'I Rain Barrel Sales Events Halton Region wiIl be hosting four rain barrel sales events to promote wise outdoor water use. Diverting water trom a downspout into a rain barrel allows you to capture rain water and store it for future use to water gardens, shrubs and potted plants. This year's rain barrels have a new Iook and price at only $36 each <cash only). Da, Loato Saturday, May 1 %ee Mohawk Raceway, 9430 Guelph Une, 8:00 arn. to, 12:00 p.m. C009e~ Campbellville (parking lot) Saturday, May 8 lee Oakville Place Mail, 240 Leighland Avenue, 8:00 arn. to 12:00 p.m. co' Oakville (Iower parking lot) Saturday, May 15 lee Robert C. Austin Operations Centre, 8:00 arn. to 12:00 p.m. C0se 11620 Trafalgar Road, Georgetown Saturday, May 29 Mapleview Mail, 900 Maple Avenue, 8:00 arn. to 12:00 p.m. Burlington (lower parking lot) *Limit of one per purchase, per household *Must provide proof of Halton Region residency (i.e. Driver's License) *208 litre (55 galion) capacity *Cornes equipped with secure mosquito screen and handy dispensing hose The 80-uni hu inratio evdi $4 .8 lon.rtCawada-onsearî o n r. Cr Affrdale Housing Progrmfr3jnt o eopelvn nlo noe n Rgoa hi eight units for persons with disabilities. Halton Region is contributing $10.160.000. Council, together with Regional staff, Local Municipalities and the Mînisters at the provincial and federal governments. have been working very hard to get this funding approved. It is so important that people at ai stages of life can rernain in their community. ý»%tn ob*.hI MefIug Sdé.duI Meeies cm be siwd #t wwwJdWUoe May 24 Offices Closed for Victoria Day May 25 9:30 a.m. Health & Social Services Committee "The business that considers itself immune to the necessity for advertising sooner or later finds its.elf immune to business." Derby Brown 1 Mo