NOTICE LARVAL MOSQUITO MONITORING AND PESTICIDE USE 407 ETR Concession Company Limited will conduct larval mosquito monitoring t ram May 24 ta September 30, 2010 and, as may be required, a larviciding program tram May 31 ta September 30, 2010. 407 ETR is undertaking these measures ta meet any requirements af loal Medical Officiers at Health ta cantral larval masquitaes ta prevent their develapment inta patential carriers of the West Nule Virus. Applicatars, icensed by the Ministry at Environment, ar trained technicians wiIl apply the larvicide in storm- water detentian pands and catch basins an Highway 407 ETR thraughaut the municipalities of Halton, Peel, Yark and Durham anly where if is determined prudent ta da sa. The pellet farmulatian af the larvicide VectaBac 200G (Bti), Pest Cantral Praducts Act Na. 18158, will be placed inta starm-water detentian pands and the briquette farmulation of the larvicide Altasid (Methaprene) Pest Cantrol Praducts Act Na. 27694, will be placed inta catch basins an Highway 407 ETR thraughaut the municipalities of Halton, Peel, Yark and Durham, only where if is determined prudent ta do sa. Far further information, Contact: 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Office: 905-264-5380 - please cail collect Fax: 905-264-2662 4O 7 tp* itiM.407 ETR Concesston Company Limtted Summer activuties with the kids need not be costly, over the top Question: Sommer is fast approaching. Can you suggest some educational rhings ru du with my chitti uver the sommer? Z 2 Z 0 Contrary to poputar helief, som- mer acriviries need nor be expen- sive or over the top. Thinking hack chîltihootis, it was often the family camp- sprinkler with frientis rhat s we remember the musr. Gardening, for example, rau he a fantastic fam- ily aci.iviîy full ut tifelong leamning skitts anti hundtng experiences. We ofren took at yard chores as some- thing ru 1get dune" without rhe help ut lttle hantis, hut young chit- dren are ufren thrilled ru help out 1w plannitng, plaînting and cspIccial- ly hsrx csrîng the bounty oitîhe gar- tien. Having your child help gruw vegerahies is atso a great way ru get them ru rry new foutis. The tamily also doesn't have ru venture far from home ru enjuy mn orable famity acriviries. Haltun is hilled wirh gurgeous conservation There are also lots of pick-your- own farms for herry and apple picking. Couple this activity with baking a pie or muffins with your child and they wl1 ttow understand lar ntn where tii he food romes Reme mher ibime hag te r h ed ,OIàu activities don't have ro cost a penny and usually are special because a parent is doing some- thing out of the ordinary. So next rime your children are drawing with chalk on the driveway, why don't you juin them? Chances are they will remnember ir for lite. Dtttîitîli' Ltlisttl RFi? F B. ., is cdtîtatoî w~ith thte Onttario Eut y Yeýars Centre, Northt Halton (wwwmcrc.on.ea). The centre pro- vides support anti rcsoturces to assist parents anti caregivers in their roles. The centre alsu provides early leamn- ing fperiences for cttildren up tu six vears of age. EI~BIECE THE THBULL1 I.AT iý. OH'u AWK IACETBACKI.I Fireworks< Family Fun Night Sunday, May 23rd memopen at 5:00pm. Post time 6:30pm. Fireworks at 9:3Opm. $2 Bet and Race Program* for attendees of our Beginner g Seminar at 5:3Opm. To sign-up and be enfered into iv for a $50 Cash Card, visit pony rides, petting zoo, face painting and meet ommunity partners! Moal for only $3.50** admission and parking.L Te QJET ETr GUELPN LINE a HWYt 401 0î quantifies. **TaX tnctuded. Tm Trademark of Woodbtte Eniertainniefli Group. ;OMEiSCiiiiC5Itt1 IGITL 3t NO PAitES FFUt iTUE tt Lit 64ý 0,92 IIACGRURER IIN8At.CCtîti LtNGUAGE SEXU CNTEN ROBIN HOD( trOî.î tA ut LETTERS TO JOULET trot LETTERS TO JUIET tI'Ot IRON MAN 2IýPGI MA THE BACK-UP PLAN (POt HOW TO TRAIN TOUR DRAGON (PGt i LARTOONIANATiOAtCTtIN ti ttAiittAitîS HOW TO TRAIN YOUA DRAGON lPOG WWE OVER THE LIMIT 2010 () SUN8t SEX AND THECITY 2 tAtALt ulti EIttitittiS