11VAto Accessories Canab*tan Q..bam Pdition hilRear Milton s Community Newspaper Since 1860 VV1 ldhedear 4]iA Nomed Canada s Top Communily Newspaper w.miltoncanadianchampion.com Tmo 876-4785 S PO0RT S V-bail brothers cap season with silver N EW S Red Cross drivers in strike position M M A& E This month at A.M. Gallery A erln ei ru ulcto o 51io 5TusaJn ,006 ae 10 ind ... Rememberong D-Day luke mi was yesterday "I was scared then.F Tha& was thefirst time I was really scared" -- Lucicii I3cî tIc By Stephanie Hounseil CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Asdeadly shelis frorn Germait air- craft spewed around him, Lucien Berube burrowed into a rnound of earth, trying to cuver hîrnself and irnitate thc lifeless bodies that lay strewn along the beaches of Norrnandy Lt was june 6, 1944. D-Day And Berubes first taste of combat. 1I was scared then. Thai was the first tîrne 1 was really scared," he said. He spent the night that way, lying there and no doubt thinking about bis young bride, Alice, at borne. Playing dead served him well that nigbt. But in no way did it represent a man wbo backed down, in love or in \'ai. Quitc the opposite, in fact. Berube, 92, doesn't think of bîrnself as a bero, or deserving of partîcular recognition, no matter wbat the fîve medals bie dug out indicate. in fact, bie was reluctant about baving a story written about fin, despite - or rnaybe because of - the fact bie rernembers the D- Day landings witb razor-sbarp clarity But be agreed, perbaps because this Sunday marks the 66tb anniversary of D- Day .And for nearly two hours bes taken back to a different tirne. His war stories, tbough, are coucbed between longer and more detailed stories, ones bie relishes telling, of bis late wife, Alice -bow they met, how bard it was for tbern to be apart during the war, tbeir fairytale reurnon and tbeir long and bappy hife MEE ESTIATES " StateOflThe-A Facîhty D * Iuwtnx Paint WarrantyS *VIde. Estimatng System * "f* eApprva Dy Mar Insurance D 751 Min S t.EMlo MICHAEL IVANIN / METROLANU)Vv: 1E IAur GOING BACK 66 VEARS: Second World War veteran Lucien Berube doesn't think of himself as a hero no malter what his f ive medals indicate. together afterward. if bis fle were a movie, it would be a romance, witb bis time in tbe war just a few scenes. Alice passed away in 2003, and witb Berube - at the time of tbis interview - just days frorn moving out of wbat was their borne for alrnost 50 years together in old pecialisti Car Trained evilbiss Downdraft Spray Booth ûmneutar Pointl Matchina Milton, its no wonder sbes forefront in bis minc. "Tbis is wbere sbe sat," bie said, pointing to bis chair - one of two at a small table in the ding ront of the nearly packed-up bouse. They bought the bouse brand new in 1956 for $15.000. "I told Alice, lIm going to look after you And, as bis neighbours can attest, hie did just tbat, bie said. He speaks of bier final days when be'd pusb bier down tbe sidewalk in bier wbeel- chair, making sure sbe was covered and, warm. -se. BOVISI4 on page A4 tbis TKURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY! dt~ UP TO 50% OFF WIN. MýW à M M a ,-, GO 90 5-878-691 9