OFA: Farmers Proud 0f Environment Efforts 3- Th8 Oe e aîi -ectîvis technotogy altows todaysf >O__meArso PDeotRsnoN et AME,1Ri iiEi applications of nutrienes ond croî -~Rarely do farmers take the time 10 celebrate the occîem- ensîîring over-applicat ions don't oce j plishments of their ittdustry. A significant neilestone - the wasted. z 40ttt onniversary of Eorth Day - wos marked on April 22, and lnîegrated Pest Management syste 0 farmers have every right to tell tteeir fellow citizens about 10 idcntify the bent and tîeost approp Meverythieg îhey have been dîeing to, proteet the earîh and -/ deating with pents tiC nininmize pesti Siroprove ils environntt hase enabtcd Ontario farneers 10 cu 5Councit and AGCare, farmers have been encouraged 10 Write ovrteest2yca. a ihtejitlaesm fteGCai amAia But in using the techologies at <about their environi-cntal acciemplishtteents with letters 10 have also dramaticatly inecased thi <editors of local newspapers Cfrn atrpodciiyiepoe Theres a lot tii talk about in such letters -everthiitg from I oricattv ieutstrin att other areas of ot their conservation tllage efforts to plateting tecs, produtction of renewable ertergy with wîîed turbines and biodigeseers to solar installations 10 heat harns and poiwer n s'arîety of oper- ations around the fareri. For decades farmers and their famities have been emptoy- ing Environmental Farm Plans (EFP) to ensure their farming operotions are fricndty to the etcvironiment. Through the EFP and ils workshops and books, farm famnilies are able to iden- tify areas of their farnis that con benefit froit i îproved envi- ronnientot practices. Whiei these itn-proies'eînetts are moate, tarîteers have been etigilcle fuir thieusands oîf dotelars te futher encteurage tteem t0 nase aint proîct the c ensiroetetetet. Ofticials estiote foriners atîcl $i32 mcillion il lceir lins te tîîîds fier criîecîs ni 200(). Onitrio tai nets nser ut îii froit ofilatmiers else\Nstîcre ti Canada wîîh their EFP projecis. Farmers acrons Canada wit- nessed what Ontario farneers were doing 10 enhance the envi- ronment on their farms, and recenîty started projeets in their province. Advances in technotogy have been a major influence in improving the environmental care of our farms. These advances make it possible for todays former 10 use satellite imagery t0 pinpoint the applications of plant nutrients and herbicides 10 proteet the crops we ptant. Using Global Positioning Systems on their farmns, we know exactly where weeds are a problemt, and where additional nutrients are needed 10 achieve the optimum yields. armers to ueptimize the pprotectton materials, or and products are not tes have been emplîeyed noate svoys and ineans of ette tise. These systerns i pesticide usage in hall hand today, our farmers eproduction from their mnts in agnculeure bis- Whilc fccdtng Canadians and people arîîund the witrld our farniers arc also providing valuable ecotogical goods and services. Farmers using nio tilt or low tilt practices heIp sequeseer carbon in the soit, reducing the green house gas effect on our environmenî. New feeding regimes for tîvestock wtll reduce methane retcased into the atmosphere. Green encrgy production on the farm une green house gosses 10 generate some of Otetarios ecctricity necds for the future. So os gutsernmenis nuise aliead on greenhouse gos polîcies, thes need tic knîts Canadian agriculture rnay he 10 pcr cent iiithe prîthîcru. but we con bc 20 per cet of the solutioen. Ontario farins do rnuch msore chat grow our hcatthy aind ntriiîes tiîd -flics\ set se a,; votîiehte nsai ette icagc ercai piieside ltobiîoî loi ihousantds ont spet tes oi nsvildihfe and, through modern farmiîeg praceices, hielp preserve or valu- able voit revources Huew does that compare t0 an urban ciîy block? Ontario farmers have much to be proud oef as we celebrate Earth Day. And Ontarios consumers have much to be proud of whec they ask their retailer for Oneario-grown food. Consumers con be proud of supporting Ontario farmers, who continue to improve our envirooment. Ssii yonr Houso fiJFast O)For Highsst Pnice <)For Possibly 1I2% Total Total Diet n il-2444I.' i .BARNETTEAM** L-ms Sales Representative *TeaoMnv is n Tiaderk of ti relam~i For more information, vs mniarnetteanf . , . M :1j*e1 *10 ù Il IIi ÀIlI II -MR W - 50MR 50 40- 40 4 1 a Chnrs Barnettean [I Agent #3 El Agent #5 [0 Agent #7 a Agent #9 a Agent #2 a Agent #4 0 Agent #6 0 Agent #8 M Agent #10O i * oMANNINGTON MODEI. - ~ BY MATTAMY 2690 Sq. Ft, 9' Ceiiings On Main Lv, Separate & Fer- ma Lr & Dr. U/G Kitchen With Granite Ceanters & Ceramic B/S. Hdwit Stair- cane, 4 Bdrms, Den & Laundry On 2nd Level. W/O Tv Baiceny. Frîdge, Steve, B/ Dishwasher, Over The Range Micrnwavc, Waeher, Drycr, Win- dem overinge, 2 Egdn, Hamidifier, Cac, Encinde: tr & Dr Chandeliers (T.B.R.). MLS# Wl 853586 $559,0O0 PROPERTY Have Yen Been Lnnking Fer A Large Twe Famîiy Home? De Yen Need An In-Law Suite Or An Inceme Prep- erty?? Den't Mine Ont On Tis Fabalens Oppertanity. Tin Home Featuren A Great Layent Ot Over 2600 Square Feet Pine A Hiniehed Twu Bedreem Baeement Apartment With Ny Neighbcnre Be- hind .& Its On A Wide Lot!!! $379,9S0 GORGEOUS MATTAMY Emerson Medel backîng ente green belt, hoerne a- tmes hîgit celîngs, large prîncîpie reeme, npgraded kitchen w/ etainlens steel appliancen, weed stair cane, innnry master encnite,ceeamice, walk-ent basemeiit,gat bbq teck np, unnpiled base- ment with 3pc reagil ready te go.! $449,900 IV PWL Oe 1 F 'I