ews.ca Birthday Obituaries PHILLIPS, Vora Joan At Croekway Village n Burliogton on Wedoesduy, February 17, 2010. Veru Phillipo in ber 96tb yoar, beloned mite 0f Richard Pbillips 0f Milfon. Loving mother 0f Fric Phillipa (Colla), Iris Scoît (BilI) and duogbfor-in-lam Kafhy Phillipo. Veru milI ho rnissod by ber 5 grandcbildren und 5 g rouf grand- children. Predoceaso d by ber son Jeffroy. Family aod triondo visifed ut the McKERSIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main St. Milton 905-878- 4452 on Friduy. The funoral service was bold 10 tbo funorul borne chapol on Sufurda y, Fobruury 20, 2010 ut 11:00 arn. If desirod, mernorial dona- fions f0 C.N.I.B. mould ho approciafed. Leffers 0f condolonco muy ho off for the family ut mmm.mckorsio-kocbor.cu The Canadian Champion mould like to express sincere and hearf-felt condolences to those mho have Iost their loved oses. 1»Adî ihrrsen cee ~~on~e~e cornac; CIem a; I gi g A - Z RENOVATIONS V Bathrooms V Basements V Kitchens V Additions V and more! 905-864-6553 * I * I A -- * * Bathroom Renovations * Ceramlc Tue * Plumbing * Drywall * Crown Moulding * Wood Trim * & much more! Insurod& Fui~y Guaunt.ed *0 mu a a gi ~ R. OR i I V441 * Bathrooms * Painting * Basements o Drywall * Flooring eeee~, *i: mmli a iii i i SpeclallzlugIn ~ Rfl~lIR4~ REWI 1710W 10 ,~our home or ,sorAplace Handymen Enterprises * Baikr.oua * Decb. * Baaememta * llflmg * noue Office. * OU Job. e lOicheus * Y.. make ihe hi.... * Fufly hasured * References available CAILJIN 905.878.8751 I ' I Accoqanting- e ~ c ~ & Sookkeepln RESIDENTiAL o Corpor*n& Porsanal haoçmo Tax FiIing o Bookkeepi~ * MonIh/Q~itter/Ysar-sgfd Fh~nciaI ~~dffionts * ~parattOt~ ai ~orking Pupers for Eti~~odIIoii Cal! w, ~nA~é~IIng Dlwure Sot#iTraIImmg SpotsaoeFnnagup *~j$T ret~$ Cuill Mkhaol 4164204770 0oJûCCOtIMbf~®g1fl4iiiCWfl SersdngMikonAroo 905.693.2063 il ~ JOHNSTONE PAIN11NG *g~dufiat & V Repairîng of d ail rs mm c own moud nu V Removai ol walipaner V Refîniahîng staînion nealinga pan 090 waod OaîrS minera spîndies and har~d anis V AeaiiseincaO~ ramona BIsera toisa watsa ismats * I** I I L r.m. contracting ~ Jw~~JmJy1~' e ~ noos fte.'UWf a,, www.m))toncantractors.com I MeMasteret. 1977 Specializing iii: o Bathrooms o Basements * Flooring o Renovations o Painting 32 Vears Experience "QUALITY WORK BY A PROFESSIONAL" eait ~.* 905.335.4390 'four Indoor B~AQ & Sinon Fa nace & Cens ai Ar Cond tioner osta toton Repiacemeno and Repair Fa se n ce DacO Clean ng Rnna Tank ess mate Heate S & Hon mater Fan Cou Units Nana a Oas i nos Custom Ducs Des gn & Shoot Menai Fabrication Heat ecovery Vent tato s HRVI * Air parîfication Systoms * Humidifions 905.696.7641- www.bachheaoing.com s iann I Il cati Clem to advertise in Lii H (Il D 1] ES Il at 878-2341 ex. 214 cscholtz@miltoncanadianchampioLeom Obîtuaries MC1N1YPE 1tadree On Saturday, ~ebruary 20, 2010, Aodrem died 0f cancer, ut home mitb bis wite, mother, frieods aod taitbful companion Altred by bis side. Loeing husbasd 0f Pat, Andrew milI also be missed by bis