Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Jun 2010, p. 19

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Health Us one of your most prized possessions! Ater 6 years of practîcîng chîropractic at 106 Wakefield Road, 1 arn delighted to announce that 1 wiII be moving my practice, Kim Family Chiropractic, to 180 Ontario Street South. 1 will begin seeing patients at my new location on Monday, June 21, 2010. Along with this move, 1 will be the new chiropractor wniting the "Ask the Pro" column. 1 look forward f0 sharing my expertise and health insights wvith you in the future months. 1 would like to thank Milton for supporting me in my chiropractic practice over the past six years. 1 arn eager to continue to service the familles of Milton. IIIPARTNERS IN PLANNING il FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD. .uiFu ndstptee *Oue nsrtncen rut (905) 870-0120 Fax: (91011 876-2034 420 Main Street East, Suite 203, Lou Vulin Miton, Ontario L9T IP9 MA, CrFiM, Cu, WC QUESTION: 1 prepared my finuncial plan ta 200)5. Why shnutd 1 gel i updueed? ANSWER: Your fisancial plans 5 four road mapi lu pvur future, na a sapabvt vf noue paut. Il bau tv keep up nîlta pour lite evnul. A lot cas change. Cvsider the fnllvwisg: Famtlp lite: Changes iv voue marital status, sumnber ot dependenlu (childeen vr vider parents). Childeen ueed fiuanctal help for education ne weddiags and vider parents moynseed support. These ail place demands upon noue lime and finances. Career: lob change, relocation, reassigomeat, changes sn dattes, deadlise pressures, future career prospects wiih pour curreat employer, compensation ne an early retirement package ail spark tbe seed fue a rcniew of pour fle goals and fisancial plan. Health: Believe il ne sot, pouce vider! Hon han pour healtb cbanged? Wtrat about pour loved onsn Are tise states gettrsg harder lv climbf Are ur hipa and kseen; telling pausae mone loto a bungalow? Do pou need help with cuttiag the grass and shovelisg the snow? Fisancial Affurs: Have pour tiavciul obligations chasged one the years? Are noue espeascu geowrsg fauter than paur sanings? Do pou want f0 pa leus iv laves? Do noue childeen need a hand? Charitable causes, inestment portfolios, issurasce, deba obligations and persosal timeframes are ail dimensins of pour fisascial plan that seed reconsideratios. ta pour finascial plan stili ou target? Wbat about pour tenancial prepaeednessf Youe "Pla Bs?' Now for the important part.... Whal penactine changes du pou want toi make betore 2015? Cati Partuers in Planning Fisancial Services tnday tn heiag pour fine peur's gruntis stranegyl Wilt pou he readp for 2015? Will il saeak up us pou'time? AFpîcIAra wITv PoTnERcS IN PLANNING INSUoaNCE SRVIcES Ic. a% L, On iuly lst, 2010 the PST and the GST will be harmnonized and the tax on funerals will increase 8%. You cati save the 8% tax by prepaymng today! You need flot pay in fu, starting a plan now wil lock you in at today's tax rate and save you 8% on your funerai plan. Cail or visit us anytime. We would be glad to explain how the HST will effeet your funeral and what your options are to avoid paying this additional. tax. There is no cost or obligation. We are glad toi answer your questions. F~'1 Marilyn J. Samtuols, II~~7~I BA, UPHE, LI UN I~V7lLàwyer Iu~/J 11084 Fifth Uine, Milton Ph. 905-854-4942 Mullyn J. Samuela Fax: 905-854-5211 Q: 1 arn separating from my wife. llow cant we continue to parent our chileiren together? A. Wbrs parevts divoece, regurdiesu ot the level ut confuici bey need ru reorganuze theur tuves andi udiose tu ibe yew famuip structure. Divorce creeues atemportry lamîip ceusus ihar places as extraotdioary anoonit ut psycbuulogtcai. funanctaf andi physucal siress on ail famîiy membrs Fumily courts are adoprîng sysîrmu bhat favour capacirp building procesuru bhar seetato empomer famîltes ru resolue ibeir omn conucîts. Dusorcung parents requurc' edocaruon, mediation andi specualuzed interveculions to belp ibem manage the emnotions of goung îhrougb a dicorce. Collaboratiovs hermeen the legul anti mental bealîta sysievîs baie emerged ru assustiun tac complesuries uit divorce and is porentual ramifications for ail membees of ihe family Tbe premuise ut coflaborutîse purenrung is ihur aiîhougb the muo parents miii nu longer shure ther luves togrîber, tac chîldeo miii suif love botta ufthie patents, the purents mut i stifl hoîh love the childeen and îbcp miii botta suif muni to he involset iun parenting the chidren un a meunîngfl musser Wheeeas costady speabu to parental eugbrs, co-paeenîung empasuzes parental respoirsihilities. Collabora tise co-paeenttOg occues mhen parents continue to shaee responsiblities for ther chîldeen's emcuiional, phpsucul and ecoucreti seedsrbrurugh a