n ewsca BithNtic SHAKESPEAR Mîke anti Michelle Shake- speare (nee-Prianiak) praudly anneunce tht binth et tht their son, LUCAS EDWARD SHAKESPEAR Born an Aprîl t1 th, 20t5 et tt17am Weighing elbs. 9Oaa Tbnîlled firsi lima grarnOpurents ua B/i & Fran Prisniuk anti Jas & EIaise Shakespeare of Mil- tan. Lucas is cisa laaîagly aticanstu by Aval Amy, Auntie Lauren, Uncle Dace, Biz Nenna- Atia Sclîeîzzi anti great Nan-ettrel Rabiahaw. Speci thanits te tht nursing stettl et Milter District Hospital. A huge thanits te Dr. Caetic tor her octstarding anti ahace anti heyand care. Lucas aie are sa happy yac are herti R OSEN BER G Erin & Eric (net wrîggleswsrth) of Miltan wîah ts annrce tht arrivai st their sn Linkin Kai sn May 27th, 2010 7 peotids, 4oz Prouti tiret tîme grantiparente Diane anti Howard Roaenberg ot Lsntion, Ontario. Second grand chiud tor Mary anti Gorti Wrîggieewsrth. A speciai thank ysc ta tht wsntiertci statt et Milton District Hspital. SIMPSON, Matt and Kelly Inses Howse) are pleaseti ta ennoonce tht arriai et their heactitul hahy hoy Randali Thomas an May 16, 2010 in Kingston. Big sîctera Emma anti Llliana are thriiieti te hae a lit hrother. Rendait is aiso elscameti hy grand- parents Lerentaantitaniy HowseatfMilton, Jennie Lee et Ottawa, anti hie many aentn, uncien anti cousins. Weicemt Lit Rendyl 1 Engagements Caroi ati Bob Moser& Kathy SI wka andi Famiy are pleaseti ta annaunce the engagement af Ashley Patrici Moser and 1 William Andrew Slywka _ Fversarej Kathleen Beatrice Baverstock 100 Married "PO Stephen Frank Agar 50 Yara t 960-20t10 Rick & Dcii, Dan & Heether & Brya Invite Frientis & Famîiy Te A Barbecue Open House Ja#aiw lC2ý 2010 3PM 4325 Limestave Road, Campbeilvulle Veut Presence te aur Present rCard of Thanks The iamîily et the icte Frank Martens sentis sur tienytat apprecîstian ta averysat wha helpeti wîth sar recent lss Vaur kinti wards ced epressions ot eympathy breeght us great camtert. Thanik yca Father Peter and Hely Roary Purîsh for the heastti mnass trihete an Frank's heor. Thanks toi J. Scott Eariy tanerai home tar yacr carne attention. We are tarever gratefl te Tîm anti Carry tor being with Franik in hîs time et neeti. Speciat thanke te temiiy, trientis, neighbaurs anti ce-werkene tan year encaanaging merde, cartie, tiawers, donations anti tfoti. It cemterts as te knew thrai Frank's lite teacheti sa many anti thet he wiii tarever be remembered mîth loe.t Orace Servais moult lîke te thank han tamily anti many tnientis tas ail their heip tioring her atay in the Dakailie Hospital andtiet home. Thanks tan ail tht certie, gift, tiswers anti great tfoti anti ta these mha steyed 24/7. i reaiiy appreciateti eaerything thet was tiene tor me. Ittc nice te hase se many wendertei trientis, especiaiiy et a tîme like this. With apeciai thanka te Dariene wha wa practicaiiy hem tiay anti night tiering my convalescence. Tht E.C. Drcry Centre statt anti stutients moult like ta thank tht feiiawîng merchents anti indiaidoals for their genereon donations te oct 2nti annuel Psntiraîcîng Pas;ta Dinner anti Sîlent Auctian. They heipeti ta mate aur night a greet