96 qu towne D.Mak se Dr. lany Wati ID jase Ltiu - cmk 905 876 1188 ~~ .Sc., DDS. wwCowne o 9- - B.cDOS 25 Years! It's hard to believe that we've been in Milton for 25 years. 1 (Dr. Cross) started my career here in Milton Mail in 1985 when we were a Tridont Dental Centre. 1 was an associate at the time and eager to put my skills to work. 1 arn honoured to stili see so many of those patients that 1 first saw in the 1980's today. And now l'm starting to see the children of patients 1Ifirst saw when they were a child! Many of you feel more like my friends than patients. Thank you for the privilege of being your dentist. Thanks as well to those on my team who Nve enjoyed working with for ail these years. l'm glad to say that l'm stili enjoying dentistry, sa here's to the next 25 years! DRL RON STROHAN O PTO METRI ST Wakefield Professional Centre 106 WAKEFIELD RD [W o Srl MILTON. ONTARIO - L9T 2L8 Optometrist PHONE: 905-878-5882 - FAX: 905-878-7158 WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? MOST PEOPLE HAVE NO IDEA WHATTHEY REO.UIRE AND PURCHASE Spectacles ar eyewear are classitled os 'medical devices'and cequire a prescription tramn a qualiîled aptamnetrist ar medical dactan ta delermine thCe apprapeiate pawer af leeses tar the requiremeets of individueil needs. This s wtiere tl gets camplicated. Seems there are a lat at peaple attempting ta make a pratit an the sate at glasses (amang attier apticail deuices> and there are attempts at gettieg araund the need tar a prescriptian ta da sa. WhicC makes mare sense? Taking aut the time ta determine wtrat ts specltc ta yau or assurring the peaduct is adequate and fits the need. Humai behaviaur can depend an mistakes and tearn tram them, ar beieg accauntabte ta yaurselt and achieving the bits at Intarmation ta preeent harm ta yaursel. n the age at the internet there are peaple searching tor intarmatian ta Und aet chat o cnarng vAth them, wtrere they can acquice, praducts at a perceived cheaper cast or save lrrre by dalng tl theerselves. Do yau euer maonder vvIOy we have heath issues, increased finaincial issues, and crime? In the aptical lndustry, in general witat yau see and wstat yau are baying is nat necessarily equaled by value ar the needed device ta resalve yaur issue. bxau e t Laser surgeny tar the carrectian at eye stght lu nat necessarly gaing ta relleve yae tram the use at glasses. Hawvee the ads gtailty tinat aspect. 2 A designer Crama may nat be tee quatity af other praducts and yen yau are paying tar tee namre. 3 Nat ail lenses are tCe samie. Variaus tecCelcal designs enhance tCe praduct ta imprave aptlcs. Sa nat knawting unhat yau are buylng daesn't necessarity match chat yav are taaklng tora or ne ta resalue yaur issue vsith visian. )Halton His Speech Centre raserSi ieuu..nirr.rsr.ainePeyPrroleçse.su 'Tour Cari«g Fumers. .." , NO*ieIw Cente, 211 Guelpha St., Suite 5, Guorgetlowu (905) 873-840 e wwwJoaItoupeechi£m Q: My toddler is very hard to understand. When should we expect hina to speak clearly? A: Talking doesn't junt happen. Children have to learu speech graduaily; and learning ail the speech souande takes time. Chidren master speech sounde in a specific eequence, according ta maturation of their oral structures and visuhuiity of the sounds. Some sounds like p, b, mi, t, d, and n are usualiy mastered hy age three whiie others like r, tii, and s may ual he correct until lhe early echool- age years. Whie iearning ta speak, ail chidren make mistakes and pronounce some sounds incorrectiy. You may hear your chuld substitute one sound for another. (ex., 'wabbit' for 'rabbit'), omit a sound (c.g. 