Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 May 2010, p. 18

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uttl Hp rnttzi el cascades GENERAL HELPER POSITION -a Reporving ta haail buperursar, ta seiecisO can- e dîdaten Iii enin matating scireaule a hauts shifsa 12 Mandap ao Fridap asuieni ta changes aith short no- Sticn acarding ta thn Collectîve agreement. The o pnisons haue ta catr in an industriel enuîronmnnt E nd tend ta be able ta matkirn a mndium ta test Spaed anvinannent. Thn steoîing rate tan this position ii.5.3l/hasrandwe pet avimnetitar4 haun. THE RESPONSIBIL11ES Z . Mai Palsisasemblpttpasinn uine mariroh a baiierttoiren/tdcydling producos * Wr imftalenttc ig pecnsatfcadr Do *a aie aff, ste dng aI finish gands and maharil thme qualitp itetninat5an, imngth andaidnhl E * effinmaotaenduis assignad Q UALIFICATIONS, SKILLS .8 anti EXPERIENCE Be ablte t usetaia arerpne Spaat an ad eagtah I Aatanamp, Iitiative andihdsptehlept * jemnntedstaan@ceste/tea.csm Imortant: tan Ste tan the jo is ircated in Brampton close bp tha Chrynler Fiant. Onip candidates tan interviews miii be cntadeit. MetriCan Stemping ta a mieil eetablised anti tant gram/ag manutactunen o aibgir qcality taaing anti matai atamping tanrlire actamative intiuattp. Tira management af MettiCan es cammitteti ta pnamatin g e sale anti irealtiy marirpiace tan ils ampiapeex. Wiile ara seaing aeit-mntiveted indirvidus milir gasti commanication sinus, e ntrang snne af de/t/caban anti a cammitinent ta teammanrk. GENERAL LABOUR Alespaesrble tan cracing parta tan quaiîtp cantrai. Aepetitise tanin, maneai deateritp, attention ta detaîl, irant-epe coordtination, standing tnt ettendeti peniatis. PRESS OPERATOR AND RDBDTIC WELD CEIL OPERATORS Aespansibie tan tire tata anti etficient apenatian aftir assîgneti machine, pan/ad cirecirs Ian qsailp and assisling in set us. 2-3 peens production esperenca in an sutamatîse stampîng envîrnment maulti be an enset. Flesibîiitp ta ta vaniaus tasira. Aepatitîve tasirs, manuel destetitp, astention ta dem/Il irant-epe coardination, standing tan eeten/ted peniis. PRESS SET UP Alespansible tanrlire sate anti efficient set sp aI progressive anti iran/t transten press machines nanging tramt 60 - 800 tan. b-? peara esperience as e set sp apenatan in ant astamativo saemping envirnnient la a must. Parkl/h an/t crane espanienca la aian taquine/t. Tma matirronatl/nal shifta tam dapa ta aitrnonas. Onip appip il pas are camlartable w/tir shift matr. Oren transporttion in a must. Wa aller camptI/tva mages m/itir banal/te. MotriCaR Siamping ta. mnc. Fax or amfai yaar routieo tma attentien et: Human Resoarcea Fax: 90-3324-0 Emfait: 'Nophone catis plase. » ~C jai S RGStaf fn g e0,88-78 Reo spMc cfotarIN-PAPER JOB FAIR napplecneato andks put yaar oepfeyeocppa/or es i he faest cf faaaeh"tt te Bcol/eglaen, Ockarit, M/tati and/tFfrubereaqls. WAy sel g/ieo ayueameafn proft alaeg ar/eh dumadfirejar ienforatai/on,phone nerr ca/t a Rdn ef jet eppaafaaa/lea yaa have le aller. oarc/ ai/t br par/t/n oct epecial ceseasti a/taaasu coueuresl oast pepiloe/t epnad/tectacfreona bacIl gel