MILTON OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday 9 a.m 4 p.m. F o us n CALI CENTRE HOUIRS: Monday to Friday 8:3Oa.m. 5:30 pm Zclassifloids M M w.witrcm 2AD SURMISSION: By mai or inpersoaatBa tngtatPost 5040 Mainay, Unit #1 Ba eigtatON L7 7G5. DEADIJNES: Matday 11arn for Tua day 0pubatoat Wedtesday 11att far Ttausday publiation. Spas al Featura deadliras may vaty PAYMENT 0e ail aa ep cash h heqIac aO i/ta MasteaCatd, 2Ameica Expess.Bieaccunts may be pend vth aappovdaeditappliatioaalable frattyaulttSalesosltant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRSi For Circulation inquirles, please cail -yato ad 4DAY fIÎ APPEARS to eansure ifs accuraay. The Catadiat Chamspian ai tat ha respattsible for aty arrors appearing alter the harst day of pablication. Ifat Uerras appeats syaat ad, cantaat yoar Sales Corsalarnt taithin 24 haaas of publicationt Thursday publicatton tror ust ha repantad hefara 5:30 p . 9 5-7 -5 onrthe falaasîng Moday. jmmm ApaSamnImmai fol Apaation for Humusa for Rou IaodAt esig& li. esn E GEORGETOWN CENTS-j RY hame, rtwly reraaat ftk c ed, salid brick 3-bedrat A E o EOhame. Large yard, ample A E1IC r . Ialî utI V-mkP YOUR DEST SOURCE FOR LOCAL JOBS ferred, credit chc re-_______ t qwred Cali Hal 305-8fhh GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENT 2h27at FA dRomOS TOhare II122 Branle Street South, Milton MILTON- LARGE 3 bed' prîsaen bedrayar, lviar ee an alnios new càw fo lu, 905 878 5375 - verticaca rata, uppet hall of hauise, raan, etc, ta harse tara im Choose froon over 3,000 CRIIDLVLI ~luaury bath, laundry gar ard on paddac a aill e s tlsage, parking, yard space. v45m 1-3-24 sebieles at Leameustem ENA ASSTN seren ileghl)tirlood$1450/raa plus part _________416_537-4264 2601Rnvldftrs oli oil trli& hb utrîgies. 905-299-2900. ROOMMATES WANTED Required Part-Timg 41 . 0 0 Oas Ices tu nao GOinsi MALL 2 hedraam haute far a 3-bedraam Miltar Mondap, Wedresday and F doy rn established ceatral hame. Large tamlyraarr i on Georgetown Ofc slo))lqln oeGeargetoaa fr trient Large a/tirplace, garre raa -Peaegm gago1 MiIto Suits basd on vailaility yard, appliarces ircluded. Star GO/ 401. narrero PlNnMr'tip.Lume t * *Awvt.N hailablr Jura st i fra rirrcludes utilîSes/ inent ww gtdfntalclinc@lbelnelca 4 16 -6 0 2- 6 8MILT8 ences eqired Cai, First/ lysa, e rncs DOWTWNqu.LTi.ay 28-7-71u bedratar. Gas tîrepiace, ail appliancet, Sardaaad. - 905-299-2728 tri 905087-2000. 1 GI ERINLEA APARTMENTS, br viellintaiaed cabuild- an irg la tria. Ouaiabie a imnediately. t bedrata ni 5775/atath. Free parking. ci Cai 519-766-83 Ort Ln 41"66-0667. at GEORGETOWN t bed- S raam. Otaiabie Jura. El 5800O/atath, Snat/ Sydra A- iaciudnd. I oaahirg spacn. 91 Frrsl/ hast. Sa pers pre - leaaedu. 9050ý73-403. M GEORGETOWN 2 bed- ch rata apaîrmear Claa, a upaciaus and baîgSt. Clase F ta GO. Auailabie July ist, 9 SaD pets preterrd. Cali 41524320819f.r GEREON3 led L aomnawlu reroatd, cîen, la, gtr, spaci tas Launry. 5 175/maath a plus urîlîries Ataîlale îim- mediately. 