'han' for 'hand') or distort a sound (c.g. 'schlip' for 'shsp'), Aithough these are cammon errare and wiii prababiy disappear as a chuld gels aider, they might aiea be signu of articulation disarders. Sîmpiy slated, an articulation disorder existe when a chuld cansistently makes speech sound errars that are nol usualiy made hy children af the same age. Dielinguishing between simple mispranuanciatian and articulation disorders can he difficuit. If you feel tiat your chid mighî have an articulatsan prohiem, you shauid make an appainîment for an evaluation iy a Speech- Language Patholagist. For furîher information, or la inquire about aur pragrams. please cali aur Centre. Laser &Cosmetic Centre Judith E. Pinn - Dlîectsr 25 rears Eoperiene Whit is PiroFractional? Thel'srsactiisal laser can seduc fiefies,nsiskles ad Acsareig sstsclscseales bettesskss on eeandexure. Tis laser ratés tlnesuaed of selusescepic ulsasels se thse skss sehsuhar sseundeiai hy asuas ef healihy, sintreateit skis. Thse zenes ef hcalihy, usssreatd skie ssr.sgesase the Isedys salusal healisg piacess aid tCr seeated airas sîsseslale psoductaino ew collates. plumping up the skss and smoothigaoutssesikles, linss scassand olses irsegulasîlsus. The Psuhsactial tseatmesst s iriembssed islsuler aiagig reatmenteso a msore effective everaîl improcemees t oflth skss. ProFr.acsna crescs tessaal issues surhassseinkles, ace scasssg and sun Kesaiesis, while BBL lBroadhaid LigIsil eceis eut skis sue lseds & bseisssl and Theisiage NXT tghies and contoues ihe skis. Tu aclseseeopimalsresuitsiceecommsd a package ofshecieames The lsiaimenicwill hsave3 -S5days ofiimsaldcownsime ad il keep seiking foi a full SIX monSs building collates & woaing ilsiisgh ihi tayes et skis foriîmpiiced tosc aneure What coneditions ion bc tr..te with PanFractional? *Wsinkles asd fine linses *Posi-iiauaic suais *Acse seui Sun ssie *Freces, *Aging ansndamaged skas What amassicanbe reated? Mass skis asuas cas i uealed. Populai areai aie the face, neck, chie and bans. Call today te fr moie information on the Proieiai i h one ut eue teaiseil piotessioaas. See ais ww.dailyebtv.coms E-mail as ai etecteelysiscollege@Isellset.ca 905-864-0000 69 Main St. E., Unit 9, Milton Medical Ahus Building, Side Essram hutp:,,www.ecciaser.ca Dits il sein to you fia the highway is a much erre hostile place tii t e se ta e hi o tyou notices s loto ride dînvers tailgatirg yos, culirg Cii off, hlockirs ysi wSii u saIllis pais, sesing truc laie trifaires bSeat the fluw et tahc, maybi tese calin usrtriindly gesisiesi Il su, yousr nrot alone sîsiessi dciing Cas Seceme oct il Che cos islkid-ihsit trfiCr safty isus Or occasion il cay lai is «rsad rugi'- use ut vilencetoselle a dispste related A najoe reantor sioday's usyreusi drrîrrî is traflCc congestion, Construction il niai roads aid %ideriig il ieistog orles Cas liîîid tir Sehind tii îuer-îrcreasrrg racher ofcarn otie ioad cn sute ethupolitar iras, the concept ot 'rush hour is sintually outdaied Sicaisi iCi rads sein ci hi packed il ail lices. Arsihir faseo is firai: cary otas lead tasi-paciri lises and ire sîctys rn a Curry ta get suceri This nsy lad ta speedig aid imrensive Sîhîuuor tossrd cutisss se beuieve lre icpediiî rue peogressu In sucne arias, specisi lac entoceeti ard pulic assirens prograns have argtted aggressiui dcîerîg. Courstliig Cal hie lrid with sonte înrgy drin.rs Sui eay peuple siet to regard iode drslong us Oct other guy's'proCen Occoîdrîr 101C the ational lcrghuay Trasiic Saltey Adminitrtion