ehab dit is dNtfar dfillel pkilsacw lbuTs fltaita Rois 7COMPANY ANS &LOGO Coanpany PRFLE. /IPlCLUDIIG: Crtipary M Serons Vas ithe Canraarf You wç- PrMh Herit YserCeesparel O~ riADDESHe nH w ~ErM - FAX E4ea * M MetrlantiWest Media I3naap carrentip iras an apenrng tar a Regional Human Resources Manager tar a anc pear canlract perted. Theo position mil/ be locale/t in Borivptav, Onatio av/t wi/ioverneo theo Hatav av/t Ni/agara Réieoiav. Tire incsrnbent re/t ire respenaibie tan prsv/ding expert Maman Acsarces consultation ensring ail Maman Acanarces needa are succesatuip met. Tire ptimary reapenaibiity ai tis rsie is ta ptavide guidance and cannait- ing ta ensute tirat business strategies are prnmaled and supparted bp Maman Resaurces practices. In tins raie, pas miii alan ire reapansibie tan pnamsling aperatinnai excellence m/mhin tire lunictin by; Maintaîn and tartirer deveiap MA practîces that meet tire need at tre business; support tire business units mitir tire impiementatisn ni a Performance Reviere pnacess, pravide adaîce and caunsel ta managera regardrng MA practices & empiapea issues, ensure positîve empiapea nelations bp wnnking dandey mitir tire management team, enaure campliance mitir campsnp palicres & pracedurea as maeil as applicable legisiatian. Partner mitir tire management team ta deveiap strategies ta ensune tire selectise ai tnp talent & ansiat ia tire recraitment ptacesn as requited; ensane tain and eqaitabie treatment ai ail candidates, create, sounce and impiement internai and estennai training and develaporenl pranma ta support sur performance deveiapment cultare. Canînibate as a member aftie management team ta tire averail effectivenesa and direct/an aftie campanp. Tire quaiied candidate miii ire a palit/cai savoy, independent indîviduai mitir stnang communication sinus, bath eritten and verbal. Yas irave a minimum ai 3 peats esperience en an MA Manager Senienalint rate mita a neiated cailege an universilp degnea and yast CMAP deaignalian an mariring lamarda it. Vas miii have tire ability ta mark mithis a tant paced deatiline driven enairnmeel caspied w/tir ettang pna/ect ant i lme managemnent akilia. Trasel milirin lire MatsnlMamilsonlNigata Aegisn la neqairat. If psu masît i lle ta matr tan a leader in thm media intiantry fis apparIes/tp may ire tac igirl ana tan pas. Il interenteti please tareard psar reare ns latentha May 251h, 20lOta; kandra.mIIIer@matralaad.caaa Wo appmciatolithe /fnteoaappiroentafrtwa nly taose oed far an interview wIl be cantaceti. Noaphoe a or agnc/e ple. ý*a~Maple Star c' fe-n%o"l djr'7naM&tt4W *petrtn ir{c!nhan 1,c Chidror ns fl IkoessnPsitons OtNNofi REAL DESSNT Raesatie%?cagngpeatn MACLEOD ESTATE RECEPTIONISI hheansdtesorheepoîf IANNA» CLERK Reqsined th prabns lkodullon Tmna iiprovi 'gtdie O'Connor MacLeod MneLPaneghen leaso I Or nrwssasrnaanlnlnnmA lamper tull service lare tirm, Iscated in Oakitle, emaîl rosune (o: ctRtomct rdiof teliq. Ie Ontari. We are cunrentiy seehing an individai *35-90-7746 rka~~~jjrc ith nesidentiai Real Estate eaperience tor a àw gm flic fon y candidate wil have kare edge b hg degîc of