I~I - GRAHAM PAINE/CANADIAII CHAMPION ROOFTOP INVESTIGATION: A Halton Regional Police officer takes a ladder from Milton f ire- fighters atop the roof of the Nipissing Road Shoppers Drug Mart as he investigates a Saturday morn- ng break-in. Police said unknown suspects entered the store throug h a hale they cut in the roof somnetimne between 2:30 arn. and the stores opening. Perfumne and cosmetics worth about $30,000 were stolen. The Milton Fire Department was on scene wîth an aerial fire truck to help investigators access the roof. SILK PLANTS HA L F Çfm -gwc mwm&- PRmD ICE yourEarh.cornEverything in Stock -Haif off List 295 AiaRdRd.,5# 1S Milton. ONE DAY ONLY 9056360391 SI.dSAl Sturday, Feb 23rd, 9 tli 3 RBC GUARANTEED INVESTMENT FUNDS: A SMART INVESTMENT CHOICE Do you like the feeling of knowlng that your money is weIl invested and well protected? You can enjoy this feeling with our segregated funds. RBC Guaranteed Investment Funds (GIFs) offer yau the growth*potential of mutual funds, in addition ta the security of principal guarantees, estate planning benefits and patential creditor protection. Cail me taday ta discuss how RBC GIFs can benefit your portfolio. Paul Virdo, Financial Protection Advisor Phone: 289-8-78-6225 Celi: 647-588-4548 paul @virdo.ca RRSP Deadline IMarch 1 905-875-1700 1245 Steeles Ave. (Corner of James Snow Pkwy. 00 & Steeles Ave.)1 SLSt a r tart M 1 L T 0 N TOYOTA k]