INHTSA hors area tes Clougs cou cas o to avord SicOrnOr an agressve-drrcrog uruOim or ottinder Dontr t ailgate. * void eye contact witr ai sîscessive driver. D oir c ake ohsciri gisIones or rîtuci thoue of therCm Usei your Con spacirgly. * or't btock a paisiig lait. Asord bluckirg a ight-lun lace. S ignît belte switchiig lares. Sor't cesse cn and out ot ieuffrc. A llos adeqace rie for your crip. Reabe thal pou a'cnrati icshfc - orly yaac resatranto rot Iflto'oilhink sune ru dclviii dacgeirusly acd esy Ct Sceskrg lire lac. cancedr reporrirs tcil dciverto the auihoriti. lysuavsi a cellulac phont and ac do sa sately, al tht police. *Whirc pacrking, don' t aki Sp moci tirart ont spaci. QoI' silos yasr dec ta Crit thi ar pacIsed ceai 10 youac5 Il somer pcsookes you, Saki i ditp Sietr aid resîst ta urge la reraliatei Tht importact thiig ru Ornal: yss rîîch youc destiationiately. GHawkins Animal Hospital Dehbbe Haswkins fl.Sc., DVMI Deictor sfVetcrinm,'s Medicine 550 Ontario Street Ssouth, Multon (Pizza nuitî Plaza) Phone (905) 875-6888 0iassc.ssaes Fan (905) 875-6853g s.es., uo. HEARTWORM DISEASE (AGAIN) i apologias tir dsplicting thearticle doua 1 erraein ruMay, but rt bearsi rtpatiof, bucausu lsiilliu orer euny peopleuwbedoino(bhae erdogseon preovrnie Lastons se oui hspital.apatientasiid posiitibe eswimndisuuiu aid icirely aidoreuing teatment This treusentbas proentu buc vey cost freii dogsownr ad qie ai urdeal tee tic deri TheimenibeofMay marks thercommencemeteof esruiedto adfe can Mosusr suai car Carbui a lamvai parasite culird Deiraia inscrira, mure cemeeily lauren us buertwens Wtsun us intectul mecqurie bites a dug, il rnets tueuse issu rirai idrordual's lld- steam These lurvaue rusrae ruai laigu muscs, wbicb invade the bos beartanud Heirridiecase slfatal ifiuieteaed,bhoeve te reatesouisvr'ey cetly ad can c burunful au rire individuii boîug treaied On rhe ribur bard. hCesrwere druusc su aery preveoablc aod dou pecuenius s in- Dogs sbesldbave abledestOa uiesuiat tu-o are ourbvaiug ay lCearvereilur- vie ner birrd suese aid sCien sîsîed ru a ernthiy preceiaiv- preese Tbeiiuare masy prrdecsuavusrabla,cranir ront arpuulr ral prepaaruru Soreprsduciîîsis prevni heartwor discaie, we oliri prevent oer parasites suuh as lieas, mange andcrmites adinetn alparsies. Siricel-Hairicane Katriea,euiyumerles dogus hae beerecurd ad brught r ibis prorrnce lmeasly Hamiton te bu sdepaad. Most ai doasa dagsarurived Ceeu vîdo buse't uesc disease.Ts ba aiedsgiicaif crease inthe incidence,eoverthe peii fie yers, ef Ceissuein dîUae ru digs native tOibre aria Alie, dicte ises risemrei of ainprsiecsid drgs", iamily coyos. My advrcei s dois ail degs cen îpeasuîa frem rire meurs if May se NovermIe ai doris Ormaaie. ltyuplan t trvelssot ihyrdo, in te wintere. eiherite should bc on preionryar rud, asaadriecmaernclimateshave mogqaitooinyaea oud In recntsyurs,mduOnarioi, hiaiieeeudiseusebas sisbeidcmeiiedein crs TCe eelrirnility if doe féima hcarmuein tesl remuai qumuresnable, Cul es avarlable, Regard- leu, 1 forltt daeil cars doat go isîdeeri should bu on prerentier ai weiii Fer more infs, the Aierican Hcairtworm Society Cas ai excelewliesi ear RIIMEMBER, IIEARTWORM DISEASE PREVENTION IS A SIMPLE, SAPE AND INEXPENSIVE ALTERNATIVE TO TREATEG TUE DISEASE I'PSELF. Haa5ar Sellailas. Agaacy lac. HEATHER SOLIE, AGENT 420 teinte treet South, tite 210 en leosturusle tien Bus: Ut5-6S31400 Fat: 905-69-1403 tisai: Seotlee@leatereslo.ciss LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOUR STATE FARM IS THERE." Keep Vour Cool on the Road WeHaanlstta