4 irh Ntic taine Coguen aed Rets Pagutayan prsadly assausca lIe bîrfh of ihaîr sos jonah Rene Coggon Pagulayafl Bom on May 20h, 2010 at 12:31pmaet Dakvîlte Tratalgar Memariat Hospîtat weigbtng g tbs, 5 Dz. Josal is walcomed wiS lots of love frsm lis sistar Felîcia, grandparaols Carol & Kesseil Coggos and Araceli & Rase Pagalayas of Bmampton Also welcomed ly las sameroas aunto, uscias, and cousirs. Special thasks Io Dr, Moîrswan th îe nursing staff ai OTMH petrapeulaa, Pete, Tara andi big brother Note are pieasad to arsousca the iota lut fast arrivai of Luke Kai Bois Frîday May 7t1 ai 7:43 pm, waighing 71bs tOoz. Luke lu welcomed ly mnaso eocited ausîs, uscles, cousis and proud grasdparenfs John & lina Patropoals and Dessin & Muarilyr Cook. A huga 1105k you to Jean, Motion asc ,Dr. Wilknson ut MDH. iBirthday Greetings i We WislNlfu AiIThe Be6r. Youtre aleays lIera fo tenda, haod, AleQys thora lv avdarsluod. Fou've a leayo leeo fha molherhten, kaepiog us in fine, Haaliv colo and scraye and more, lime altertlime aller lime. So itv vur lvrvdIo make a f000, becasoyoa meav tle world tv us. We love you Cori From ail Veer lamtty PS. We clecked wdth tle flire deparîmesi and Ia lors permit is soi reqaired, so go alead and lgttoecandias. CROFE, Jeoyce Elizabeth july 1, 1941 - Jane 5, 2010 Il is wiih deepasî sorram we onsoasce île passingt of Joyce Crofit os Saiarday Jase 5, 2010 ai McMasier Htospital in lot fOiS year afier a coaragaoas biltle wîth leakemnia.1 Belovad mite and lest friand 10 Barrie Croit. Cherîshad mollerto1 Roleria, JetffW Warras and Melasie. Lovîsg sisia 10 Marilyn White and Trevot Gittis-WhiiO. Lovîsg groodmoiherto1 Michael, livia, Maiihem, Camaros, Rachat, Taylor, Kyle, Emma and Madeleine. Sapportive moiler-is-lOw is Pool, Atîson, Lîsa asd Jaremy 'Joyce lived a full asnd active lie asisylso sailisg, curling, camping and skiing wiil her many friands and tam ID. The iamiy mi sles io express tIait heartialt Thn k Yoa for île superl cote providad by île medicat staff of tle McMastr Hospital for Joyce sn her final days. Family andi trientis are invitedti visolit ai île McKersie-Kochet FoseraI Home 114 Mais Si. Milton 805-878-4452 fram 7-9 pm on Thorsday Juan 10, 2018 . A memoriat service milt le hld la the faneraI home clapet on Friday, Jane 11, 2010 ai 11:80 am milr racepiios 10 foltom. la lieu of flamers île lamîly moatd be mosi appreciafive of memorial donations leing mode io Hamilton Healil Science Foandatilo or îhe Leokemia & Lymploma Society. For onlîne condoleaces please visis vxr calfatan Qtiaflm Forthcoming Mrigs Obituaries[ CONGRATULATIONS! 'Hmilo-LL ere Etar Life mambar of Zimmarma-Lowilla United Clerch. Died peacefuily sn lis home sn his 901h yaar os Wednesday Jasa 2, 2010. Orîginaiiy masagisg the l Camphall famiiy farm, ha siadied radio and TV elacironics gradualîg from Radio Collage of Canada and owsed and oparaiad Campbell TV and Radio Repaît for 25 yaars. Predeceased by hîs hel ovsd mîfa Camilîle (oaa Meredith), sos Joseph and daaghier Marilyn. Dear faiher of Jase Richardson (Glass) asd Bath Barsas. Losisg Grasdfaihar ot Rod (Carol Aso), Dansa IChrîs), David (Maria>, Gary (Tasia), Siephes (Lesora), Jolie Robri sdAbiai Chaims f ilisDol, Greg), Scott (Lasley ), Sazanne Robrt nd biailChatem o Miton On., Dovid) and 17 greai grasdchildren. are happy bo assoasca the apcomîsg marliaga S of the laie Maorsal l and