Geothermal to save Town CdBy Tim Foran During a wide rangmng overview c CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF corporations current projects, Belveder the Town wilI install geothermal techn e Geothermal technology isn't just a lot of - using the earths stable and comfo Phot air to the Town of Milton - it's going to temperature for heat in winter and to c ;9 save the municipality millions of dollars in summer - as part of the $40.6 mT energy costs over the life of the expanded expansion to the Milton Sports Centre Milton Sports Centre, according to the A Town consultant bas estimated ù own's CAO. hermal technology will reduce the orig 0 And the use of the renewable energy is projected annual energy cosis at the just the first step in the municipalitys goal to centre hy more than a third, or approxi become a leader in green and clean tecbnol- ly $90,000, thanks to a drastic reduct o gy Mario Belvedere told attendees during a the amount of natural gas the facilit i ecent breakfast affair at the Nassagaweya have to consume. Community Centre. Most of the cost savings wsll be s millions in energy costs: CAO if the e said ology rtable ool in îillion gent- ;nally sports mate- ion in y will een in 'I.d I.g u mr akta ap-21 FOR BOYS AND GIRLS GRADES 3 - 8 Total Basketball - Skills, Strategies, Fun and Ganes bf Let your cbldren improve at the gante they love!! Where. (,uardian Agels Elenentary School in Milton When: Monday Jul 12 to FrîdlaNv Jui 16u Times FoU Day: 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 pni. Ilf Day: (AM) 9:00 a.m. - 12:00pm, or (PM) 12:30 pm - 3:30 pni Fees: $180.00 fou day, $100 ilf Day (Ta Receipts will be provided) Lead Instructor: Mr. Brion Schreder ~W Please isit our u'ebsite, bttp.//iiiu"wnitonmadddaugs. co mfor c<>piete inforimalion and registration and pavment options. or noe hefrmation, email brian@miltomnadddaugs cm <n TBAL "WE LOOK FOR WARD TO SEFJNG VOUAT CAMP!" u beating of the new eight-lane pool that will be built next year and heating and cooling rooms and conidors of the building itself. As geothermal tecbnology bas less moving parts, the Town will alsu, save an estimated $22,000 per year in maintenance costs, the consultant's report adds. The comhined $111,000 in annual sav- ings means the Town will pay off the $970,000 investment needed to instaîl geot- hermal tecbnology in approximately nine years. Based on the consultants estimated lifespan of 50 years for the sports centre, overaîl savings would he approxmately $4.5 million, money that could possîhly he used I cI IF~reP~" Y~ur Sumi to either reduce slightly the amount of taxes needed to operate the centre or lower user fees for its pool, rinks or other facilities. The Town is still wairing to find out if its feasible for the municipality to instaîl rooftop solar panels or wind turbines in the parking lots of the sports centre or the new arts centre heing built at the southeast cor- ner of Main Street and Thompson Road. "We may not he able to do it for hotb buildings," said Belvedere, noting the municipality must finish the first phases of hoth projeets hy March 31, 2011 accrding to federal and provincial stimulus funding tee OTI4ER on page Al1 = KII)S SUMMI i CAMPS ITENFIT CAMPS SUMMER IIOCI(EY CAMPS et RcTiQ5 let fil let IlR Il 509 Main St E 905-864-9941 www.f irepowertrai ni 605 Santd Maria BIvd., Milton, ON 905-878-5030 Rogister today anlime at: _ 4- 1;