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Receptionist Wedcundys hrsdares &odlvro leading to office Je en eWedsacretys Trrrg ars &0 Frdleys Eieneis NEWS EDITOR Taylormovd, Elm, Gladstone, Susquehanna, Esenceal seit aeallal la mabi d atalwg Der Prk Fax reaume: The Barrie Advance as lookîng for a highly motivated leader to toin ifs team as Gladacres, Oakhaven, Bilacern, Lambron, 905-864-3031 sema edifor. The sema edifor, who w il oversee the day-f0 day operation of the Mahogany, Kingsway, Springfield. Sostolie, print and oln dtos ilrpr cth aaigetr Woodale, Sedgewick, Willowhrvoo, Sandhurst, Oeneral Hielp Slanfîeld, Stîngrose, Rivemîiem Duties include. Cail us ta finit oui il your street lu * Assign atonies f0 staff ssb-edifors, reporters, photographers and freelascers available. Circulation 905-845-9742 - Ensare imporfant atonies & and evens are covered; stsy on top of curreot FPleoible Schedules events *$55 as/ap C dtng GALLINGER FORD LINCOLN -Cust. Service/ Sales * Page layost MLO -Conditions Apply *Keep mebsite sp-to-date As me continue fo o rom, we need more help! -Training Provrded *Develop and carry osf editorial strategy that ctearty identifies opportsnifies (Sales almost sfoubled in the last year) Oakvîlle/ Milton and priorities for issovative changes to the sewspaper and ostine sews We are accepting joh applications Burlingionl Flair. 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Must 50 officies! nr insperiul ana Qualficaionsmetric measuremnrets. Ier. Colg ilm or usiversity degree iv jvursalivm Eoperience in a tertadirbuonctr 4 months 2 years of management esperience an asset bt me mîlI trais the rîght candidate. 5 years of esperience as reporter or suh-editor me offer competîtive wages plus benefits. payrs!oll org an Please fax resurne te 905-678-4930 or roesing Wses rooiirsrvces, Interested and quailied candidates shauld tarward their resumne and caver toiler emnail milton.warehouse@teamtube.con ilvhuve exrieice wit ta the attentian ai Loai Martin; tmartin@simcae.cafl, managing editar ai plein! CPA Ivol i courses. the Barrie Advance, by Friday June 4,2010. 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