE LICENSE ONLY. ThiîIaaTo ilaCedhhdUudvshIgioiIl?4boeadnwîîrujg~în~îî0~ PLUS PAY GSI. PST ANO O .' hlanu 'I Layola 5 Pr/lU 000km pouarirain warraîly & 30 ia~ __________________________ machanloal bumpmnlo Bomper mlii, a Si day/2 500km exolinge poiicy * *VtSVSIUPIUcocom 245 Steeles Avenue < J~SSflOw Pmtwy &StbolosAvo) <905)875-1700