mmmumnhn111ii Ack garage salles Golf Lessons GOLF CLINIC, LADIES i Series of Fiv e 1-Hour Lessons $140.00 (Beginniers) Mlon.. Tties., Wed. wecnuusgs Learn lioN to sNii properly aod hase fiiii Stuerts the %veek of buoe 7th To register eall (larke's Golf: 905-878-1818 (r lait 905-876-7982 ARdG Sal PLAYT SALE] Sa.May 2 2th 20a0 Mito8a-Non 2, 23ber 24ee 627rda Sygham-pm No courn or re autu- lbencee plebyl lpîc e s oh on D idi ngs H s ud rd arde 3 1 fomSLEs on io Sat. ay 22 May2 8aLOTSo 2f2,2n3r, ,9 i le, s am es Churchi d more MILTON 2-Famnily Garage Sale Sat. May 22 Bam-Noon 4401 Fourth Line (acroos from GOkoif le Esecutise Golf course) Fornîfure, electron- icu, toys, sometning for eoeryone MILTON Relay for Lite Garage Sale Sat. May 22 gam-Noon Scotiabank 500 Laurier Ave. Ail rendsGnge Canadian Cancer Society (Rlay2! for Lite) MILTON GARAGE SALE Sat May 22 Bamt-Noon 201 Featherstone Road <idus clothes, toyo, bikes and omal Il rousehufd itemsj MILTON IGARAGE Sat May 22 Bam-Noon 888 Morley Avenue Home office, turs supplies, maple bunkbed set, sports equîp. e mucS more"l MOFFAT Huge Multi-F'amily Garage Sale Sat May 22 Sun May 23 Bam-2pm 1295 l5th Sideroad s nous Barn Raii or Shine MILTON YARD SALE Sat May 22 lam-Noon 1208 Knight Trail Sports goodo,' baby need, turnîture, games sud tsys i WHEN: Saturday, May 2gh, 2010 lIME: 10 arn - 2 pm 30 Market Drive (corner of Market & Martin) - OVER 30 PARTICIPANTS SELLING THEIR GOODS! Take a tour & enter your \.>~ éA~name to wîn a gîft basket! klfh ppoceeds #wOM 6313 goiny #0 flue Sal uaiion >4smyl MILTON GARAGE SALE Sat. May 221 7:3Oam - 11:30am 1129 Deacon Drive Kid's tuys, guIt geor, workout equip.,etc. Iln sdcndition. MILTON MULTI- FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat May 22 Samn-lpmn Gowling Terrace (Der ryiTrudeau N) Tons ot kids items ard clothes' MILT ON GARAGE SALE Sat May 22 Sam-Noon 1191 Knight Trait Househofd items aud Iid' toys Rairree May 29 No Eunly Brîdu MILTON GARAGE SALE Sat. & Sun May 22 &23 Oam-Noon 904 Bennett BIvd. Kids toys, books and supplie s, cloth- îng, smal applialc- es, household items. GEORGETOWN Garage Sale Sat. May 22 Bam-2pm 19 Elgin St. Antiques, Household items, Toys, Bouks, Bikes, Clothîsg, Sports Equipment and mure. Ail Items sn excellent coridi- 1noso. Denit miss out! MILTON 2-Family Garage Sale Sat. May 22 7am-'llami 279 McCready Dr. (DerrylScot0 N.) Kid's clottres, bookss, toys, mîcrowoue, small asimal csge & more.