~SM~ ~022Ontario St S, ~ KEIr/~Vi1'~ ESTATE ~..# I~ I MIItOfl, ON î~fflltf e, CLATTONI CRAIG HACEEN 5100K SERVING MILTON SINCE 1980 ~878-7777 www.bachmnbvook.com ~m kob. Lîtetimo Achievomont and Piatinore Club Awards tuhu.tdu la case yau havent naticed, inually selling. Sa t you are Ihinking of selling then give me a cali for a confidential evaluatian. S I~i 'i 31W TU5 VU55D Fartautîc Osyl Salie possibip une stipe Sent locations lu IOn cuotpiro Cr0 unit lonuhuase n desîraile complet 5 sein Srîghi nus spacîsus Suote nitu rosirai decor rnsdp su moun rght n Wril lîotked sPur anis wîth lOren bedronots, apgradeit rat n kilcOrri wîiir walkoat lu back patio Grorral Sîr. centrai Sac. Sciosu iruot park ana masipir nisitoro parking spacru 5 mass uee. perteci toi tht lîtut sime siqni Cuti Crain la, mare itotulto. smuu. lilY 80 IDhDYN EU Great opportsnîty fer as însest- ment property located e south- east part et Guetpti uelp minutes ta tlwy 401 This brand oew Reîd Heritage bout conde teatures 5 appliasces upes concept central air ttardwood fluors and 5 10w Gonds tee An uddod bonus s a gond touant outil Decombort TIME TO IDoAX - ENIOT LIFE Thîs 2 br conde could be the sean ut a new lifesisile and teatures 10 ceitingo 2 baths încludîeg an ensuite, spgraded ftuarîng plus 5 appllanceu tu lscsted o s desîrable building wîth a pool, exercîse & parts roomo close lu Ibm dswntawn cure Aubine $279900. NEW USTIIUG STOP UU'19'INO ON TUE FENU! lu t me oSe lu sale snd pool tamîls cou duo osa hasts uSer (bis flsme su ocsted iis ap emîsot pie slisped lst o s masu e a us cîsse s sciissis t tests es sps siled otioduso resliîngled os se es 855 dssrs sew Sîsadîsoot un 2nd eue tg kil 2 sas tp ard 5 custoot sus sot lsotîly rot sddîiîsn The noms e us caîl hor laisSer delsîls Aubino $388 988 IT'S WORTU TEE DRIVE TO BARRIE Thts 2 bedroom execatîve condo has a panramîc v ew ot Kempenteit Bay tram the 111h floor facîng the lake. t features crown mouldîng, open concept, 2 walkouts, ensuite bath, new kitchen, granite coun- ters tixtures and inctades 6 appliances. Check out picteres & virtoal tour on www mis ca tor mts#1000496. My rates are competitive, and I would like the I opportunity to show you what I can offer!!! www.hackenbrook.com I S S' S S e s £ s : BROOKVILLE CUSTOM BUILI CONDO tINIT AT BRONTE/DFRRY Grrîçjea~> ŽiOO t tlîîrrlî,ilrr,( I t î I P îr r fiee stand lot Walkout elevaliais Vîrry well orîlanci, ilevalul A~pluc 7UÛ >r~ r: ~ i jr appninfed BuilI by popufai Chaîleston Homes foi pour rîsteinol office select nos Priced sharp Be iii by fate spiîng. $974,900. $159900. ototot.miltuoprupertieo.ca wotot.miltooprupertîes.ca SA i PRIME BRONTE MEADOWS tIi r . rrrrrl i>' r a arc arr Maîîy dtr~ldC5(S lhlOUgllaUr iilcuncling kîtchen bathrcom flcorîng and fslty landscaped fiant & back $349,900. Cali Glen for more mb or to book a showing. otwot.otiltunpruperlius.ca a A * ZLtji~QDanabian QD~jampion 905-878-2341 555 Industrial Dr, Milton, Ontarto L9T SEl FLYERS: YOU EITHER LOVE THEM OR HATE THEM. BUT HERE ARE THE FACTS! Freehold Fact 1... We can define your target market within Milton or Townhouse our rural areas, and send flyers ont to those homes you wîsh to offer your service. B~O~O~ ~ Fact 2... This means that you cao distribute as liffie as 1,000 bocknpldeoVwrc PGOOI - flyers, or go tii each of approximately 26,000 homes we deliv- lot peesonolnewîotg er to. Location Fact 3... At a cost of only $50 per thousand, you can promote your companv n Your marketing area at a cost that is very Location affordabte for any business. Location! Fact 4... According to the Kubas Report marketing research btSe~w~ d eno~ study, 83> 0f hoosebolds surveyed n Milton (md flyer infor- bportshWdlsoddî ~l5P mation sources useful 10 making buying decisions. pnhn>ndCnoa9uoal (ilS ~ Fact 5... 75> of our readers prefer to have flyers dctivered every Wednesday (jr Friday inserted n The Canadian When you LIST and SELL your HOME Champion. with JALAJI your benefits are: Fact 6... If you want to enjoy the same response to your adver- * VI5uOP5OIOGRAPH5.VI5I5ALIOsS&PYECAtCHINGinAtsREOnEEts tising message that our numerous regular flyer distribution customers rêceive, then catI me. I can help you put together * P5tc CUSIOMER spev>cu ssii ACtION a program that will work best for your business or service. Cali your Canadian Champion Sale Representative Diane Wolatenholme aI 905-878-2341 M