cuccess Home Depai, Home Hardaet M&M Meats, Manhie Siah, Real Canadien Superetore, Saper A Videa, Symposium, Terra, Brandon & Melanie Bell, Chris & Heleni Breatihent, Eti & Ashliig Camnilieri, Nicole Cossons, Alisier Peather-Atiame, Henry Peather, Jenîter ecilt, Herh Dastihaefd, Neocy Dnîsaci, Jim Hall, Judy Leemirg, Nancy MacDonaldi, Chare Necca, Lintia Raneen, Mite & Judy saliha, Letz & Lindsay Schsitz, Jehamarit & Janet Tickie, Ricte & Dertia Van tien Berg, Enar ,Wallace, & Bill & Carie Winter. r%-nMriiams F e bZZZZZe GH.LIS, Bernard "Saiea" Atter a Iengthy battie with cancer, an Mendlay Jane 7, 2010 at Milton Diatrict Hoeapital1 at the ynang age et 64. Belaveti huant te Debbie Dillua anti tneîng father nt Darne (Davidi) Raggett et Part Cagaittam, B.C., anti of Donna Dillue. Praed Gnandpa et Sarah, Victoria and Chriatepher. Brether et Ira (Sylvia) et Bramptan anti Bîi (Cathy) et PEI. He wilt aine be sadty miaaed by many niecea andi ne pherna; aiatere-in-taw, Mariet Dittia (PEt), Thelma t-ickey (Oshawa), anti R aberta Dillua (Brampton). Prede- ceaeet by hie parente, Altbert anti Vedran D. Barbetti Charlotte Dillua, brathera Rennie, 30.8197- 76205 terry, Arnolti, anti Lea andi tintera 30.8197 - .6.005 Mary Diltia anti Nareen Dreenwaati. Dear Sen, The ternity witl receive vîtitare et the IJ. SCOTT EARLV eFUNERAL HOME, 0ur Faith in Gdt keepe ce geint. 21 James St., Milton (905) 878-2669 We pray for yoor ssci anti yeur an Tharstiay Jane te tram 2 -4 & 7 - 9 saivutian. y m The lune rai service miii take Memaries oflyva, sativass and scurs place an Friday et t1t:00 a.m. tram the left hehieti, tunerel home chepet. alaerment, witt tact attil me meeteagein. Enengreen Cemntery tf desireti, test in peace et Chrtst! eernn tin *ast the Canatien Love yau cilways Mam, Octi Cancer Society meciti be apprecieteti. andiyourasisterwith the family Ontîne centiatencea anti tiaetionsa e www.earlyfuneraihome.com. James Reid March t8, 194t Jane, 9,2009 la lasing memery et my sauf mate, J. SWT' ~j2Y the lave et my lite, in hie werds Vaanti me terecer Betfr Aise stea meat heloett Father, Grantipa, Brether, Uncle anti Fnienti, pea are tareaen inteur heants, yec wers toett hy ail wha teta ysa. Vas were tht heett Lovetyou ciwaya, frcm ailyacr Fcmîiy Rip ObturieZ fBILL, Frank (Clille) - Peacetutiy et home in Milton on Sentiay Jane 6, 2010 in his lBth ear cerrentieti hy hic levîng temîily. tean heahanti et Loae Leaing tather et Deh, (Dard), Dawn, (Jay) anti Clitte. Prauti grantipa et Jessica, Lise, Kristea, Jolie, (Antirt), Tam, Tim, (Sheona), Alyssa anti Amber. Dreat grantipa ta Liant. Deariy misseti hy hîs sicter Joyce, (tht latt Barney). C litte wiii aise he deariy rememhertti hy hic mcny nieces, nephems, tamiiy, inientis anti Oh. Pre tieceaseti hy hic sîstena Grace anti Mary, as aitil as hic parents F ra n k anti Elizabeth. Cnt mati an hec take e place, a ceiehratien et Clitte's lite miii he heiti an Scnday Jsiy 11, 2010 tram 1-5 pm et tht Rayai Canatiies Legien, Braach 136, 21 Chartes St. Milton. tf desîreti memeniat doenations may he matie te tht Reti Cross an tht Canadien Cancer Society.