Uffni Ur jq wimri iuu NO PASSES FR009 1:45 2:10,4:4&7:05,935; MON-THURS 7:05, 9:5 0IARY 0F A WIMPY KID () STAR & STROLLERS SCREONING, NO PASSTURS 1:00 THE B0UNTY HUNTER (PO) (LANGuASE MAY S0ENO NO PASSES PRISUN 12:15,350, 6:50,9:50, NON-THUS 650, 9:50 THE BOUNTY HUNTER (PlGAoa MAY ORFNO) SIAM & STROLLERS SCREENIE40, NO :ASSS1OURS 1:00 REMEMBER ME (14A) OISTUORINCONT9NT,SEOUAI CONTENT) 401-SON 4:00,70:00. 10:05, MON-SORS 7:00,l00 SHE'S OUT 0F NY LEAGUE (14A) iooesoao MR Kk WTo FRI-54100.410,710,1OASMONITHURS 101000 GREEN ZONE (14À MOLNE,COA0SE LMGUAGOI 3MSOR S O ,S,6:5900NON-140S635,920 ALICE IN W0NOERLAND 30 (PO> (FRIGH00NiNG scONEs,moT REC FM OR 01NCHILOREN) MA00430 FRI-SON 11.40,12:45,220,340, 5.1645,7040, U0,1020; NON-040RS 6:45,7:0 9*3, 120 SHUTTR 1MBD (14A) <(51M M C0( NN&RLENCECOA95 LANGUAG)FRSN 1:0,32060. t, MSN44RS 6M. 9:40 P RCYACSQ & THE OLYMPUAS: THE USII INIEF (PO) oaNo OR-SON 12.4o ?[The Legendary BUDDY GUY S APRIL 8TH AT 8PM S HAMILTON PLACE 11N3KEtS ATT11E cOPPS COUSEUM BOX 0FF1CEJ1TCKEYMA5TER.CA o905.57-76 on the table was for $500,000 in cash, with the balance of the $5 mil- lion to be paid as a five per cent roy- "It ,s every entrepreneurs fanta- sy," he said. "The publicity we received from the show lias been tries, and is in development in 23 other countries, he said. Krane's company, Safety in Melanie Hennessey can be reached at mhennessey@mdtoncana- dianchampion.corn. Krane'vs Dragons' Den deal falis through But local entrepreneur says ail wasn't lost By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Local entrepreneur James Krane lias a new claimi to fame after recent- 4 ly securing the biggest deal in Dragons' Den history But the victory is bittersweet for the Miltonian as the deal ultimately didn't make it rhrough the due dili- gence process. During last weeks pre-taped ~ episode, Krane and business part-* ner/former Miltonian Ron Whittick landed a $5-million deal offered by Brett Wilson and Jim Treliving for their lnsect Defend Patch - an aIl- natural vitamin BI patch that acts as.' 1 1 1 ~ ! a mosquito bite deterrent. PHOTO COURTESY 0F 078C Though thrilled about the deal AIGTERPTHJae rn ef)adbsns ate o htikfcthDagsonltwesso. -which Krane feels "shows a lot ofMAIGT IRPTHJaeKrn(ef)adbsnspaneRoWhtikfcteDagsonstek'sow confidence in the product"- - lie alty over 30 years. wonderful. lits helped us get the Motion, represents the patch in said hes also disappointed that it One of Kranes partners liked product out in front of the world." Canada, making the compan- the didn't happen in the end. the deal, but the other didn't, he Tlie Insect Defend Patch Os cur- Canadian distributor. "My business partners in the said. rently sold at Home Hardware, and The inventor lives in the U.S. States just couildn't corne to an Despite the transaction not Krane said it will soon be on the and allowed Krane to represent the agreement on the terms," lie said. going ahead, Krane said having the shelves at other stores including ento re company and offer the He said lie was autliorized to chance to appear on the Dragons' Wal-Mart, Zellers, Loblaws, Metro worldwide patents, copyrights and offer the dragons 75 per cent of the Den was still an amazing experi- and more. company for $5 million, but the deal ence. rnk ttoz2 ý 1A ý~- 1. 4. trademarks tn the' Dlraol