'ýNew inters C; By Tim Foran CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF -The Town of Milton plans to Screate a new intersection with traf- '~ fic lights on Main Street East at the o Milton Leisure Centre. EThe new signalized intersection Swill be located at the western limit zof the existing leisure centre park- 0 ing lot, according to Paul Cripps, Sthe Town's director of engineering services. The existing entrance to the parking lot will be closed off.' right in/right out access to the new arts and entertainment centre/cen- tral library (AECCL) about 65 metres to the west. jBoth projects are part of a greater traffic and parking plan for the two facilities along with the adjacent Milton Memonial Arena, SLions Sports Park and possibly Bishop Reding Catholic Secondary School. The five facilities arc locat- cd in a large institutional qoadrant bounded hy Thompson Road to the west, Main to the north, Harris Boulevard to, the east and thse CP Rail tracks t0 thse south. As part of the plan, the Town is building a new north-south access road running up from Drew Centre to the parking lot of thse AECCL, currently under construction. Thse road will run between memorial ;ection with traffic Iights planned at centre arens and tIse basebaîl diamonds at Lions park. To protect vehicles from. foul balla, new safety nets will be installed along thse road corridor by the basebaîl diamonds. An east-west access road will also be built to the south of tIse AECCL, running; from Thompson Road to, thse parking lot of the leisure centre. The new road will garbetween thse parking lots of both memorial arens and tbe AECCL and be just above the northern- most basebaîl diamond and soccer field. Thse Town will alao resurface tIse leisure centrels parking lot and add more spaces. The changes will occasionally impact vehicle access and parking for some of thse sites over the next few months, according to, a con- struction notice available on thse Town's website (www.milton.ca). Cripps said Milton bas also offered to extend the east-west access road .to the parking lot of Bishop Reding. A Catholic board spokesperson said those talks are continuing. However, tIse board wasn't- aware of tIse detaila of thse Town's plans for a new traffic signal out- side 'the leisure centre rather tban thse bigh school. "We bave tried for several years to obtain a traffic light at the west - entrance to Bishop Reding Catholic Secondary ScIsool," said Giacomo Corbacio, thse board's superintendent of facilities. "If thse traffic signal at the leisure centre jeopardizes a signalized traffic light for Bishop Reding Catholic Secondary ScIsool, then tIse board would bave a concern with this Town decision." The board bas hoped thse municipality will inataîl lights near the front of Bisbop Reding for thse safety of students walking te, scbool. However, town counicil tumned thse board down in 2003 in part because such a signal, presumably at the intersection of Robarts Drive and a realigned and combined entrance between the leisure centre and the high school, would be only 250 metres from an existing signal at the intersection of Main and Harris. "The required separation dis- tance between signalized intersec- tions on arterial roads is approxi. mately 400 metres in order to opti- mize signal cycle lengths and maintain an appropriate traffic pro- gression sperd in both directions as platoons of vehicles travel tbrough successive intersections without stopping," a staff report explained at tIse trne. The Town bas now decided to place thse signal about 100 metres west of Robarts, but that location is itself less than 250 metres from Thompson. "With tIse location that bas been selected for tIse new signalized entrance, we are keeping tIse new signals as far away from Thompson as we can, without affecting the operation of the Robarts Drive intersection," explained Cripps. Because the stretch of Main between Thompson and Harris is only 600 metres, it would be impossible to bave a location for the new traffic signal witbin that stretch tbat meets the 400 metre requirement. Tim Foran can be reached at tforan@miltoncanadianchampioo.com. VolkswcagenPureQ Certtfied Pre-owned Vehicles. Best Certified Pre-Owned Program in '05, '06, '07, '08 & '09. VW purchase For the fifth year in a row we've won the lntelliCholceO Best Non-Luxury C.rtified Pre-Owned Program*. How do we know financing Our cars are Pre-Loved? We put each of them througb a T12-point inspection, checking everytbing from electrical systemns and saifety features rotes framn ta upholstery and bodywork. 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