accmrq, allenfion to deil and of residential real eatate, ncladiý ng $urn tecbiitosrcsiPD niolaik condomninius, and ai serve au 1 '1 / ith csnveysnicing. Ail apphicanta shssid have * à En dfoa rganafonil and pfiofitiaton a thsrsugh knamiedge ni MS Wsrd, Microsoft Watortront Motel Outissir, Canvayancen, Teranet and have Drntaren Budngtsn àUi excellent csmmanicaissiaganioatisna siti. BREAKFAST *AhuivtWcommuicatefectivelvt anleeid Ail reaumes receîved miii he heid in atricteet ATTENDANT wokâWconfidence. Inlerenteti candidates shnatd aend 9T M-F 5:30cm-t ltam workfhewelywn inehes thein reaamne ta: PT Sat & San tan- *w Canmslowllnof foodroifon wold k O'Connor MacL.od Manne LLP N nsawsss6 arristora & Saiciton Mature perse ta pre- conidmilanut 00Kerr Streat, Gakella, ON, LSK 3W5 ae, beand naaise oee tAttanton: Joan LaPointo viebgffet,ieractiog ifYuntere dinsaigithucso E-mail: wih rstta, dean ap. Y a on PWns ai4rp le in Igstirono referesce it.OM. on rupilygowig.4 nna 0 eaklit in the subject //ne 2020 akanhare Rd., mwîacàànaaaea râMeseto Viait sret ats/telai: Barflin WàâlhLCIL W th fr k(Brant & Lakeaine h@dt*coiWeflankalforllei ~ s6e~' mmehwatortreat rg andlqd Rpond onlto thore cadits ae nr 10 dewntown.on conuîdered for flc psion. Fax: 005081-541 Centennial Windows ESALNGE cts.âfrtacrÀd#es/ect ~PAVINO COMPANY Opportunities in Burlington and sun'ounding afrioas 1PRATOR flan hm nsw Imn a bo~ tina tS ad oSr proutrSPA 0cr repenaties as Censadas iesding windaw cnd door manufacturer, AE. alang w/tir aur entens/ne marketing sappere. generates hcn/tres cf qccltiy Gsad pay reih ltt lads fram hameawners in yoar area enery week aIl year longt fhus Wm "àpâ irnen. mat/tata/tsaees peaple watn scone eajmavience 905-842-4141 preferubly in dnosing sates ta tire consumerotrapos tire Ititche tacble' bantflot reqaire a reliable vstie and tire flesiiity ta caver sates tekl mirenever tire Do You... w. 05. 40v ladsà fracs homewnen evrynt a yer Iong mini nonccldam? f ix drippy If yu lke c, b reognzed or hatfaacea? -w.etnilidw.o .. fumiture? * *.iezzjCem STARTINO A SMALL r BUSINESS? THE OUP Fret msrirairp tousse/t on atarting yoar s osmn aal buaines sTRAMSfORTATION Ma 10, 2010, Opm-7:SO0pm INTENET'BangtsnYMCA Caneen Develspmant AZ Trivers, US Teame Leamieg Centre Regiater ai & Singles 905-681 11 4U Van & Reefer reqes- yra exp. 0FR mn W - --a- [ttZ Deck Division Md W gffl ff a li , e unces US Divrs exp. on Flat/ caes [f1111), Must thava cean abstracts & CRS nhe MaLien Cl/e/c, acareite pnivetee As att business groina me nec/t monre irelp aaaiet in ritr o. irR lnem car ses ap tt%) OR. & R XERNEMNDATORY PARTS MANAGER ______ Candidte mustbe a motivatei concentration mita etock rd/eta, sîid inventany o:Gn ael t90-27-51C and management capabililies, computer DNTA SITN lidenate tan invenlanp, necsnd-ireeping, anti pente Reqaired Part-lme CLASSIFIED E-MAIL inomto.Send yoar resrne ta: Mnndap Wedsbaa. anti Fnidap IGallinger Ford Lincoln - Milton in Georgeton Office sINTERNETSl mI:Fax: jj7-37 Pteeeeemailreeta m iltoncanadiîancham pionl __J 11 1 com I.

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