-IuIInhIIuIuhI ROYAL LEPAGE Meadowtowne Realty, B..ikI..~ 905-878-8101 905-878-SI lJi P~1 ~ ~ ~aae 96~éwe~ ~o/*sek*~.& ~NMUMG<4 9(a.a~ ~WG~41ù~ I I Fabulous Oban Model corner unit r Millside condo with wrap around views of downtown, hie Miii Pond and ffie Escarpment Two bedrooms, two baths, den, large living and dining mom, 2 paiang spaces Many upgrades of kitchen, bathroom, baseboards fireplace den decorating. Simply move in the enjoy the easy lite withîn easy walktng distance 0f downtown, restaurants, go bus, library, chun~hes Cali Carole today te vlew thia weiI done borne and arrange vour pamonhi tour. I i Arista bulit Deacon modelapprodmately walkout, large ~ ~' living room and dînîng room. Many u ounters hardwood stone wood floors, fr0 pper level lias a lovely open concept family room, two orey hallway, circular staircase and three large bedrooms. You won't be disappointed Cali today for a viewing and further details. Great new area et town. i I -'III,'.' I I j i * ,*II..I... I arn. 905478.8101 Ohot 905.691.2401 From the portO ot this brick anri atone home, both an entenion anri oterior showplace, top ai the 110e apgrades, eotensive, protoosiooal landscopiog on one ni Groenparius orgeat lots, pergola, otone interloclnog patio, pou- subie trot tub, atoroge sired, gourmet kitchon, oentro stand, marbie bock- oploabtour, ail rage bedroorot, prime locatino, obuodoot omplnymeno aod recroatiooal opportuorbes at wittrin .. ~. ~ -4 eoty reach. leelcome home to on upocole "Milton Meodowo" home. Listul Ut $542901 Cati Eva Cae~q Mottamys "Oo the Eoconpmenr. Shioing WiIIow model, iodattry lead- iog crottsmooohip, very oppeafiog oaterior desigo with tioithed Coorlyartt with footing ood gales, 10 tht worm ottroctine intorior, right dowo 10 tht omotteot hoishos anri - delolhog, teporote NOOOy qoortors, Goarmet style kitchen, with contre ulanri, pnrfoct for rimer parties, main fînur lîbrary, plus noparato formai duo- iog resm, a mout tooght aller tomity tnoodty oeughbotrhood ood mono to os tony ou yoo miohI Listai ut $124.990 Cati E,. hoNing. Fresh new net ood 001 qaite complot- ed yot, will owoit yoor personal toocb- gO on, Promiom lot, bcbg 0000 O port. g hordwood tioonog on main toor 000 Otairs loodiog 10 bodroomo, open coo- cept with gorgesot kitchon, gordoo dours 10 o bolcooy, computer oicho tiainleso 01001 opplionces incladeit, centrol air cooditiooiîg, Mottomy "Oo tho Eocarpmool' location, oopectod complotion dote s the third wook ut Morch. Cati En Goedlng <~J1e:vt J~yj)J* -i Salos Repressutative 818-8101 Imuott@royalipage.ca ~5Lm~wA#cwb