COMMUNITY YOU'RE INVITED: Karen Chambers (centre) - executive dîrector of the Bob Rumbali Associations for the Deaf - joins wth <from Ieft> volunteers Leeanne Gîbb and Ingrid Von Cube and staff members Debbîe Laplante Jayne Leang and Vîcky Hatzopoulos to promote the upcomîng Taste of Niagara fundrarser Fundraiser to benefit Rumbail associations for deaf Explore the flavours of world-class winer- ies without leavîng town. An evening of fine wine, beer, food and live entertainment is in store with an event Saturday, April 17 at Country Heritage Park, 8560 Tremaine Rd. About 300 people are expected to attend the Taste of Niagara, a wine and beer-tasting fundraiser thats being held to benefit the Bob Rumbail Associations for the Deaf in Milton. lt'lI run from 7 w il p.m. Attendees will expenence the flavours of winerîes from the Niagara region and beers from Ontarto microbreweries, alongside hors d'oeuvre pairings. The une-up of winemakers ofiering sam- plings of their produets will include Angels Gate Winery, Joseph's Estate Wines, Kittling Ridge Estate Wines and Spirits, Scotch Block Winery, Reif Estate Winery and Puddicombe Estate Winery. For the beer connoisseur, brewers on hand will include Brick Brewing, Steamwhistle Brewing and Wetlington Brewery. While savounng an array of samples, guests will enjoy live music by Big Sweet Lou while the talented Ariel Acrobats from Zero Gravity perform suspended from the ceihng. There will also be a suent auction. Bob Rumbail Associations for the Deaf (BRAD) bas been impacting the lives of Deaf children, youth and aduits with special needs for more than 25 years by delivering a variety of care and support services. Proceeds from the event will assist BRAD in purchasing a wheelchair-accessible van for residents and clients with special needs. Tickets cost $85 each, which includes a souvenir wine glass and commemorative gif t. Cati (416) 449-9651, ext. tii, or email *3. *.& b * J Celebration on the Friday, April 2nd Band:"BiIIy Harper" 7pm * PRIZES FISH & CHIPS 5SidsRoa~ *NewM~nu OPEN i il AM