- -~ - p iii i%0ýIWork.ca *'Tou" Eun ~4iV~dIero1and The M ion Caniatian Champion, an acardti as rnsg, tce-ceskly communily papar loraletin MilIon, tas an opaning for an aopa iencati News Reporter to tilt a 1li-monltnh cosnari position. Tha ourreastul candidata ciii ta a highly moi- osatid indioiduai tihal possassas ascalanit cii- Ian anti verbal communication skilis anti cho can write dlean crîtp ropy Ihal attracla anti de- manda the reatirs attention. You ciii have a îsurnalism degraa/dipisms, tar a team playar in a naco room asciiosmant and te abtia 10 oni wilhin a fast parati deatiîna drives environ- ment. Knociadga ai Milton araa coutti ta con- oitiereti an assai The position taquinas an indioidual 10 cotai g eneral nesacstOoria anti municipal caunicil. orenih hkis aneqaireti. Intaresltd applicanla shoulti lorcard a febme anti two cnitiig sampias, nliter Ihan Jase 301h 10: Karen Micali, Mîîîgleg Editar, The Cîîîdlîn Champion kmicli@mllocanadiîncbmptlee.cem Wo tliank ltae interest of a/l/app/casts hoaster oly those st/ected for an interview w/t/ be cantactvd No phase cal/s oragvocies p/ease. LkNar Compresaed Air Technicien MlsslaualUllton Are Naylor Comprasseri Air is currenly recruiting for a Compressed Air Taclinicias wvith 5+ years esperienca in maintenance and repair of industrial screw typa air compressors, vacuus and blowers. Previous esperience an a f icensed Milfwrighit isas assaI. A vaiid Ontario drivers license, dlean drivers abstract and dien sacurity clearance chac la requirad. TO APPLY, subornt your resusse via ai Io: careera@ngl.ca or fax toi: 9033846011.. Local eqaipment lessing company tas position openinga in Customer Service and Entry Level Administration Saalting onargatir & asparetie profeasionile wilth ascaptionîl communication ikilla (oral & written). Casiomar tocasat anti orginizat with îbililp to ascet in tait pîcati anar chesging anvirosmaslt. Proficiant in Word, Essai, Outook Suai rommn te: careeve@ma.aem1 SOUic R OCAL JOlI WHAV A HN FOR *ASINT e ise'YTYES oTS e*.LE A eOB 0:4 GeerHelp GeHrit ep NOW HIRING FUIL-TIME ORDER SELECTORS Evenlng Shift * Physicall itt/ S0ib lifting naquiitmasl . Mustlb havilatie 10 cuit eekensti WE PROVIDE: * eam-based coik evînmasl " Commilmani 10 safty * Compelilive cages plus performance inrentiva " tianeft progrnm MA O Bilingual School Outreach Program Ceordinator MADD Canada, a national chiale orgasîza- lion, localet in Oakoilie, tas a meil opasisg toi s 1 yvar conînsci posil,io1 mre asti salit MADD Canadaso mafti-media aosembiy shows ton high schoois titioughoul Canada. Muai ta proliciesl in Fresch asti Engtish, spot- es and cîittao. Tvtvmaikting/saieu esperience nequireti. Excellent telphone masser, isîvîpan- sosai communication aSiUIS & sîganizalionat skiiio, computer eoperiescv (cuth a ochedaiisg program), Ire delail asdti esm oriesteti. Espani- titrais schoollyouti mlaleti aclivities an assai. Please send ai fesames by tsx 9t05-829-8I860 on emtai ckristensen@madd.ra ty Juiy 15/lt. No phone rali arrapleti. la loolting for a Service Diapatcher ais ne- sponsitla for atiminiolering anti oeilisg prevenlativa maintenance agneements. Dulies inclutia receiviof, schadulisg, duo- patching service calta asti saiiing/arhatiuling pravantalive maintenance viaila 10 samas ri- enta. Mail hava eacellent computer, lalephona, lime management SkIS antins- sida sales experience. The ideal candidate wit hase atrong backgroanin snervice. Fan raume: 9MT0-7-t025 Conracs aailbiefor carriers to dlivr paier inrural areas - Muthave valid drivers licence land relablevehiclel. I!f 95-8-594J NOW General Manager Park Avenue Mlaxior, BURLINGION Use your related management experience to take charge of the overail operation, management and marketing of a full-service retirement residence. Your organizational development, marketing, sales and financial management, including budgeting, background seul core to the forefront in this challenging leadership role. Please e-mail your resuone, in confidence, quoting reference #BP-A3MGT-1, to careers@churtwellreit.ca. To learn more, please visit www.chartwellreit.ca. Thunk youjftr your interest. Qviy candidates setected for an intenecv uitl be contacted, Ne phone catis, ptease. Respect E mpatty -Service Excellence -Performance Bt Eucation - Commitment -Trust ITscIieatSIdia TLade Metroland Corporate Sales Representatlve - Career and Classled Dept. Inslde/Outside Sales) Metrolanti Media Gesup's Corporate Sales division is looking for an enlhusiasic, resalta drisen sales repressenlalive to tievalnç anti esecate integratei print and olie strategies fnr Career, Etiscation and Classifiaet! clients. Key Responsibilites " Skulfaullt package andi nait thre ativanlages of ativertising ln Metrolaati's more tran 110 community publications, 3 tiaily publications, nameroas targeteti sections, distribution, commercial pninting, online, broaticast asnd niche magazines " Manage andi grsc an existlng castomer base whlite pesspacting new businean " Assiol clients inithe creative proceas to meet Ilpeir adverti sing objectives " Manage lte administration of ativertiaiog plans " Agency asti client sales peessentatios Yoar assaia inclatie " Minimam 2 years of succesafal espenience in ativertlslng sales " Abllity 10 watt in a fast paceti, deatiline drtven enviroeni " High levaI commanication anti presentationskaltis " Creatsaity " Harti woel anti resalta ttiven " Exceplional Uime management attention tu datif asti orgastinal nItilla Mast have vehicle. Mae senti yair nomame t0 cmyOimboWuuLeom by Tueaday July 6, 2010. Thent pou for ponr intareat. Only those candildates ulacilad for as tIntervew wttI ha contactati. 7-iLiTHS WANTEQ_ ý 10th ane tivlîvtvr the 7~E'E MlinChampion i .ERENE Tusday and Thurdaysl PAINTERI Ifyuaretesîatît pifait rail IWANTEOI 905-878-5947 Indoorasti PART-TlME SALES Psi- Ocn transportalion tion, Oakstve based carevt C eaning compa ct. Suit ble an sso et. R ert for for an energeti, rspn rvsidential clients in sie indsîdual. Repn Ciii Brait i Milton. sibilitivs include W05-691-5153 tneaege telenmaktn, meotainng a - vs, M - Fnl, toutes cith cornca ut & pri-lime cttices, netailens, design- Coperiesceti ens&deaeictcînt u exstcs- en ccounts. No preferneti, but cii pnevtus - experience 1 Frlisýtr train. Oas trasport. necessayraiteus 553 M 477 90ee5eedeeeescc EXPIERIENCEO AUTO- 956262 800Y Tech. High olume Collision Centre in Ounling t on renuires an tEpen, ncecl, Lcensed Autvbc;dy 'i ~ TecitttcaenFax Resurne ~~i905 632Z 8420 MONDAY AT OPRM TUESDAY ATfor en Mde fot Tisursda WE014ESDAY AT 5PM for Fniday. Pieasv ral 9i05'632-4440 traN dz"etetitheoins fax: 905-32-165