E 'Program ',holds youths needs to be done to, make it right. EWhen its necessar-) Porneroy said, police work hand in hand with Zu agencies including Transitions-o 0 Youth and the Reach *Out Centre for SKids in the community that can be of help to the youth. For example, a youth who is caught shoplifting would be referred Ito the Elizabeth Fry society, which has a program for shoplifters. A youth who is addicted to marijuana would be referred to, ADAPT. Pomeroy said they also speak with the victim, let them know the youth is in the program and get their input on what they would like to see Shappen. Part of the contract can include writing a letter of apology to the vic- tim. Some of the youths themsclves suggest they do this. DaRosa said when they are deter- mining a youth's community service hours they try to, get the youth te, find bis or her own hours. "We want the youth to be suc- cesaful," he said. Working with the program has been a "huge eye opener" for DaRosa. "lt's changed my perspective of policing," he said. 'It (the program) will be the first thing on my list (when he's hack policing on the street). lts highly successful. 1 did use it before, but maybe not as much as 1 sbould have." CORRECTION NOTICE "(1014317M/ltt4til4lieZ thI148meffiO u e» i MuR Hem thwetpi.m<50) wé e 1405t Wu obl eplu f« My kveom.u e- -Y * iiHoiises- SAURAY MAY2, LhIHeP Rooe Lotit, Meadouloufle Reatt,90tts-tltlO 41 eCmCeeO 82Mm, DmyO FRea Renia Real titate Centre. M05-87-7777 Medeeti Town Coitre Ruts, tt 8-il 100O SUNeAâcu. MAYtdRdOI2 I Riyi taPage muadiuiise e oit, 905-87-8101 3W ooweem 130e,9811, Pmu Fem 00 -a Memu, m, AeiOWN ueee m hueek Rami, 479,MO. TIeifCiUOeO GORRUD 'S'. 2006 Chovrolet Avoo LT ~ Slk#584846 20M Uloek Loum CXL,207Chilimo CTS Slk100 kIlSOtO Stk#131903 SMkl200Cadltimo IXAU 20.huAmso 16U0LZCEW Ic St10374 2007 Chovrolot Cobalt LS Stku687985 20106 Chrysior Sobrlng Stk#165746 P*Ail prices plus taxes & Iicensing. 207VW6011it t Stke 2242 200VWJtt2eI UV.ttP6uk SSS65oet S tt6490 20T oyt MtixX 20 TytaRllpf -moka aceus