Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Mar 2010, p. 16

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~GO Transit announces major overhaul to schedules ce By Tim Foran S METROLAND WEST MEDIA GROUP S The train hasn'î left the station, '~but GO riders sbould cbeck their 2 sebedules to make sure they don't Smiss it. S Trains departing earlier or arriv- z ing fater by a few minutes and the 0 cancellation of some buses and off- Speak trains are among the higb- l igbîs of the first major overhaui of SGO Transits scbeduf e in 43 years. Tbe transit agency lias Iannounced il wiii revise tbe scbed- ùies of a significant percentage of OUTSTANE NC to reserve your com[ space in the 5#t its routes, including changes to 40 of its 185 trains, beginning April 3 "to better refleci actual travel trip limes." Other major changes aflecting Halton commuters inclucle thte cancellaîjon of three round trip buses operating between Oakville and Milton, the extension of an early afternoon train Ioi Georgetown [rom Union, and the cancellation of three round trip off- peak trains and buscs opcrating in the Gecorgetown 10 Union corridor. Comînuters arc advised to check www.gotransit.comn andi chick oil service changes to sec the IING HOME SI G OPPORTUI 1W US THE TIME )any's exhibit Lifes tyle'V) Im So annua IHcm Sho You just can't beat face-to-face exposure to get more cutomer dinel JT 3huad DfqAYS!i cuTaIk r dire U 3tl othua Ds fqAlife sponsored by nJIt QCUnbm1 QZmaflpIO Anll1 O - 18, 2010 e MILTONU MEMORIAL AI 77lTomps FU. S. - lutw sof Mai Shoot P~ mima nshwProiiclo 1-800-405-1073 'pi nets timing for itirlhse andi trains. Tht inîjority o i.ns io trains runining ini i aliiot icgliu inivolvc piishing 11p iltit ifeiiii t tuies tir pîtsti ng ltaef ilin ainival timecs, but a (10. spokcspwisuiii said this is not an aiîeiupt b>' ihic ageitîy to increase its on tile pentu itiaiti pe)rnntgeý withoui actual'eely îng ctp the trains. 1 flte îew schdie recfcsgiî to reileet the aci ual ceparti ire anti arrivai tintes of GO( trains, whtich take longer now dite> tii changes ihat have heen seen in neceni \,cars, saîd GO( spîîkespersuîîî Vanessa HO1 lyftitafly, (u)i ransit issues li iic ic~ î utnhanges, about fîvi i iia ycat fli- a lew reastins, Iti fIl ;v, Wr ,Vi adîlfîî a itew train tir Wg-r tlisiuf it sî ficlule to i iiittflititiii lusi ihat con- titi t wtt i lrattis, explairnec I Ittîtias ini ailt ilal lits tut a griitptif (Il(G fat tsirttis iuriat un planners and I engit(crs cn tducied tn-dcpth reeruf tt i lic sîhecduIcs and îrav- ef fxtttcrns oîf citmuitcr', ai various transît agencies ,îcross North Atunîrca. What the>' ftiund was that sve needed té change witb the tîmecs. -Our ridership has grown which ineans il takes longer for passen- gers to loaci and unloati and il mecans thai the trains are nequired lui paiaoc ai stations loinger lii acctinnidate our passenigers. Alsuî. molure and more statioins have heu tînuicesb. acfding a litile tie raip. Alsiî out tiains bîsc hecone lonrger, înoîs'ng from f0-tar tratins tut 12-car trains. ,I,,hich iticreasesý the tîutmher oîf people one train tani carry.- Matlamy7 Homes is fooking to buîld about 500 more homes in souîb Milton. The developmenî giant is seek- ing a zoning bylaw amendmenî from the Town to make way, for 473 bouses ai the souîhwest corner of Regional Road 25 and the future extension oîf Lotuis St. Laurent Avenue. Local residenîs can have ilii say on the plans ai a publie meeting Monlay evening, lui he helci dciring the administration anti plan~ning cotimittees regular monthlN, ses- sîton. 'l'le mleeting siarîs ai 7:30 p m. in Milton Cocicil C hIambl.ers ai Toiwn Hall, lîîcated ai 150 Mary, St. The comiitec will also hoid She saîd the agencys on lime performance goal - for trains to arrive ai a destinatioîn wîthin five minutes of schedule - for its sys- tcm remains ai 92 per cent, the same figure it ouîlined in ils (102020 stralegic plan reieased in December, 2008. Htîwever, wiîh the extra cushion tif lime added to the schedufes of trains in Halcmn, it is possible ihat on lime performance wîfl increase foiiowing the Aprîl 3 changes. Acccwding bo statistics prtîvîded b>' GO, the average on bine perform- ance for weekday trains running in Haiton last year wenc: Miltont Wesîbcîuncf - 91.43 per cent Milton Easîbound - 94.43 per cent Georgetown Westhound - 88.5 pet cent Georgetowsn Lasîbound - 86.25 per cent I akeshorc Vuesi \Vsthoctnd. ~~~~~~ulitîgcXK i utliigtîii i f fainitîn)- 89.32 per cent Lakeshore West Eastbouncl - 87.38 per cent Tînt lut iati ia btîlc t-tat lied Lit îwo other public meetings tbat nigbî - one on a proposed Montessoriscboof on Bronte Street South and the other on tbe Towns plans 10 instail a fence along some proper>'fines in casi Mil ton. The fence, wbich staff bas indi- caîed is being proposed to provide a consistent sîrecîscape, would affect properties fronîing onto Main Street East between Tbompson Road and Maple A-venue. and aiong Tbompson Roaci f rom Main Street East ici Sprucedale laine. For more information visit ai \ýww.milî Planning reports on tbe aforemrentioned topies are cxpecîed to bc available on the Town's website b>' lomorrow. We offer the most advanced hearing aid technology to suit every budget and tifiestyle. Cati today for your complimentary hearing test. -IN BUSINESS FOR OVER 21 VEARS -100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED .30-DAY NO OBLIGATION TRIAL PERIOD *HEARING AID ACCESSORIES AND BATTERIES *COMPLIMENTARY ANNUAL EVALUATIONS *COMPLIMENTARY HEARING AID CLEAN AND CHECK -VAC/WSIB ACCEPTED Milton: 107 - 47o Bronte Street South H uring CentrE3s Public meeting on proposed south Milton development VALERIE i. PATTERSON Hearinig Instrument Specialisi WANTED 7 HOE .11NEDROFN 7 Homes in your area wiII be given the opportunity of having an INTERLOCK metal roofing system installed on their home at a reasonable cost. Thtis lifetime produt is capturing the interest of homeowners across the country who want to know this wiii be the f ast time they wiii have to re-root their home. Our product is environmentally friendly and cornes with a transferable Lifetime Limited Warranny with an excellenn choice of colours tD complement your home and is going no be introduced to your local market. Vour home can be a show place in your neighbourhood will make it worth your while if we can use your home. BEAT THE HST! 1-866-601-7366 Toil-free 24 hours 7 days a week M ionss s immae ope fhe nclsbsinefsr 'uTherbsinesoe ora laber finds ibsef immune to business.» DJerby Brown

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