~MorgageArchitects helps distressed homeowners stay in their homes John Cavan, .M Mortgage Agent B«a , ý ru1021 Ask your local mortgage plan ner i. The headlines tell us that the recession is bebind us, but for many Canadian horne- - oowners, it certainly doesn't feel that way z right now. SFor some, it's the loss of a job. For others, an unexpected large expense - or even a small reduction in income - bas made tbe difference in wbetber tbe cbeque book bal- ances at tbe end of the montb. And wben cashflow starîs to go the wrong direction. [mnandiaI problemts can quickly escalate out of control. Tbe stress of tryang to mcci fou many debt obligations may mean that some paymrents are missed. Tbe moment that a homeowner begins to struggle wfth debi, they should get them- selves in to sec an experîcnccd mortgage planner. If there is equity in the home, there iv often a solution. And catchîng a debi situation early iv still the hest way te, protect your financial future. But in the worst cases, tliere will be homeowners who will find theinselves in that mosi difficult situation: laciig the possi- ble loss of their homne. (Gcncrally, these homeowners have had a eombinatton uf unlucky strîkes: a reduetion in inecîme, an increase in expenses, and little or nu equtty in their home. The absence of equiîy tends to bc the tippirig poiint ror homeowners under financial strain. Many hometîwners arc able f0 refinance tu consolidate their dehîs: but wîîh nu equity buffer, the bonieowner wîll nul have thai oîption. Banks and f raditional tenders have begn f0 turn away some htînîeowners for a s'arieiy uf reascîns: tarnishcd eredit. ni homtîe cjuify, oir the inahilify f0 suppoîrt inîrtgage paymenîs. Wc caIl these "dîstressed honîcows îers": those facîng the uiîfappîy choîce uf sellîng their honte, or having the lender dispose of the pruperty through power of sale. Many of these homeowners really want tu stay in their homes - cspecially if the chil- dren are happy in the neighbourbood and in their sehools. Losing a home is not jusi a financial setback, if is also a tremendous dis- rupition tu the faînily whu may nced tri adjusi f0 a new comrnunity and a mtîch smaller rented living space, for example. The protes- sional morîgage planners at Mortgage Architecis arc seeing thîs trend iii communi- tics across Canada. The gîîod news iv ihat. îifien, our plan- ners arc able tu access help for distrcssed homecowners whci have heem discardeil hy the batiks and tradfiinal tenders. Over their sears iii the industry, iusi tof' iur planners bave estahlisfied a tictwurk tif prîvafe învestîîrs vvho are wîllîng t look ai these sif- fiatjotis. I hese private tendlers utfler a few dîfferenit opt ions. Stnie will boy the hîtuse îîutrghm and tHen allots'fhe faiilv ft sf as in tht honme as renterv or in a rnfo Osccuario. rý) white the family does give up ownership. iheir family fle con olten continue wiihout much interruption and tbe acute stress (of muving in such a dillicult situation. tnstead, the famîly can focus on rehuilding their finances - olten wîtb tbe goal ut re-purchas- ing the place ihey caîl hume. Many rerit-to- own programs are three vears - whîch iv the perfect tiînefranîe tu rchuild credif and estah- lish a souncl financtal f ooting. By crîntrasi, bankruptcy mcanv a poîwer of sale. thc prîîp- erty iv gone, and worst of aill a credif rcport that ciearly reflecis this outfi.iiie. White they help distressed homeussucrs look ai iheir options, these planners also help these clfents take hock crînfrîl uof bei r fiancial destiny -by prus'iding credît and debt counseling durîng the rentai or rent-to- own transition period. If you're worrted about your debi situa- flion - oir yiîu fnay be facing thc loss uf > our home - ius lime tu talk fto a mîorgage plan- ncr. If iheres a svay ii a better ftfure ,sj lielp you ffrfd il. Jobet-Cavaat iv an Apptoved Mut igage Planner svilh Mou fgagî' Antt bis. NitIgage quesliîons uni tueur s r an s- diei î iii Jîfîî ('uvaiti offic e, lmiiaed cif 14 Meirfîn Sf., Milfîtu John cao be reached ibr phone: 905-878-7213 or by etnaii: jîii.ciatt«Doîtgat-..ca. Jotn (avei s ii ssrîis wsa.st'sfeoîî giel Conitact John fîîdaN abit Yîîit sfur'ssjtr'e ofiifoepphî fiuifies. £okinq /or a flew fleii? There's neyer heen i hetter itre le purcha.w a homrrerr unIrvck the equiiy in vontr exîitng home. Mor1gae rcrhic, daecrsified range of products are nos *îsalale a( hîsî,rwatll LOW raies. Take advantage of i dream,, teamr î excellent knowledge & service - ius a homemnade favoarite'. LDecorating ýrules you'II be happy to break kUA~rChitct O7l M rtgage ' 87871 John Caafl, AMP www.stesremrgage.ca mm itî 14 Martin St., Milton, ON HedM.6 id-PRLNI-g4O KATHERINE BARNETIwyë/ o PRULTY IN MAITAM SCUTSWOOD MODEL MATTAMY NIL'WWE MOBEL 2355 sq ft, 9 foot ceilings, hardwood floors, corian counters in up- Over 2400 sq ft, 9 foot ceilings on both levels, hardwood floors graded kitchen, open to family room with gas fireplace, main floor in family room, large upgraded kitchen, garden doors walk out to laundry and garage access, new berber carpet upstairs, 4 bedrooms, private yard, 4 large bedrooms, second floor loft overlooks living master featuring large walk in closet and ensuite with soaker tub, fin- room, finished look out basement with 3 piece bath, parking for ished basernent with bathroom, prime Hawthorne Village location. 