905-9550322. bD GEOaGETOWN NEWER" bacSniaa baseaet Na 9 sathea. Lauuday, tua- aîshed. luit single prsar. 5600/maath inclusiue. CaillI 647-223-3932. HILTON- BACHFLORi 5775/at., Sîtchea, fuill balS, utîlîties, cabie & Iauedaýy No saoking/pe I fer an pets atilabin Juae.1. 905-à76 34f7 tar 416 576-9294. MILTON 1 bedaaam base. ment apartaent, SharedI rertrarce. 5800/marIS ail inclusive. First/ ast re i n uîrnd. luitablinfori1per- 0 ta. Cail 41656654492. HILTON I-BEDROOM, t garder letel, utiities/ acabe/ internt/parhing ina cluded. Fîrepiace, taigSt and spacîtus. Auaitabli aedîatniy. 5900/ma. 905-299-29O. r HILTON 2-nSDRH apt. - a hîtchea. a ashaoam, tamiltr y attm ait app. Cati k 905-8É4-8890. H ILTON- BRANS aw i- ebedrata basemert aptat- ment, aaaa-srzed look-oat windows, separate an- -trarca, lauaday parking. Sf9 S/ma irai ades utîttea, a-Suits nature coupie/ t s 1 1C o smahking. si. HILTON-« LOVELY Spa- clous -bedrata apart- - ment, cea tratto ilocated. d- Stone lîrepiace, applîtac a s, caSte. Wlorkrng maie te prataraed, ratrece a 5900/at. ail irclusiue 9050878f509 after Spa. OORGETOWN 2 and 3- dratai tatahausesfo ntI. $1,250/marth plus id $i .450/marah plut. eererces ted credil heck required. i ynar rase. Olsa luge 2-led- an fliatin la cir, hard- oad tîtars, 2 ireplaces i .250/marIS. Caraci zatr oeli, dahnson saciains Real Estta ai 05-877-515 ILTOPI TOWPNHfUSE 3- rdraait, garage, rat arpel, rea kItcher fotars, ualable lmaaediaiiy rst/Lasi Lall Date 05-878-5444. IILTON- FIJRNIOMED tan o rient in basement, ail kitchentte, shared atriata Sierîns! Ortaria Ian-snmaer. 5450/ma. .uailable ilmmrdiaieiy '05,876-2905. MILTON, WOODWAD/ oycied areaSie1fu art triage, ligha caakirg. Suir quiet, tidy rat sathar. $405/ma. tutut lasi. 905-299-0226h DOWNTOWN MILTON lîShsq.St Excellent loca- tan Saughr afSer spat. ne- enauated astrea 905 2 99 -207208 9050876-2000 DOWNTOWN MILTON. lO50sq.ft reraîl or toffce space. Sealyrerauated 905-d59-1999. WHAT'S MY Mlttan home aoatht Heres an easy wai ta fr4 tut ahar homes hiler yturs ara selliaqfolr rn ta day's marhat. 4îsOt MyMiItonHltae Val ae .car or cati taa 24 saur record ed massa ge lira, a t.eaa-hfa554f a t2 BRAND NEW anscai detached haute. Paîaate pince bath and badroon utîlîl/es îrctuded, iterane tces ew su bd/a/s/a near Derra and Holl i sather to Parking la one. 905-ahd-ulaa. SAUBiE nEACH, cottage aîth large prîtate yard. ucrats the raad trami sandy beaci 3-bndratas. Cauple/ tamîlirs tîly. 510,794-3775. MILTON 1400SQ.FT Offce space for lette, 2rd leuni, coaner unit, Sear Caspital, Au gnPt, $2400/mo 905-330-525h 2-YEAR 015 Tabby car, lree ra a gaad Stan. Spade, dr-claaed and Sas ail suaIs. Please Cali: 905-693-0186. PADDOCKS, LAND. tuailable tar Sarsrs, car cultivat ta enta citas. 2 miles tata 401/ Cry 25. Verï y easarable. Cl 41l 537-4264. ANTIQUE MAHOGANY d suiram tir 6 chairs tabl, ballfet and chînt cabinet 905 o878S613 51200 a.b.a CARPET i Sane sauraa 1,000 yard s oI ara Staî Myster & 100% nylon cal pti fOi do lîuîrgraamt Sali for $309. Iaciudns cai pet, pad g installatian (31 905-633-8192 HOT TUB tSpai Cauna bet prlîn, test qualîlo. A 1shapes & caiaurt. Ca NES SES, Seluan Cashia Top $200 Sora While P taw Top $360. 