Halton police off icers on duty at G20 this weekend By Tim Whiîtnell The local police contingent is communications system, a gas site to, address cleaning, storage by the suspension of vacations, METROLAND WEST comprised of supervisors, consta- mask and a liard helmet. They and the distribution of equipment other time off and decreased tramn- MEDIA GROUP hies, sergeants, staff sergeants and carry everything they would carry required by front-line workers. The ing time. plamncothed intelligence officers. with them on the front line," said six individuals will work two dif- She said her understanding isZ Close to, 230 H-laton police uni- Three marine unit officers are Pittman, refenring to, handcuffs, a ferent shifts and augment what the that the entire cost of deploying the formed officers will provide secun- also, being sent, along with the ser- handgun, haton and pepper spray Toronto police service already lias 230 Halton officers will lie paid by M ty at the upcom ing G 20 conference vice's new police boat, to lielp "Wr hope things go smootlily in place. the federal govemment. c in downtown Toronto. patrol Torontos liarbour. One of the and everyone comes hack rafely," Pittmnan raid Halton communi- Some Halton officers working in Halton's contingent will be pat hree marine officers will work she raid. ties will have the rame numher of Toronto are on straiglit time and of the 12,000-memlier tlirong of ahoard a Canadian Coast Guard She noted Halton police is also officers, or more, on or available for some are heing paid overtime witli M officers from various police services vessel. sending a mix of civilian staff that duty since the number of officers the majority having volunteered c across Canada, including the Halton Staff-Sgt. Cliris U-wson, will lie deployed to, tlie G20 staging heing sent to Toronto is balanced for the G20 duty, raid Pittroan. RCMP, that wxll provide security at in charge of one of the 30-officer the political summit. contingents, raid lis group will lie * * The higli-level glohal economic used in the Interdiction Zoe Ihe Fo aSiie i e a eu o$ 0 *o summit, which is attracting world leaders, will take place this Saturday and Sunday Halton police Superintendent Signy Pittman, who's co-ordinating the services involvement in the G20 security, raid: 's heen a long process, a couple of months. They were provided excellent training, several hours of online training that they lad to complete." Pittmain noted some Halton supervisory officers liad to attend an intensive one-day G20 training session in person in Toronto. She said Halton cops wiil lie deployed in trams of about 30 along with some officers from other services. Haltons officers will wear their own uniform and a liasehali cap. metal fenced-in portion of the downtown. 'We'l lie covering four city bilocks," Lawson raid of the ares of responsibility for lis tliree teams of 10 officers. Lawson said the inner-control zone, in and amound the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, is staffed liy RCMP officers only Lawson raid one baffle officers will have to wage is witli dehydra- tion. Wiîtl hot weatlier forecast and witli escli officer canrying about 35 pounds of equipment ail day, tlieyll need to use thse many watering sta- tions that have been set within thse control zones. "They wilI lie supplied with a MILTON: 107 -47o Bronte Street South 905-878-1100 Valerle J. Pattusn Hearing Instrument Specialist PR71ECIBUO0N Heering Centre.3 'Applies te private clients enly. Pested amount is the maximum allowabte rebute and is valid on a pair ut hearinq aids urdered betere Jure 30, 2010. This etten canet be combined witb ast ethen otter of presieus purchase. tee ctinic for details. Recycle your electronios safely at this OES-approved collection site. HALTON REGION WASTE MANAGEMENT SITE 5400 Regional Rd. 25, Milton MPLM, U --WflWN ffl4kaand bibL-l proiudts - funda this program to divert waste thqbugh reuse and, recycling. To see what's recyclable, where to drop items off and when collection events are coming check out: dowhatyoucan.ca