4 cars in drive plus 2 car garage quiet street. 1 Nol intended Io ý1icd buyem or ý11em curSn0y under contract with another brokwage 1 Direct 905-875-3343 Offîce9O5-270-2000 CALL FOR YOUR COMPLIMENTARY MARKET EVALUATION. 20 YEARS OF PROVEN EXPERIENCE. Add a spike of red for garden contrast (NC)-Tbe Red Star Spike plant, with ils nicb colour and grand foliage, iv a gardener's favourite. In garden beds or containers, the dark rcd leaves that neyer fade creafe a focal point or backdrop for brigbt flowers. Red Star Spike cao aiso creafe colour varia- tions wben planîed wiîb ather green plants. In addi- tion, the paim-like leaves produce an omnamental contrast for softer sbaped flowers. This plant iv easy ta rare for, responds in [uil sun or shady iight, and grows to a heighî of 24" to 36'. Because of ifs hiardiness and colour, il bas becomne a prcferred alternative fa the- traditional dcacaena spike. You cao [mnd the nearent cetailer or garden centre in your region selling Ibis and addîttonal plant ideas are online ai wwwfer-nlea.com. This gardening site also offers tips on baw ta care for a Red Star Spike, and pictures to suggest wbat you might plant wviîb if. (NC)-Lots of helpful decotrat - îîîg bints. tips and rules bave beeta publishcd over the years. But for every rule wrîîîen, someone bas invariably decîded againsi if andl bas bad fantasttc resulis. Gone are the days of holding truc to the line You cao wear white affer Labou Day and you cao break the rules o decorating. Today's inîcrior design sbould refleet wbo you are, wbaî Trends Ci you love and bow you wonî to live. Here arc a fcw dccorating rules [rom tbe pasf îbat cao be ignored. Old Rule: Don't mix intenior design themnes (Traditional, Country or Modern). Focus on anc théine. Wrong. Today the gloves are off. You cao mnix clements of tbe tbree design catégories witb wonderful results. Mîxiîîg modemn pîcces iitt coutfry or formol, traditionai rooms cati add drama and makc a unique personal statemnîco. Richly tcxturcd cork or dîstresscd, finisbcd hardwood flooring, nor- mally suiîcd to a country home, wtll brtng easy comforî ta a traditional imîferioir. Old Rule: Small spaces demand lighî colours, while large spaces are best suitcd ta a dark palette. Wrong. Wbilc a ligbî colour ducs make a space appear larger, and darkcr colour will warn up a large room, if may oi support tbe final dccoraîing effeci you'rc affer. A etilour sceeme should be sclcctcd bascd on the look and feel you wont, rcgardless of tbe room size. Cozy, dramatie or vi rang décor state- mcnts can be atîained witb deep, ricb colours. Lighî, airy and easy-living aimas- pheres arc crcatcd [ram. soft pastels or lieu- trais. Old Rule: Wide-plank floormng is best suited for a larger open space. Wrong. Widc-plank flaoring looks great in a large spoce, but if coni also make a small- 0r er rîomr apptar larger. Plank -widltb sbould be sclected according ta the 'eflect you want. Narrow plank (2" to 3") offers a retro [ccl, adding sig- nîfîcant texture to a décor. Wide e, plank (Y to 7" and up) adds large- seal. drama, while providing a cleaner look through minimal tex- ture. Old Rule: Neyer paint over nat- Grnural wood. nsultant Wrong. Offent old wood panel- ing, wood îrim or furniture pieces cao look daîed. No amount of stripping and refînîshîng will lend a dlean, modern edge. If you love your -wood t rim or moldings, but the wood stain depresses the overaîl décor, Paint it white and waîch the room comte alive. Don't tear down that paneling or throw ouf that old dresser. Refinish with a soft, m'atie, neuru1 paint. Add new hardware and voila - x'ou "Aave a brand new look. Natural wood baseboards and door jams con break up the overaîl look of a roona. Paint tbe wall t rim tu blcnd wiîh the interior walls [or bet- ter balance and flow. Old Rule: Stick ta one type of flooring for coosisteney. Wrung. You con naix different types of flooring to add character and texture to o rouin. Just ensure the colour matches to niaintain a consistent flow and keep your space open. Cork, bardwood, leather, faanli- nate, tile and broadloom combinations work well witbin the samne space. Olten extra large spaces (Great Rooms) need to be "cozied up'. You cao add that warmth and even define the use of the room bx' inlaying differ- cnt types of flooring. Take a look ai a Canadian flooring company, Torlys for fluor- ing ideas. Sa go ahead and break a few ntles. Create your own inferioir design statement. The results cao oftcn add that special wow you've been looking for.