family including Raymond Schofield and Heathor Hadley-Schofield, Destin and Chase Hadley, Becky and Mike Smith, Catherine and the att Ren. Donald B. Mclnfyre, David and Jocelyn Mclnfyre and their family and, Rab and Linda Mclotyro and their tamily. Andrem fouched many lices in bis 54 years and milI be dearly missed by the rest 0f bis euteoded famîly and friends both mithin and outoide the Bahai commu- nîty. Farnily and friendu are innitod f0 visit aI the McKERSIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452 from 2-4 prn and 7-9 pm on Wednesday. A Bahai fuserai service milI be celebrated n the tuner- aI home chapel on Tbursday, February 25, 2010 at 1:00 pm. Inferment f0 fol- bm aI the Milfon Evergneen Cemetery. If desired, memorial donations may ho mude f0 000 0f Andremo current projects, the development 0f a local Hospice. Donations f0 fhe Milfon Communrfy Hospice Fund cao ho sent c/o 118 Ashbrook Court, Milton ON, L9T 2K7. Letters of condolence may be off for the family ut mwm.mckersie-kocher.ca » birfbdoys, birfFnu, oniniveinories & obifesories STEPHENSON, Rober! lob Wîth great dîgnity n Colleen s lovîng cancer To VVednesuay reucudry I 2010 10 bis 83rd year. Bob leaves his beloeed wife Colleen Moodie; daugh- fers, Jolie (Ron) Edwards, Deb b le ~ Gary - pre d eceased) Atkinsos; son ave (Usa) Stephonson and stop-son Bobby Moodie (at home). Cherished grandfather of Suzanne, Shannon, Kelsoy, Jesse, Brianno, Taylor, Amil and Jake and great grandchildres, Cohen and Brady. He will also be sadly mîssed by bis ln-Iaws Brian and M arie Wills, Sharri Faugh, Chris (Joanne) WiIIs, Joe and Joan O 'Callughan und nieces Melissa asd Sarah. Prodeceased by his step-son Stephen Gunning. Bob wilI be dearly rnissod by his many friends and golf buddies. The family will receive vîsitors at the J. Scott Eurly Funeral Hume, 21 James St., Milton (905) 878-2669 on Monday Febroary 22, 2010 from 10:00 a m. unfil the tirne 0f service at 11:00 a.m. The family eutends their thanko to the staff und volunteers 0f Ian Anderson House for their encollent cure. n lieu et flomers, memorial donations fo Ian Anderson House, Dakeille mould ho greafly ap- prociated. The morld has ont a gond man. Condolences und donations on- me ut wmm.earlyfuseralhome.com. J SCOTT-EARLY SCURADER, Elireide Theresa (nee Kuron y a> Sept. 12, 1932- Fob. 16, 2010 Passod amay poucofull y ut Brastford Generul Hospitul n B ranftord, os Tuosduy, Fobruury 16, 2010. Belovod mite 0f the lufo Horst Scbrador for 44 yours. Elfie milI ho sudly rnissod hy ber loning cbildron, Elizabeth, Peter und Susas (Lamas), non n luw Michael und grundoons Jonab, Nicholas und Jacob 0f Touas. Sur- nivod by ber nintor Helli and brother Hunsol of Austria. Fnionds more rocoived ut tho Dodsworfb & Bronen FuseraI Homo, Ancastor Chapol, 378 Wilson Streef East,)905-648-3852l os Monday Februury 22,2010 for a memoriat service. Informent 0f ber cr0- mutod romains followod af Jorseyvîlbe comefery If desîred, donations le charîfy 0f ynur choîce mould ho appreciutod by tho tamily.