Local teacher set for out-of-this-world adventure Sam Sherratt Schooà Keith Baker heads off to space camp CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF news. Hîs anticipation bas been infectious. WbMlen local teacher Keith Baker heard "Tbe excitement is definitely building 2he'd been accepted int a unique space camp around here," saîd Baker, wbo teaches math, z program, he was over the moon. science and design and technology. "This is a once-in-a-lîfetîme kînd of Throughout the week, Baker will become z thîng, the teacher at Sam Sher-ratt Public a student, partîcîpatîng in a vaniety of actuvi- 0Sebool said. ties that he can adapt to fit bis own students. - Tomorrow, Baker will leave for a week- He'l use problem-solving skills to solve long, all-expenses-paid trip to Huntsville, replicated challenges faced by NASA engi- Alabama to iake part in the 2010 Honeywell neers, and will explore wbat it would take to Educators ai Space Academy at the U.S.lieotbmonHeIcnrutadauc S pace and Rocket Center. water bottle rockets and will listen t0 a pres- The academy is a professional develop- entatbon by an astronaut. ï ment program for teachers to learn new and One of the bighligbts will no doubt be dent abut ciene ad mth.shuttle missions and then discovering what it Baker wlbca tenigonduae tehcrs aigpr ntom-et iuae pc ~ fom 9 dffeentcoutris -an xcîîng moon - tbrougb vanious astronaut simula- apect in itself.tos Out of thousands who applied, just 200 tos wcre accepted. Baker said; oetahr Space is sometbing that bas always inter- apply ever year and nevcr get the chanice t0 bîrn h, Baker said. He remembers as a kid go. Thbis was the foortb year Baker bad watcbîng on TV the firsi man to walk on the applied, and when be saw the emaîl from the moon. academy on bis BlackBerry, he braced him- Baker hopes when he returns be'll be able self for another disappointment. to inspire bis students to, consider space and "1 was like, 'OK, heres my rejection, bet- fligbt as possible career pursuits. ter luck next time,"' said Baker, wbo lives on "Space is an open frontier," be said. the Milton/Oakville border. Stephanie Hounseli can bc rcached at instead, be found bimself excitedly run- sthiessenCamiltoncanadianchampion. com.