cooperaîrve pareoîung parîoersbîp regardiess of mhere tac cbuld pnimavly resîdes. Collahorurîve pareno ailon tac professionais hesi able to ussivi mrîh ibis maier, botta legal and mental beulîta experts, oe guide the parents in comung op wita thete oms parenting plan thar allomu for creaîve and undîvîdouluzed parenrîng scbemes and ru lulfll the nem eqorrements ut manduiory purenîîng plans loi parents seetaung accrus ru tbe court sysicmn The Freltistone Centre lue Pamil Lan, Counsclling and Mediatron cun ussusi pou in leuenîng hom ro parent cul laboraîîrely alter separatton anti dcveiop a paeenrîng plan sortable lue pour laripy Tbis parinersbip ut a fegul and mental beulîta peofesutonal is esueutial romands the goal of promotîng good patentiug foe familier esen alter divorce, Y vonne & Rut' Oliveira 311 Commercial St. Suite 109, Milton 905-875-3345 Q My ctritd has ear tubes, how do t pre vent water frout getting mbt hts cars? A: :Ear tubes or 'ventilation tubes'r comol inserted min the eardrum by an bar, N use and Throai doctor in order ru p tvn he accumulation of middle car Puid. ibis is otten scen n hlren who bave chronic ear infectionrs sbnre the Plurd dues uui drain adcquatriy and causes pain. Cbildren (and udulîs) wîîb car tubes nced ru bcextnra cantinus in urder ru annid mater euîerîng iter cars ur gcîîîug îbrough tbe tubes in ibeir cars. Their cars should nnt be submcrged in watcr as it can pass îhruugb and gel bcbînd tbe rardrum whîcb can cause an ear infecton, Receni studies bane sbuwu îaî tifciouns are mure lîhely lu O((ur in cbtîdren wbu swîm in chluninaicd pouls mîthout car plans paricularly whcn puîîîng ibrîr bead underwater for- cuîcnded peniodso uie. lu the mîdst uf summer, cbtldreu oficu spcnd a lut mure lime swîmmîurg in pouls. swîmmîug ai the beacb, and îakîng sivimming lessons Inoîrder to ensure tbat water duesvîii go b rougb tbe cir tubes i is otics recomendci bai car plues lie s tien, Aliboogb îîî.ny si) lis and vye r \illl,:Lan swîm plogs are cuinsideed lu bc the mosi effective ai prceuning mate frc tucn ,ibe cars. Fur ulder cbtldreu mbu swîm vînder mter fui eniene perîuds uf lie, au aqua-baud (waier beud band) can be used ru cuver the car plugs ru keep them in place and add entra protectioun. Cusstom swîm plogs reqoîre impressions ofthie cars so bhai tbe car pi ugs can be nmade ru fit crcry bomp. and curvecuf ibe persuns cars. A mulleable substance is syrivged it the cars lu tube tbe exactîsbape uftheb cars and evable a perfect seul and maximum cirmfurt. Tbe impression ru iben used lu fabricate tbe custuom swrm plugs wbtch are araîlable in a varîery ut vibrant or nuaral culours. If yuu bavc anp questions rcgardîng swrm pi ugs tir aqua- bauds pIeuse ciotact our office and speata wîîb une ufthbe Audînlogîiss Elayne Tanner & Associates Inc. PDCBA, 85W, MSW, RSW, Dtp Soc Admin S Counselling & Psychotherapy Milton (905) 854-0801 Etayne M. Tanner www.etasolutions.cGm 0: My husband and 1 are divarcing. What is a parenting plan and haw wilI lit help my tamily? A: Parenling plans are a eelalinely uew concept deuigued ta meel the needs af the childer af aeparatirtg and rlinarciog parents. Ontario implemented changea ta ils family tam je March 2010 in the hopes af making the famiiy courts easier ta navigate, mare facusetl aed mare attardabie. Nom, ta ahtain cuatody of yoar chilitren yau miii have ta ahaw the coart abat pas hase casidered hem pou intend t0 cantinue caring for poar childeen alter the separatian in a way abat meeta the heat intereat of the chiid. A parenting plan is simply a detaileri description af mho miii he tloing what mîth regarda ta parenting alter the divorce. i ahoulit be deoigned mîth the understandtng that moat childrea benetit tram honing bath parents in their fines and that divorce daea nat hase as mach af a negative impactasn chidren as parental conflict doos. Laut manth 1 spake abaut attachmen t theory and develapsentai issues. A gaod paeenting plan miii take into accouet these "age and stage" factors and recagnize that chitdren gow op and thon their needo change. Whîie an intant who ta aI in the attachmenl phase map henetit tram aeeing bath parents doilp, an aider child con go for poasihlp 3 doa mithaut aeeing one af the parents and then con entend 1h01 ta a weeh mithoat negotive eflecta. At the Fieldatone Centre me pronide bath the legal and the psychologicai know- hom ta develap a cailabarative porenting plan that miii addreaa high conflict issues auch os transfert hetween parents; communication; and decision making, io a way that suites the temperament and age af paon child nom and in the foture s that pour child daus not auffer je the middle af adult canflict. "HELPING You HELP YOURSELF"

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