Marial ofihaîerons, Complaît and pradeceased ly lia RICHARD ANDRE osfy broiher Glas. Balasad Popay of ta Yoniza Andres, his lve-in crfgiver. BETHANY RUTHANN, dhurcI and commasily - îapisg and daghtar of Robert & RatIroOn Faithain Of dalivarisg clerch services Io shut-is Bradford, Ont, Wattding t0 take place in for 30 years. The family racaîsad Newmarke Ont. onJun 1, 201. vsiîors ai the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James Street. Milton (05) 878-2660 os Friday Jasa 1Obituaries 4, 2010 from 2 - 4 & 7 - 9 p.m. A fuseraI service fook place os Saiarday Jase 5, 2010 fr0 m LOWVILLI UNITED CHURCH, Guelph Lise ai Brilassia Rood at 1:00 pa.m. Isiarmesi follomad ai Miliosi Eoergraas would le opprecîiad. Donatios and cosdolasces onlise ai Obituaries BRANDER, John Ira euth lis family by his sida ai Allardala in Mii- tor. John Orandar, in his 901 yar, lalosad h.sland cil Jean Dasey. Losîng follet of Pot to " 'r(Charlie Cordairo) of Brampton, Dor (Gwani of 7NorvalEîleeri (lIe loa Pick Bush) of Mii- tor and Ron (Kathy Mohachîrn) of Edari Mils. Loved grasdfaliler of Kavin, Loti (Joal, Vioki (Pick), Scott, Sardi (Murray) and Tyler (Dahlia). Great-grasdfaihet of Wyatt, Wada, Ciayton, Ho110, Camarot, Josh, Bradley. Lii- as, Mary, Thomas, Logan and Airsiey. Dear Iroiler of Hazai (Floyd McResolds) of Arizo- na, Clayion (Ruth) Brasder 0f Calgary Alberta, Fissle McCauley of Oasdalk, Barry (Jasa) Brasder of Nalîcoka and CliPf (Linde). Brasder of Siayser. Predaceasad ly aiblîrgo Doag, Jim, Doroily Pearson and Bll. Oear lraiher-îs-law of Jean Brasder, Pan Brand- an, Frank Pearson and Mae Brandar. Predaceased If lis in-laws Shirley Broodar ,and Jack McCaaley. Friesds wara racaeîaad aillhe J.S. Jones & Sos Fuserai Home, 11582 Trafalgar Road, soril of Mapla Ave- nue, Georgetown 901877-3631 on Friday from 2-4 and 7-9 pm, Fuserai service was hald rn the chopai on Saturday Jane 515, 2010 ai 11:00 am. Istermasi Hîlîcresi Came- iery, Norval. sn memoty, contributios la the Heari and Siroke Fousdatiis, Aloheimaras Foasdaiios or1the Casoar Assistance Set- aices 0f Halios Hilfo woald le appreciaiad. To sesd expressios of sympaily oisif BROWN, Heather Elizabeth It 10 with deepest sorrow that we> announica Heather's passing ot the Milton District Hospitul with her famîly by her side on Friday, Jase 4, 2010. z Loviso wîfe of George for 50 years. Cherished mother of George and his wife Karen and Vicky and her haolasd Broce. Beloved groodmother of Eric, Brii1tasy and Caitlis Sarsrved ly herm siaier Ada Jenkis and lroihers-is-lam 8 Dos Brown and lis wife Sheila and Dos Manning. At Heaiheros reqaeai a prisate family fanerai mill ha hefd ai île McKersie-Kochat Fanerai Home 114 Mais St. Miltao90-878-4452 os ' Taesday, Jase 8, 2010. Isiermeai is fol1ow ai Esergreerl Cemeiery. In lieu ai fismers, memorial donatios ta the Qakaille Hamane Society, the World Wildlite Foandatios ar the chariiy of yoar claice would he appreciaiid.t Letiers ot condolence may be liii for the family ait mww.mckersie-kocher.Ca James Perusello sn losîsg memory of Jîm, mho pasoed amay J unea, 2006 As asgelo keep their waich ap ihere, Pfeaoe God juot lai hlmn ksom, Thai we doms here do soi forgei, We love and miss hlm 00. Aleivys lovad and ramavlhred, Myra and al youFOly The Barlisigtos Poot moald like ho express siscere asd heart-feit coadolesces to those who hase bost flair Ioved osas.