30yr. tar 905-84-2020. REFRIGERATOR- 2 dol orside-bytîida, 30' ga 'staae, wasSar/ dayer se jcar tait teparatai: 647-567-9 595. g SUPER SPRING tai i. Loae yoaa faan/tuae, ha oua coloars. trot F/edt a cati. Ltanteats tata S59f r Chairs Iran $249 C Saa Se ta 5i 19.95 Serto rtDscaunt 9am-fn 9025632-9090 $ 5mas Cas h Paid $ JLeier aoins, Mu~V etro1and Oil Silver, i bs turc S rr ,, M 1. D A ;I r)U Paintin s, Mattolard West Media Group currently hs an openîng fot a Diauss, aina, 1 Cryniai, Suller, r Regional Human Resources Manager Fignrines, Rayai fot a ona yeor conract pet/od. Dantn, Swaravait1, The position wîli be tocated in Burtîington, Ontario A1r Anique$ and wilt oversey the Ha/ton and Niagara Regîonp. EsaeSeiis, The incombent wlt Se reapono/bIe for praaiding expert Homan Retourcet Top Cash. consultation enooring a/t Huan Retoarces nieedo ata ouccessfo//y met. Cali Jahn/ panil The ptîmary resonttbi/itir of thia tale s o 1 provide guidance and cansult- 905-331-2477 'ng ta entore 150f businest otrategiet are ptamoted and ttpptfd by www.ltrdarecam Human Retoarces practicet. In th/t rote, pou wlt alto be reopontibe for w» ptomoting operthona excellence w/fS/n the fonction Sp; F r Matotain and furîher dae/tlp HR practîcea 1h01 meet the needso0f the F r business; support the but/nets uni10 wîth the tmptementalîon af a Performance Ren/ew procets, protide odvîce and counoe/ ta, manageas F A S regardng f-R practîces & emp/opee issues, ettore posti/e emp/oyee relations by warhing c/ose/y wifh the management team, ensure service, complrance wîf h company pot/c/et & pracedures as wet/ as applicable l egîs/aflon. patrner w/fS the management leam f0 deaa/op otrafeglest 10 ettore the select/on of top tlent & assiot in the recru/imant proceso as F X requîred; ensure fair and equ/tabta trealment oI at/ candidates, create, y.Osr source and imptement toternal and eaterna/ training and daeteopment cssfe ad. programo to suppot tour performance dene/opment ca/tare. Conîr/bute as daisifie ad. a embr ofthemanagement feamn ta the onera/t elfectteneso and K îtutart ait Ia betl up direction of the companp. tae eurlaatrn P555 The quat/f/ad candidate wlt Sa a polttcali sanay, todependent ind/v/dual Milo Chmin eI w/fh ttrong cammut/cation ahi//t, bath wrîtten and yerbal. Yod haae a t>lira. m/nimum of 3 pears eaperîance în an HR Manager Genera/ot rote w/rh a niala ia,alassification re/ated cottage or un/aars/tp dagrea and pour CHF1P dasignaton or art tte dans ard rampit5 work/ng towards it. You wlt hane the ah/lt/W ta wortt w/th/n a lot paced 4 l aei m lee daadtîna dr/yen env/ronment coup/ad wîth strong pro/adt and. t/ma entau have a 1 g uestos abot management oh/t/o. Tranet w/rh/n the f-atonlHamittontN/gara Raglan /0 4" oa raquîred. tf pou wou/d t/ha t 10ork for a leader in the media /nduotrp f h/s FAX: opportun ty may ha the r/gSI ana for pou. r s c o~ If' /neratd p/easa lorward pour tasumae no/latar than May 251h, 2010PIO; 632-8165J~ kondra. 