Mechanic, stock car racer teamn up in charity event By Stephanie Hounseil CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Once they were fierce rivais on the race- track; 110W an area automnotive tecbnîcian and a respected stock car racer are gearing up to raise money for a worthy cause. This Saturday at il arn., mechanic Glenn Colling and Gary Elliott, who races at Flamnboro Speedway, will be part of an event called Toonies for Tools in efforts to raise rnoney to send a 'Repair Shop in a BoxC to a country in west Africa. At about il arn., just before the noon stant of the Downtown Milton Street Festival, residents can get an up-close-and-personal look at Elliott's 2010 Monte Carlo stock car in front of Knox Preshyterian Church, 170 Main St. E. Shortly after that, there'l be a chance to hear Elliott and Colling speak frorn their hearts about the cause. Having Elliott lend bis support for the event has been a bit of a walk down mernory lane for Colling, who bimtself raced for about 10 years against Elliott, the longest running stock car racer in Ontario. 'Sornetimes we were fierce competitors, but most of the tirne we got along really well," Colling said. The idea for an Auto Repair Shop in a Box stemas front a two-week trip Colling took whorniaon Careforce International to Mechanic Glenn Colling takes a break with somne of his new-found friends in Burkina Faso, Africa. Burkina Faso, west Africa in 2007. "1 always wanted an experience like that - t0 mix up hife: a bit," Colling said. Colling went t0 belp build an additional dorrnitory for students wbo are bused in from surrounding communities to attend a free scbool - the vision of a pastor and assisted by Careforce. But it wasn't long before bis autornotive skills were discovered and be was put to work fixing everything from diesel engines to tractors. Nobody local bad the expertise to fix the equipmnent tberniselves. "I kind of amnazed myself witb a lot of the tbinge I was able to do," Colling said. Wbile there, Colling imagiexed how useful -see RESPONSE on page A21 Tow ofMlto Milton Transit Open House FamiIy-frlendly Activities Saturday, June 12, 2:00 - 4:00 pm 0 Bring the whoie family to welcome the new transit service contractor PWTransit and celebrate the opening of their brand new transit storage and maintenance facility for Milton Transit buses. " Facility and bus tours " Children's activities Draw for a free rnonthly transit pass " Free treats and refreshmentse " Rides on the bus driving simulator used to train professional bus drivers Facility Location: 420 Morobel Drive (Located north of Steeles Ave., between Martin St. and Bronte St.) *Milton Transit will offer free shuttie buses departing from the GO station and the Milton Sports Centre at 1:30 prn with retumn rides approxirnately every 30 minutes. -On-site parking is limited to accessible parking only - take the bus Th Copoato of th Tow of Milton Milton Seniors' Activity Centre Ma g0--t 500 Childs Drive 11b-1 June is Seniors' Month in Ontario, which wiIl provide many opportunities to recognize the contributions made by seniors in our communities and across the province. Share in the Celebration! Seniors Ride Milton Transit Free Every Wednesday in June Milton Transit is pleased to offer free conventional bus service for seniors (65+) ail day on Wednesdays in June M irecognition of Seniors' Month. Coffee and Chat - Freel Tuesday, June 8, 2:00 - 4:00 prn Free hot beverages and treats wiII be available. Breakfast and Chat - Freel Monday, June 14, 9:00 - 11:00 arn (RSVP by June 9) Thursday, June 24, 9:00 - 11:00 arn (RSVP by June 18) A free hot breakfast wiIl be served. Please sign up in advance at the reception desk at the Centre or cail 905-875-1681. 905-875-1681 Expedeor c ew exchueMen of aloe Join us I Uie Milon Spomt cen~tre on Séluxdey, Jure5 bel»4OO2 pm, an4 pin. I« a au" ofils JO hockey. Pbfyfl frem "i Cnamn National Siedge Hockey Tii end 0»eOntad Skidge Hockey Twn and dhm mâsisauga CWulwsVAS be Uism Io show #MWlrkill i sUes **Cffl imIm an ed*Wion game. pmw«W AdfM ta_ 0WmY'o Corn outtWO 0 hm emakq SP us ý 1 . liyowe&m WM dilFeoo Use"?$.nu~ «t M j Il -- *1