Kia develops its Metroland Media Group brand at tb Garguide Magazine and managi Kia bas dcvcloped ils own gasoline direct ineompatibl injection (CDI) engine based on the new while raisir Theta Il family of units that will power the fuel econon next generation of Kia vehicles. The first t Developed as part of the Hyundai-Kia with a com~ Motor Croup commilment to rcdueing harm- ers 201 hp i fuI emissions the CDI engine pots the Kia ket spcciftc n ai first gasoline direct injection cutting edgc of engine design One serious limitation tif conventional fuel CDI's other ment by achieving threc sccmnly injection systems is that as enigine revolu- henellîs include *goals: CDI Iowers emissions tions increase, thc valve opening and cliising i in p r o v e d 9power output and improving times get progressively shorter, thus reducing dynamnic per- Ythe time available to inject fuel. formance and nit is a 2.4 litre four-cylinder unit CDI avoids this problemi altogether by better fuel ression ratio of 11.3: 1, and deliv- positiîning the fuel injector in the mnost oîpti- economy. its initial Korean domnestic mar- mal locatioîn, directly inside the combustion Compared to tion. chamber to ofler unparalleled precision. a conventional engine tif' the same displace- ment, GDI delivers seven per cent more ,- THE ALL-NEW 2011 KIA SORENTO torque al liiw bv revolutions and Abv WeII-elquipped from $23,995^ 12 per cent fine dir Introducing the alt-new 2011 Kia Sorento crossover More torque at SUV. With available 7-passenger seating, atl-wheel the bigh-cnd f'or bcttcr t drive, panoramîic sunroof and standard Bluetooth" ance. hands-free celi phone capabitîty the Sorento truly provîdes A NEW WAY TO SEE THE WORLD. LEASE APR** 4n9% $2,150 DOWN PAYMENT LEASE FROM $299 PER MO. 48 MOS. 90 DA DOTOPY % FINANCING* I ON SELECT 2010 MODELS 2010 KIA FORTE 2010 FORTE EX SHOWN $1 3995' PURCHASE PRICE * 2 'OL. 4-cyl.. 156 HP, or avaiable 2.41L, 4-cyl. .173 HP en0gre - hoas-'ree , c-n phorie caa biIty 0v,15oc-IABSIii.î braites *Power Icks,,sî'.dowand Ied nicrt p M83,,i34, g 2010 KIA SPORTAGE 2010 KIA RIO OND 0% 21,895 AND O% $9,995, FINANCE PURCHASE PRICE FINANCE PURCHASE PRICE APRRi APRR" *20L, 4-'yl. 16 oalve CVVT .4p- 1 eptroît autornati transmri. r- * orb.i,ad ABS -dooeIC... T..t R.iiog ** * - I ~~B rCYa WE'VE GOT YOU COVERED« REWARDS I Ao« l ANO( FINANCE APRt' * .1_ ' v, CV'T On-'r.e AP r-r cM-ý.-,M ý r-'t-- r, , l --r, L ct rw A>»ýaucdarîputs * . t.trr S nds-frr.e .oil phrr-.r-aiitity-. WM~2Iy "DIIdOpoXdS ENDoIoo filC 31,N 2010, 0,011 0io0,(o oE, lfA,.(,, vo,1it I MOTOjRii RoXfiu4 iMOliAIiOodg ObOlçod10(05 (oo0oo 01,15, iWiSl10M<iO~Ci99 d0dittiiodd0 01 0oo~h i41lo4 ,90oo p ,0r it 21 i0 ,ç ,,,o ,i0 , 108 68~IooI0 6i0,~d0tX,0i00 ~oo<1...............oo OOoo, 1100(Oi. i IOFIAO4A)iig4,P lA engine :Kia bas developed ita first gaso- -ci injection engine. ake-oIT and tivertaking perform- And perbaps best if aIl, a vebicle equippcd with a GDI engine wilI get about 10 per cent better fuel economy than a vehicle equipped witb a conventional multi-point fuel injected engine. Precise figures will vary according to the vebicle in whicb the engine is insîalfed. AII-New Kia Soul Awarded 2010 'Top Safety Pick' by Insurance Institute for Highway Safe-ty Metroland Media Group Carguide Magazine The 21) Kia Soul bas buet rec- - ogîîized by flic U.S. Insuratice Inistitute f'or Higbssav Safeiy (lIS) by being Above: The Kia Soul bas been given at 210 ("Top given a "Top Safety Pick"~ awvard Safety Pick award by the U.S. Insurance Institute for fo)r the secoînd con- wi,-,iç,,,, (ioC secutive tinte ibis vear in the Staall Car caîegory. Ratitîgs frotm the Ins arc based on results frontal. side and rel ini crash tests, and f'or the time a good performai a roof strengtb test to r ure protection in a roI also was required to w Eacb vebicle's ov evaluation was basei vartous mneasuretnents ciftc to each crash a and overaîl impact on test dummies insidc vebicle at the time of' Sion. AIl vebicles must electronie stability et available to be eligible AlSoul mtîdels offer consumers the bigh level ouf standard sale- liot (y equipment as aIl Kia tiue vebicles, including front f'rom seat active headrests, dual 3palct front advanced airbags. lir st front seat-mounted and ce in foîll length side curtain ias- airbags, an Antilock Brake lover Systemi (ABS). Electronie tn. Stability Control (ESC), 'eraîl Traction Control System d on (TCIS), Electronie Brake sPC- Distribution (EBD), Brake 'ngle. Assist System (BAS) and a crash Trire Pressure Monitoring *the Systemi (TPMS). collb Front and rear crumple zones, side-impact door have beatais, an impact-absorb- înio ng steering colurun and Lower Anchors and Tethers also for Children (LATCH) sys- same temt also come standard. 2011 SORENTO EX-V6 LUXURY SHOWN