0 ~Weappreciale the nterstofaitaplCiadts offver ontose seted WOPK fonneviw_________id o hn cls raenisplae OOWNTOWN MILTON Miiiside lasers 82 Miiisidn Drive. Attractive qu/at building. Spactout hrîght dleani 1&2 bedroam un/to AilS taurdry fac/titp and toc/at roomr an s/ta. Ragutar rat/dent anant Open 7 days Il aaenhngs Cal, 905-876-1249 www.reaisiar.Ea ACTON, 2 bedrata apari- aent i atS suratao an. large balcao. Large back yard. Parking. CauahýIr irg ta et of tan Oist ta lahe. Outîlabin SAgut Isa. 5950/atath plut hy- dra. JaSa 519582-9940.. ecTOr APAIiTHENTS. 1, 2and 3bedrotaaapart- anrs avaîable. Clear. quiet building tîth utîlîitîns îaciudnd. 40 Maria Strert, 519-853-4374. ACTON LARGE 2 badrata ayaimaat. $750/ aotr plus. 1 brdraam apartant. $hO/aaath plus. Cail 519-853-5080 ta 519853-5352. ACTON/ RtCKWtODI and 2 hadroam iuauay salir ia aduit buildings. Na dags prelerred ta sathire For infration and pic lurnsgoato oaa "c giaah ar Cati MiSe 410-000'9154 BALLINAFAD, LARGE 1 hedrata malt lita apartnt. 5955/mariS Singles Orly, rayait pan laraed. Cati 905077.7500 aliter 6.00 pm ta ana., BRANS NEW basamar eacheîar aad 2-bad rata apaataas, Milot Imme drate. $700/$900 416527&9696 -BRIGHTO ANDS dean ceaira Georgetown 2-bedatar apaatareat auaîiabie la tant îamedatelp. Toali r 'eaaaated. Suit quit -couple or radraîduat. Asi i mg 51,000/ morth plu hydra. Sîaa taia oaa. ge orgetoar boa a bit or ca 9050873-95a2> DOWNTOWN GEORGE -TOWN large nas1 renoua -ed 2-badroon apartata t shaaad iaaadry lac/lit r 51,200/mortS ttlnh -ciaded. Avaarabie June i Ci90 0 6720 0225. T GEORtETOWN t bn 1rata apartet, $751 g aorOr plat hydro taiaab n Jure 10. Cal ialler 5:00p 95873-4072. Dorval Crossing- Oakville F/P Time Associate and Key Holder Positions Available If you have a love for and a knowledge of pet care and retail experience we'd love to hear from you. Please type Oakville Store in the sub ject line F >1 nS 19 1 I/7, ois te f5 Re DRURY PARK 2-tadratar bungalow 309 Ledaîth Dr Milton. 1400s.t., single bua~ ackaag on taest. MUST SE!E hoae 10... Stuaaîag home, or a anar large lirearua lot AMt Seutnd tait wter Pool, and 2d,2-4:3Spa. FREE YOURSELF laya dehI Maaey las aso pua- posel teSt consalidalto lst, 2ad, 3ad marîigafet, credît li/ans & toans ay ta 90% LTV. Self eaploaid myrtitage o tax arrass Dor't yay las Smr pragraalrI f10171 Salaria-aide Fi- ranciai Cary. Cati 1i888-307-7799 aww.aataariardetiras- $$HONEY$$ CONSOLE DATE Oehts Mortgagas ta 95% So ircoan, Bad aredet Sgt Setter Option Mort- atta.aastgageotariocoa Pmzz CLEAN SRIS5ING fecord? Grty Fawes caaid saune yau ap ta 5400 or carinu 1-866-73-9817 tas a ta- obligation quate. OPta teekerds. SAVE UP to 5400 or yaaa car rasurarce. Cteaa dria îag racardt Cal Srey Fo 1.8776035050 o a no- obligation natte. Open Aeekaads. 2 AND 3 bedrooa apart let vialei ereo. WatS ta Main Strea and GO Transit. Orianacrel Toarars. 905-873-8080 BACHELOR APARTHEN for raent as Poantoar Mi ton, 5900/na. recludîr. Seat and usatar. Aarabt Jura 1. 9050540777.