'Golden finish to season 6 Sydney Townsend punctuated the latter on which she set a new ~hergymastis sasonwit a gld-personal best. 2en exclamation mark. She combined that witb a si- .~The 1O-year-old Miltonian -ver-medal sbowing on bars and a ýwho now trains at Mississaugas -bronze on the floor ta, reacb the îE Futures Gymnastics after an top of tbe podium, besting a com- 2 impressive run with ber bometown petitive field tbat included tbree of SSpringers - delivered four individ- ber clubmates. < ual medal-winning performances en Sde uce e iktt uroute ta wmnning the 1O-and-1 1- Syny tbe eastern nationals witb a * year-old Tryo 4 (equivalent of Townsend fourtb-place overaîl effort at tbe SOntarios Level 8) division at tbe recent provinciale two weeks earlier in St. Eastern Canadian Cbampionsbips in Catharines. 5Mississauga. Sbe also tasted team success in SDespite being in ber first year at tbis cat- Mississauga, beiping tbe Ontario squad pre- Iegory, tbe up-and-coming gymnast turned vail over Quebec (siuver) and Nova Scotia back ail challenges on botb vault and beam, (bronze). GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION RACING BACK AT MOHAWK: Live standardbred racing returns ta Mohawk tonight, with the season running until mid-October Here Brian Sears guides 'Sportawriter' - a Pepsi North America Cup hopefui - past Jodi Jamieson and 'Affleck' in a pace qualifier last Thursday Soccer Royals, in championship hunt.